UK Severe Weather Warning

We went sledging in the park this morning, my kids were begging me to take them home after 20 minutes! they were frozen, told them to Let it Go, as the cold never bothered me. ;)

My Frozen Babies....

Well we finally had a brush with the “Beast from the East” - about a centimetre max. :p

Lo and behold, they’ve shut the schools for the week and people are panic buying like it’s the apocalypse... :confused: :laugh:

But hey ho, it does look priddy!! ❤️

(I’d upload a photo - but it doesn’t matter how much I crop it, it keeps saying it’s too big... :rolleyes:)

Lol you saw the forecast for tonight and tomorrow where you stay. Think you might be seeing a little more than a cm snow soon:p
Its these Scandinavians keeping 96.7%

I have always liked the idea of a degree of rigging as it can lead to the discovery of "emptiers".

Now, having studied the weather for years, last year I discovered a possible emptier. It involves knocking back minor cold snaps early in the season until a Sudden Stratospheric warming is forced out. You then knock back the first two beasts from the east and collect the third, and so far it seems to be working:D Knocking back cold snaps from 2014 to the present seems to have done the trick:p
Shutting schools eh. Back in 'my day' half the fun was traversing to school with Aladdin-esque school shoes with virtually no grip, and once you made it to the main stretch leading up to the school building itself, that's where the real fun would begin, given that it was essentially downhill.

Then, at lunchtime, we weren't sent home like a bunch of fairies, you'd have everyone pegging it to the playing fields to see who could stock up on the best snowball arsenal the quickest. Special points were awarded if you got a wad of snow down the back of their shirts.

Snow fights were the bomb :D
Lol you saw the forecast for tonight and tomorrow where you stay. Think you might be seeing a little more than a cm snow soon:p

Haha- tell me about it - I’ve just had to walk a mile and back to collect my daughter from the hospital for the weekend (a day early as they need extra beds for nurses) and lug two suitcases and 2 bags back in a full on blizzard!

I’ve finally managed to get photos to upload - this is this difference in an hour....


Two days of delayed parcels from those twits at Royal Mail, meanwhile other companies are going about their business just fine. The ball & chain managed the shopping thrice in a row (even yesterday, during the supposed Armageddon) so it's really not that bad round these parts.

I assume it's more to do with the source of the delivery probably being snowed under, but still, it's just not cricket is it. Barring a miracle tomorrow it looks like I'll be without my trusty supply of contact lenses. Blind as a bat. Just stick a patch on my eye and call me Wilma for all the good Royal Fail do.

So if my posts are somewhat error- prone, youf only got them 2 blaim :mad:
Not wanting to dampen the mood, but a close friend lost her husband yesterday after a lorry lost control and went through the central reservation on the A34 and hit his van head on :( Him and his workmate had started off to their job, but decided to head home when they got halfway and the weather got worse...he was killed instantly and his friend is only just clinging on. They have young kids too :(

There but for the grace of God (if there is one!)...

I know accidents happen etc, but I’d rather not have anyone trying to deliver anything to me at the mo - just for the sake of my own conscience if nothing else! :(
Not wanting to dampen the mood, but a close friend lost her husband yesterday after a lorry lost control and went through the central reservation on the A34 and hit his van head on :( Him and his workmate had started off to their job, but decided to head home when they got halfway and the weather got worse...he was killed instantly and his friend is only just clinging on. They have young kids too :(

There but for the grace of God (if there is one!)...

I know accidents happen etc, but I’d rather not have anyone trying to deliver anything to me at the mo - just for the sake of my own conscience if nothing else! :(
Really sorry to hear that. We didn't know, God knows we would have laid off the slapstick in the Ikibu thread!
Really sorry to hear that. We didn't know, God knows we would have laid off the slapstick in the Ikibu thread!

Sorry my phone died as I was replying!

Don’t apologise!! I didn’t find out until this morning - kind’ve wish I’d not mentioned it now! :oops:

Type first, think later as usual! As you were gentleman... ❤️
I came back from Vegas yesterday and when the pilot said the temperature was -9C in London I was in two minds to get off the plane and stay a bit longer!

For some reason all the snow has drifted into one corner of my garden?? What the hell has been going on while I was away :D

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