Sportbet.One vs RectangleRock - Rules Violations

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Newbie member
Jan 17, 2024
I signed up a week ago to bet sports at Yesterday I transferred USDT $1000 to their live dealer casino. Within 45 minutes of playing live dealer blackjack I ran that up to $14,705. When I tried to transfer my casino balance back to the sportsbook it went under review for 12 hours, after which time they transferred just my original $1000 back to the sportsbook and removed all my winnings, sending me the following explanation by email:

Your casino session #55516 was canceled after the results of the provider's investigation.

The official response of the provider:
Checked the player's gameplay for signs of fraudulent activity. The investigation found that the user benefits by using shuffle tracking and card counting techniques.

You also violated several basic rules of our platform:

The betting company reserves the right to revoke the concluded betting agreement (including the bets placed before and after the beginning of the event), refuse to fulfill its obligations under this agreement (including paying out the winnings), or refuse to return any placed bets , if:

- bets are made by a group of clients acting in a coalition to bypass the restrictions established by the betting company;

- the client is suspected of using any software that automates the process of setting bets;

- the client uses the game account to play in arbitration situations;

The full text of the rules can be found here:

This time we are refunding your deposit and strongly recommend you to follow our platform rules.

Firstly, I did not engage in any “shuffle tracking” or “counting techniques”. Here is the debit/credit history of each hand and a video where I go through the entire 89 hand history of the session so there can be complete transparency of the hands I played and the bet amounts I made.

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I don’t know much about advantage blackjack play but I’ve seen enough movies to know that it’s a long grind and you would dramatically change your bet size based on the count of the deck. You can see by my debit/credit history that my session was short (45 minute), and I started off betting $500/hand and varied it by no more than $100-$200 per hand up to a maximum of $1000 a hand. Also you can see by my hand history that I won 13 of my first 17 hands of the session which accounted for the bulk of my winnings, and the pattern I exhibit is betting slightly more after a run of consecutive losses and slightly less after a run of consecutive wins. There would have been a few card shuffle changes within this session but that was the consistent pattern I exhibited and my bet size did not materially change due to any other factors throughout my session.

Also out of the 89 blackjack hands I played I experienced a net loss in 46 of them and a net gain in just 43 of them. Where I did experience winnings were on side bets such as “perfect pair” and “rummy”, which no advantage player would participate in. I placed roughly 20% of my blackjack stake on each and every hand on these side bets and just got lucky there.

So after they get this bogus explanation from the gaming supplier they cite several rules that I would have broken.

- bets are made by a group of clients acting in a coalition to bypass the restrictions established by the betting company;

- the client is suspected of using any software that automates the process of setting bets;

- the client uses the game account to play in arbitration situations;

All these rules: 1) syndicate play, 2) automated betting software, 3) arbitrage are all related to SPORTS BETTING. These have nothing to do with the casino play or what they are falsely accused me of, nor do they have any other rules on the matter. So even if I was doing some sort of advantage play in the casino, (which I wasn’t!), they don’t even have specific rules against it. They are simply making up accusations then applying unrelated rules to avoid having to pay out legitimate winners.

The last thing I’ll address is their claim that they are decentralized. Other than accepting crypto as a form of payment there’s absolutely nothing decentralized about them. They take custody and withhold customers funds with impunity. have yet to reply to any further emails on this matter so I encourage them to discuss their decision and rational to confiscate funds openly on this forum.
PAB received and in progress.

@RectangleRock , please ensure that you have read and will comply with the Player Arbitration Policies and Procedures . Failure to comply could slow, damage or even cancel your PAB.

Max Drayman
Player Arbitration (PAB) Manager,
Hi Max,

I did at the same time put in a complaint with "CasinoGuru". I dont know if one arbitration process is better than the other, or more respected in the industry than the other. If you can give me a little guildance on that I will pause either this one or the one at CasinoGuru
If you've read the Player Arbitration Policies and Procedures (as you should have) you'll see that we don't work on cases that are active elsewhere. I suggest you choose one of the following:
  • close your case at CasinoGuru -- and anywhere else you may have it being worked on -- in which case we can and will proceed.
  • close your case here at Casinomeister and you are free to do whatever you wish elsewhere. Should you need to re-open your case here at some later date you're free to do so, again assuming it is not then active elsewhere.
Please state your choice.

The bottom line is that it wastes our time to chase a target that is being messed with beyond our control by other people/services/whatever. We're happy to work on your case when it is us and us alone. What you do with your case after we have done our work is entirely up to you.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

- Max
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In that case lets close the complaint here. Only because I see CasinoGuru ranks well in search engines for " review" so the operator might be more inclined to work with them. Thanks anyways
- bets are made by a group of clients acting in a coalition to bypass the restrictions established by the betting company;
This they know for sure if its the case. If it is the case, the rest becomes irrelevant.
Just noticed this thread as a "similar thread" given the introduction thread posted by said sportsbook earlier today.

To answer @AndrewPearson's question from March:
The OP continued their complaint with CasinoGuru
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but then paused it a day later as they had "re=engaged in discussions with the operator". The CG rep then waited two weeks before closing the thread as the player had not responded to further questions.

They haven't visited CM since, nor have they posted on CG - so we are none the wiser if it was resolved successfully or not.
I got complacent and never followed up with Casino Guru. Would love to hear from a rep and reopen discussion with them
To clarify the situation:

Our risk department uncovered a violation of the platform's "GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS". In line with our rules and based on the reports provided by the risk department, we canceled the player's bonus balance and refunded the entire amount of the player's initial deposit.

To avoid future exploits, we cannot discuss the findings of our risk management team publicly.
A more detailed answer with the report attached will be provided to the forum administration in a private letter.
In a follow up email to me you cited this rule, however you have provided me no evidence. I did not take any bonuses, do any arbs, use software, or bet as a group. Please tell me how you came to this conclusion
"The betting company reserves the right to revoke the concluded betting agreement (including the bets placed before and after the beginning of the event), refuse to fulfill its obligations under this agreement (including paying out the winnings), or refuse to return any placed bets, if:
- bets are made by a group of clients acting in a coalition to bypass the restrictions established by the betting company;
- the client is suspected of using any software that automates the process of setting bets;
- the client uses the game account to play in arbitration situations;
- the client abuses the loyalty programs."
I guess @maxd will have to unpick this one if he's willing to readmit the PAB - because we now get the first mention of a "bonus balance" (which was never mentioned by the OP), and I'm amazed the OP never chased it given $13k is a lot of money to forfeit.

I would clarify one thing from the OP - if they were explicitly accusing you of card counting as a group, the first and third violation mentioned can apply, and those are not specific to sports betting.

Although as with any casino or sportsbook, the more vague the clause, the more you should be concerned as a player that it'll be used against you by fair means or foul. It's always there for a reason...
I am in receipt of evidence that may well determine the course forward on this case.
While this is decided the thread will be closed in order to prevent this getting out of hand.

Later: thread title changed to level the playing field here.

- Max
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