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me_and_ed said:Thumbs up to 32Red, account instantly flushed and payment processed in 24 hours with no hassle, I will forego comps and bonuses for the piece of mind I get knowing I will be paid promptly and without problems.
chuchu59 said:Er, If I didnt know much about 32 RED I would have thought you might be a shill, especially with a name like that one. Never mind, they are one of the best out there anyway.
Simmo! said:Are you sure? I thought "Neverland" was on their list of jurisdictions not allowed to play Full of fly-by-nights appparently
me_and_ed said:Yes but my servers out of Canada.
Simmo! said:Bad choice. Ever since everyone discovered Pinababy was from there, they've been added to the lists Some sort of obscure invocation of the 1939 Insanity Prohibition Act or something.
Simmo! said:Bad choice. Ever since everyone discovered Pinababy was from there, they've been added to the lists Some sort of obscure invocation of the 1939 Insanity Prohibition Act or something.