Using an exploit UK casino


Newbie member
Apr 3, 2024
I've found an exploit were I can get comp points without wagering or risking any money on casino games, so far I've generated around *snip* worth of points and cashed them in. Other than account ban and money confiscation am I putting myself at legal risk?
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If you're defrauding the casino then yes, you could face legal consequences.
Only a qualified lawyer can give an opinion on whether what you're doing is fraud or not and they'd need a lot more info than you've given.
Even if this is true why would u come on here and post about it ffs!!!???

Still at least if there is some kind of investigation, u can simply state that in order to discuss the matter further you’ll need 3 months worth of bank statements showing all 4 corners, official ID, then when you see the 1000’s of third party deposits going into their account, you can say you’ll need to make sure that they could afford it so will require statements from them also and any reason why they may have sent others money.

Once you have all that, u can ask for a selfie from everyone involved holding todays newspaper along with a passport standing in front of their fixed address clearly showing the house number or name.

Then say that ur customer services and verification teams are looking into it and will contact them shortly.

Then after all that you can say your decision is final and no funds will be returned and you won’t be discussing it any further.
Even if this is true why would u come on here and post about it ffs!!!???

Still at least if there is some kind of investigation, u can simply state that in order to discuss the matter further you’ll need 3 months worth of bank statements showing all 4 corners, official ID, then when you see the 1000’s of third party deposits going into their account, you can say you’ll need to make sure that they could afford it so will require statements from them also and any reason why they may have sent others money.

Once you have all that, u can ask for a selfie from everyone involved holding todays newspaper along with a passport standing in front of their fixed address clearly showing the house number or name.

Then say that ur customer services and verification teams are looking into it and will contact them shortly.

Then after all that you can say your decision is final and no funds will be returned and you won’t be discussing it any further.
I doubt they'll try and chase you for a grand, but they'll definitely ban you.

I'm guessing it's something along the lines of laying out loads of bets on table games and then in some obscure way not actually starting the game round, and it still thinks you've wagered that amount and you earn loyalty points? It's a bit unscrupulous though, isn't it? I hope you feel a twinge of guilt...

Unless it's William Hill - in which case, take them to the fucking cleaners pal! ?
Midaur had an issue with points when they got the 'deposit 10 quid get 10 points' wrong and added a few zeros to the 10.

Obviously, i never availed myself of it but my supermarket did go from Aldi to Waitrose for a month ;)
The OP must be going to Fortnum & Masons.
Not what I'm asking. I'm sure online casino bugs have been exploited before without any legal action taken
Well yeah, they probably won't take you to court for a grand, but they could if they wanted to make an example out of you.

Depends on the casino.
Honestly either the OP is out of his mind or he is just damn right stupid. Coming to a public gambling forum stating "oh hi I am committing fraud can I get away with it?" lmao

If I was the OP I would highly recommend that you refrain from this you are putting yourself at very high risk.
There was a bug on one of the old slots at the likes of Bingobytes. Essentially, you could stop the reels when you saw three scatters, and they would land. This was excellent.

This, coupled with their daily quid just for logging in made for excellent fun, though with massive wagering requirements.

Managed to withdraw a couple of grand before they fixed the game. They did pay out as well.
Honestly either the OP is out of his mind or he is just damn right stupid. Coming to a public gambling forum stating "oh hi I am committing fraud can I get away with it?" lmao

If I was the OP I would highly recommend that you refrain from this you are putting yourself at very high risk.
Suppose it's a battle of the frauds

Slots providers on players

and Players taking adv of casino bugs

Either way, can't see a foreign casino, with probably a dodgy client list at best, taking someone to court for a few K

But yes, technically, you're right :p
I do remember hearing stories of people getting into a lot of trouble over similar stuff like this. Like in one casino, there was a bug where a player discovered how to withdraw his balance and it would still remain in his balance after a successful withdrawal. They managed to withdraw a ton and spend it too, but no, the casino did not in fact just "let it go". It was an article ages ago in a local newspaper, I dont remember all the juicy details.

If you're playing anonymously on a crypto casino then maybe you could get away with it, otherwise I think not. Will they come after you for few pennies? Doubtful, but then again who knows how petty casinos will get.. Also you never mentioned to what extent you've potentially abused this "feature".

Btw your first mistake was to make a post on a public forum about it lol.
My thoughts:

If you're committing payments-related fraud, then you can get in legal trouble because this is a crime.

If you're abusing casino bonuses and promotions; they won't do anything because these are just prohibited practices. Syndicates of casino bonus abusers have been doing this since the beginning of time. I have never heard of any stories of legal actions.

Sending you to court so they can get you to sweep a park and collect dog shite in a plastic bag for improper comp-points use looks stupid. Who needs that ...

If you were heavily abusing a bonus system at a shit, rogue, dodgy, etc casino, and they knew your home address, then they could potentially find a few mad junkies to smash your windows or beat you up, nothing else.
Syndicates of casino bonus abusers have been doing this since the beginning of time. I have never heard of any stories of legal actions.
Your Honour, their maths calculations were better than ours, that's not fair and we want our money back!

Joking aside - they could take the OP to court for breach of contract (and admitting to fraudulent behaviour on a public forum is a great start :laugh:). When it strays into payment fraud (such as the example chiya mentions above) then they are more likely to act - which could result in legal action and/or criminal proceedings.

People get threatened or lumbered with legal action even when they have genuinely done nothing wrong, so perhaps the OP should come back in six years and let us know what happened.

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