I've mislaid my photo ID - it's probably lying at the bottom of a suitcase somewhere, but I've yet to locate it.
I needed a copy of said ID to get a withdrawal authorized, and was in a dilemma - I lost all my data in a disc crash a while back, including a copy of that particular document.
Applying some lateral thinking to the problem, I contacted iNetbet and said "could you send me the copy of the photo ID I sent you three years ago, please?".
Which they did. Alan forwarded it to me within minutes.
This may be the first time ever that a customer has asked an online casino for a copy of his own private documents. LOL.
I thought a public note of thanks was in order. Thanks, iNetbet.
I needed a copy of said ID to get a withdrawal authorized, and was in a dilemma - I lost all my data in a disc crash a while back, including a copy of that particular document.
Applying some lateral thinking to the problem, I contacted iNetbet and said "could you send me the copy of the photo ID I sent you three years ago, please?".
Which they did. Alan forwarded it to me within minutes.
This may be the first time ever that a customer has asked an online casino for a copy of his own private documents. LOL.
I thought a public note of thanks was in order. Thanks, iNetbet.