My last reply
Dear Members,
I am very disappointed that I have to reply to this post again. This is getting very out of hand. This group, more than 10 players, have all been refunded and the issue is closed. We did not make up our own rules, they are posted clearly on the web sites. For anyone who would like to check, please do...
In regards to martinbl's so called evidence...
Link Removed ( Old/Invalid)
You see how that says Coupon Redeemed? That was a coupon that was used on his account, not a credit made by a rep. If any of you have ever played at any RTG casino, you will know that a manual credit made by one of us will show up as either Promo Credit Deposit or Manger Deposit. That is not the case. And, I would like to add, even if he did call and get one of our reps to make a mistake, that does not change the rules of the casino. Netherlands players are not allowed to take bonuses.
Also, everything he has said is well and good, but the information that you don't have is that this player is a Prism player, not a Slots of Vegas player. You see our system identifies which skin each of our players comes from. This player signed up and played in Prism Casino. Then, when this rule was brought up, he went through all of our web sites and found an old page that he could use for this dispute. This was not only underhanded, but it is not even being looked into because he is not a Slots of Vegas player and had only played in that skin after this dispute was made.
Now, in regards to this comment...
Now I understand. When you withdraw more than what you deposit you must defend the casino at all costs.
That was maybe a poor comment made by me, I will admit that. But, it is hard for me to understand a player that has had good experiences, been paid more than he has deposited, so quick to jump on the bandwagon and start bashing us. He already knows we pay! But, we do not pay players who have broken casino rules. You have to admit, doesn't really make sense for someone to yell "They don't pay!" when he already knows we do, right?
So, for everyone that is so eager to try to get this group paid, I am sorry, we cannot do it. You are getting duped by martinbl and he is using you to fight his battle. He has more than 10 other players in his group on standby. As soon as one exception is made, his whole group will jump in for the same. We do not make exceptions for players breaking casino rules. I have said that this decision is final and that is not going to change. Also, they have all been refunded. Why fight a battle for players that have lost nothing?
Oh, and Lanidar, since you are so interested in the staffing of our group, let me let you get you up to date...
At first Virtual had "Virtual Ted"!
Didn't last too long!
Then they recruited "Virtual Danny"!
Won't last too long!
Now, I'm hearing about Sam and Zach!
And now there is Chris!
Virtual Ted worked with our group three years ago for a couple of months. You were right about him, he is no longer with us. But, Danny has been here for 5 years. I have been here since Virtual Ted was still here (3 years). Sam is still with us and Zach was a 20yr old customer service rep, not a manager. For the record, the only people on that list who aren't still with us are Ted and Zach (and only one of them was a manager). Just so you know.
It has been educational. I have tried to be fair and part of this forum when I can. I have even paid players quickly with reasonable disputes in the past. This dispute however has opened my eyes as to how this works and it will be my last post on this forum. I have read my first post on this issue, and re-read it, and believe that it was very clear and to the point. It explained the rules broken, our position, and why this group has been refunded. I have been nothing but attacked since. It is not for lack of "balls" that I will not be back. But, I am not going to get anything done here, ever. You have overlooked reason and the only "acceptable" result of any post in this forum is for players to be paid, whether they broke the rules or not. I was wrong before I even said anything. The only way I would have come out of this well is if we would have paid these players, and that will not happen. No matter what is said here, they broke several casino rules and their deposits have already been refunded. They will not be rewarded for this attack. With us, the issue is closed.
Thank you,
VIP Lounge, Prism and Slots of Vegas Manager
P.S. Here is a chat transcript I had with a player in Slots of Vegas the 4th. This will help describe the type of things we deal with here on a regular basis. These groups, when identified (some do slip through the cracks), we will be refunded. Took me a little while to find this...
info: Thank you for using our LiveChat Service. This is 'Samantha'. How can I help you?
thatank: hi
thatank: why was my withdrawal rejected?
Samantha: Hello
Samantha: Let me check
David: May I please have your login name?
info: There may be a problem communicating with Samantha. Please wait while your chat is transferred to another operator.
Samantha: Conversation transferred due to agent disconnect
info: Thank you for using our LiveChat Service. This is 'David'. How can I help you?
David: Welcome to the VIP Lounge Live Chat Service. How can I help you today?
thatank: hi
thatank: why was my withdrawal rejected?
David: May I please have your login name? Thatank is not in our database
thatank: let me double check
thatank: nicole
thatank: thatank99
thatank: is my nick name
thatank: thatank99
Chris: One moment.
Chris: Are you still with me?
David: Your withdrawal was denied because you have wagered $983.50 so far and need to wager $10,500.00 total.
thatank: that doesnt make sense
thatank: i deposited a second time
thatank: the wagering requirements dont carry over do they?
David: Let me double check
Chris: Hello sir.
Chris: This is Chris, the casino manager.
Chris: You still had money from the other deposit and bonus in your account.
Chris: You left on the tables so that we wouldn't see it when you made the deposit, but we could see it.
Chris: The wagering requirements for the deposit and bonus still apply.
thatank: nice catch
Chris: Thanks
Chris: We're pretty good at this.
thatank: lol I can see that
thatank: maybe somewhere else then
Chris: lol
Chris: Good luck with that
Chris: You gonna finish the playthrough on this one?
thatank: yea sure
thatank: whats the playthru?
thatank: and what games
thatank: what if I used another coupon on the second deposit
thatank: you wouldnt of seen it would u
Chris: No we would have.
Chris: Because we always check playthrough even if you don't take a bonus.
thatank: i see
Chris: We saw that you hadn't won anything on any of the games but somehow your balance jumped $400
thatank: does every casino know that?
Chris: We had to look into it further.
Chris: Maybe not, but I can some that you won't have a chance at with this one...
Chris: Cirrus
Chris: Cool Cat
Chris: Palace of Chance
Chris: Virtual
thatank: lol yea
Chris: Prism
Chris: Slots of Vegas
Chris: No, this is our group.
thatank: i took cirrus for 20k, it took them 7 months to pay
Chris: We all pay, and we don't take that long.
Chris: Really?
thatank: lol
thatank: cirrus
thatank: back with christine
Chris: Things have changed.
Chris: We are still fighting a pretty bad rep in a lot of these.
Chris: These kind of tricks don't help us, you know.
Chris: But, at least you were honest.
Chris: Some aren't.
thatank: yea
thatank: but I could take these offers and win on them
thatank: but there is so much more profit to be made elsewhere
Chris: Probably.
Chris: You get over on a lot of casinos with that trick?
thatank: anyways, I doubt you want a player like me anywhere near your group
thatank: no, i was just trying it for the first time
Chris: Sir, I don't think any casino does.
Chris: You are trying to cheat.
thatank: no i usually dont
thatank: i play with bonuses fair and square
David: Sorry, only the bonus
thatank: you saw what fortune lounge did
Chris: What's that?
thatank: didn't want to pay players that won there playing by the rules
Chris: We aren't like that.
Chris: We always pay.
thatank: yea you did pay me at least
Chris: Unfortunately, it is getting hard to keep a good rep.
Chris: A lot of people using tricks like this.
Chris: We catch em, but they all run straight to the forums.
thatank: ya
Chris: Unfortunately for them, we will stick it out.
thatank: i usually just play normally though
thatank: thats where ur problem is
thatank: you can stop a player from playing within your rules
Chris: Our problem?
Chris: You played normal and we paid you.
Chris: That is not a problem.
thatank: when you give offers that have a positive expectation
Chris: The problem is fighting the people when they don't.
Chris: Sir, the offers can all be won on.
Chris: Sometimes they even tip the odds in the players favor.
thatank: i never understood how you guys make money
thatank: there must me so many players that are crazy
Chris: But, not everybody plays perfect Blackjack.
Chris: No, how does Vegas make money?
Chris: Same way we do.
thatank: we'll they dont offer positive expectation offers for one
thatank: for example
thatank: when they find out that people can gain an advantage counting cards, they change the rules
Chris: No, sir.
thatank: you guys, dont seem to even care that much about us bonus abusers
thatank: you just keep on giving these crazy 300% bonuses
Chris: Sir, we identify players that we consider advantaged by their first or second deposit.
thatank: right
Chris: We restrict the bonuses for those players.
Chris: But, there are those players in every casino in the world playing with no bonuses.
thatank: but when you have players abusing your sign up bonus
thatank: 100 times
Chris: It isn't the bonus that changes the player class, it is the player class that changes the bonuses.
Chris: I go to casinos, land based, about once per week.
Chris: I never lose, and I win sometimes.
Chris: All without a bonus.
thatank: right, so you are saying that you have a lot of players to compensate for US
Chris: The reason I can do that is because I am happy walking out with my own money or $20 - $50 more.
Chris: I am not trying to get rich.
Chris: That is the same as you.
thatank: you see the difference between us, I never play without an advantage
Chris: And, neither of us should be getting bonuses... we don't need em.
thatank: i do this as a profesion
Chris: And that is why I have just restricted the bonuses you can take.
thatank: I stopped university to be able to do this
Chris: Because you are not a gambler.
Chris: You are a bonus hunter.
thatank: i make at least 100k a month
thatank: but what you dont realize Chris
Chris: Wow.
Chris: How is this Neteller thing gonna affect you?
thatank: is that there are so many places to make money at
thatank: neteller f****d me
thatank: there are other options anyways
thatank: and in the worst case scenario, I will move to europe
thatank: these are sacrifices i am willing to make
thatank: or should i say WE
thatank: i have 4 people working for me
thatank: i just want to give you some insight that this "bonus abuse" is more than what u think it is
Chris: I know it is.
Chris: Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who don't.
thatank: really
Chris: I am in the middle with a fight with a group from the Netherlands right now.
thatank: fortunately u mean
thatank: the difference between me and the rest of bonus abusers
Chris: It was okay, because they weren't allowed to take bonuses at the time they deposited and played.
Chris: They are still making my life miserable though on the boards.
thatank: yea
thatank: they are bad there i hear
thatank: I don't understand why they don't move
thatank: lol
Chris: lol
thatank: anyways, I won't be hitting your group
thatank: on any on my accounts
thatank: dont worry
thatank: you guys are my worst nightmare
Chris: Appreciate it.
Chris: Why's that?
thatank: i play some 80 casinos per day
thatank: i cant go fighting for withdrawals
thatank: there is no time
Chris: I told you... that is a problem of the past.
Chris: But, anyway.
Chris: I would rather you stayed away.
thatank: lol yea
thatank: can u give me some inside on why RTGs are taking a while to accept ecocard?
Chris: I don't have that info, sorry.
thatank: why dont u guys accept ecocard?
thatank: and btw can u put the money back in my casino account?
Chris: I think I put it back in already.
Chris: One sec.
Chris: It is all in your account.
Chris: Is there anything else I can help you with?
thatank: no ty
That should give you guys a good idea of the other side of this business. It is not just a pay everyone and don't ask questions type of business. There are a lot of things that must be looked at because this is a lot different than a land based casino. They can identify cheaters with camera's, security and tape. There is no"eye in the sky" here. We have to be more aware of a whole different type of cheating. Online changes the rules a lot, and not all players are what they say they are. It is unfortunate that you have all been so quick to blame us when we know this player who started this dispute to be part of a group just like the player described above. You should get all of the facts before being so quick to judge. Keep in mind, this is our job. We don't like to have things like this happen. Like I said in my previous post, it would be best for us if everyone followed the casino rules and we didn't have to look out for the players looking to take advantage of us.