Your favourite books?


Dormant account
Jan 26, 2009
Since I just read an interview with Bryan (
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) and found out he studied creative writing I felt the need of opening this thread. Don't ask me why, but I always love to hear people speak about their favourite books, especially since it's sometimes kind of weird to meet webmasters and other guys from the industry that you would never ask about their favourite novels and they turn out to be Hemingway-specialists :D

I read lots of books, most recently more scientific stuff, and here are my favourite books of all time which mean very much to me and have definitely influenced me in the way I think and act - or made me laugh like crazy:

- Choke by Chuck Palahniuk (MUST READ. Serious! Lullaby, Fight Club... his old stuff rules!)
- Catcher in the Rye (Guess most people at least heard from it. Classic!)
- Solipsist (Henry Rollins - great guy and definitely a role model for me, not only because I love Black Flag)
- Got Fight by Forrest Griffin (You don't have to be into MMA to love it - super funny!)
- Everything (!) by Charles Bukowski - Easy to read and the dialogues are amazing.
- A long way down by Nick Hornby (After reading it, you'll appreciate life more, I think)
- Bullshit Nights by Nick Flynn (Did you have a fucked up father-son relationship? This book is for you!)

Allright, gonna leave a little place for your book recommendations also :)

I like historical fiction (Roman Empire stuff and that sort of thing) and am currently reading the 2nd of a Ben Kane trilogy called "Silver Eagle" set in and around ancient Rome... read a lot of that.

I like *some* thrillers as long as they aren't the slow descriptive character-building type LOL. Davinci Code was probably the most can't-put-down book I ever read and Dan Brown's other books were also very good. Funny how every book of this genre suddenly got released with the word "code" in the title after the success of Davinci LOL.

I also enjoy one-off stuff ("I, Partridge" being the latest acquisition) and autobiographies of interesting people (ie: not 22 year old footballers!) with some life experience.
It tends to be mostly autobiographies I read,eg Roy Keanes and Wayne Rooneys last few books.

Wouldn't mind re-buying some of the books I use to have years back though-secret seven and famous five by Enid Blyton (aka Mary Pollock),use to spend hours in my own world reading those books!
True Crime is my passion. Ann Rule rules in true crime writing ! I also like Cathryn Casey and a few others. True crime books that delve into the minds of the killers and especially the forensics part of it all.
Anything James Patterson writes.....also The Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius is another fave. I love true crime books..I read at least two books a week. Love reading and try to pass it on to my children as well.
Asking to name your favourite books is liking asking to name your favourite children.

A few that have had the biggest impact in how I live my life are:

Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
Gone With the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
Time Enough for Love - Robert A. Heinlein
Elements of Style - William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White
Mastering the Art of French Cooking - Julia Child
The Joy of Cooking and The All New All Purpose Joy of Cooking - Irma Rombauer and Marion Rombauer Becker
I enjoy reading fun stuff (fantasy, horror, mystery/thriller), and sometimes, non-fiction.

Anything by Terry Pratchett is guaranteed to make you laugh. He's got to be my favorite.
James Herbert - wrote just a bunch of horror/sci-fi books in the 70's and 80's.
James Dickson Carr - sort of the male counterpart to Agatha Christie.

Some more 'furrin' stuff:

Naguib Mahfouz, Abdelrahman Munif, Andre Gide, Anais Nin
Egads! I'm eclectic in my taste. I'm currently reading "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" (a religious book - true story, as told from a child's point of view)
I've read all of James Patterson (except his new one Kill Alex Cross, which I saw in the book store yesterday)
John Sandford (Prey series)
JD Robb (Nora Roberts alter ego)
Granny D (about a 90 year old woman who walked across the US)
For the Thrill of It ( True story- 1930's Chicago)
Chosen By a Horse (True story)
Sarah's Key

I used to read 5-6 books a week, but have a slight problem concentrating since I had my stroke. Now I have all I can do to read 1 or 2. I want to get one of those Nooks, thinking maybe the larger print will help reduce eye strain, which will help reduce the headaches (sounds like a good argument for investing in one right???? LOL) Anywhoo..
I'm a mystery buff - I don't really have any favorite mystery books but I do have favorite authors - Agatha (of course!), PD James, Stephen Booth, Ian Rankin, Graham Hurley, Ruth Rendell, Reginald Hill, Rennie Airth, Val McDermid, Minette Walters, Dennis Lehane, Caleb Carr.

I do read other stuff too - I think my favorite books of all time have got to be "A prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving and "Boy's Life" by Robert McCammon. Also almost anything that Peter Straub ever wrote - if you like horror, "Ghost Story" is IMO the all time greatest horror novel I've ever read. :thumbsup:
Shutter Island was a HUGE disappointment for me. The book was gripping and suspenseful right up to the end, but the ending was cheap and simple and I felt really cheated.

I enjoyed the book but I tried to watch the film and gave up after 15 minutes... felt like an amateur dramatics society.
In no particular order:
  • The Hobbit, Lord Of The Rings - Tolkien
  • Crash - JG Ballard
  • A Game Of Thrones - GRR Martin
  • Podkayne of Mars - Heinlein (gimme a break, I was 12!)
  • Schizmatrix - Bruce Sterling
  • Conan the whatever - RE Howard
  • Elric (anything) - Moorcock
  • Time Traveler's Guide to the Middle Ages - Ian Mortimer
  • Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts
  • Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
  • Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
  • American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
  • Portrait of a Marriage - Nigel Nicolson

... I could go on for a while. :rolleyes:
Into Thin Air- Jon Krakauer
Earth's Earliest Ages- G.H. Pember
Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Fifties- David Halberstam

I can't remember all the books I read, especially when I was in my twenties. The above mentioned are just a few of my favorites from different genres.
I will literally read anything, romance, thriller, suspense, as long as it's fiction. Can't stand non fiction.

I echo the Terry Pratchett reccomendation, his books literally have me chuckling away to myself whilst reading.

By far my favourite set of books are the Stephen King 'Dark Tower' series. If you haven't read them, I urge you to read them from book 1 up till the end (7 books in all), they are literally mind blowing. I must've read them all so many times over the years.

Theres a final one being released this year too, 8 years after the ending book.

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I tend to gravitate to the same authors because I like their books and mainly sci/fic and fantasy:D

Anne Bishop - most of them from House of Gain trilogy to The Black Jewel Trilogy (Favorite Author)
Terry Goodkind - most of his books from Wizards Rule, Mother Confessor etc etc
Terry Pratchett - most of their books. They're a crack up!:lolup:
Alan Dean Foster - The Flinx series
Karen Marie Moning - The Highlander Series
Raymond E Fiest - most of them
Janny Wurts - Daughter, Servant, Mistress of the Empire

Im a total bookworm, and tend to read series more than anything:thumbsup:


Amazing language.Tragic story.I wiil never forget this one.
Anyone read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy? It was a little hard to get into at first because of the way it's written, but really a good book in a hopeless and depressing way. I've yet to muster the courage to see the movie.
I just LOVE fantasy , SF and thrillers.

My favourite for fantasy would be George RR Martin - Song of Ice and Fire.
Its a saga that the writer is still writing, 5 parts have been released so far.
Max already mentioned A Game of Thrones, thats the first book.

HBO is currently making this saga into a televisionserie, I've seen season 1 last summer, and it was mindblowing, highly recommended!

My favourite SF saga, no doubt, Dan Simmons - Hyperion Saga (all 4 books)
If you have read that, you know what I mean, if not, go read it!
Great idea for a thread...

1. The Dice Man - Luke Rhinehart
2.Filth - by Irvine Welsh (also train spotting, Porno and Glue)
3. Too many Stephen King books to list..
4. Choke and Fight Club as mentioned by OP
5. The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

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