IMPORTANT - CAP Euro Event Changes


Dormant account
Mar 12, 2009
Hi all,

Please see below some PR on the CAP events that will be going out today - Don't worry the changes are all 100% positive in that everything that was great about the events will be retained but admission will be easier for all affiliates and their will be a name change so the event will be 100% independent.

I am in Budapest today sorting the venue and parties for our September event so may not be able to respond to any questions but don't worry I will reply - Also have to announce the key note who I think is awesome!

The new site by the way will be up by Tues so please continue to use the old sites for the moment.

Speak soon
CAP Euro Amsterdam is Now The Amsterdam Affiliate Conference

-Every Affiliate Goes FREE! Every Portal Invited -Every Affiliate Program Welcomed!

(London) CAP Euro Amsterdam is now The Amsterdam Affiliate Conference ( and the metamorphosis is much more than a change of name.

The Amsterdam Affiliate Conference (AAC) has opened its admission policy to encourage new affiliate attendees by opening its doors to all iGaming affiliates, eliminating requirements of CAP Forum membership as a prerequisite for free attendance. Likewise, all affiliate programs will be charged the same low rate to exhibit and attend. Extending its open door policy, AAC invites affiliate forums, affiliate portals and affiliate organizations to join the show.

Casino Affiliate Programs (CAP), founders and former co-producers of the show will continue to take a positive role in the event, promoting it to their 8300+ affiliates and affiliate programs. However CAP has decided instead to focus its efforts on developing the portal, forum and online assets which have made it the largest iGaming affiliate organization in the world which means the events will now be 100% managed and produced by iGaming Business who co-founded the events with CAP two years ago.

Some great things have however been retained from previous CAP Euro shows. The Affiliate Series of Poker will still be a highlight at the show, and will still award thousands in prize money to players. There will still be unforgettable parties thrown ever night of the event and an open bar following each day of the expo. The show will still be held April 30th May 2nd, which happens to fall on Hollands legendary Queens Day one of the most celebrated street parties in Europe.

Most importantly, the AAC will continue to bring the foremost experts in the industry into its lecture halls, and the largest number of affiliates into its expo halls. The AAC has assembled SEO experts Dave Naylor, Jason Duke, Marcus Tandler, Bob Rains, Judith Lewis, and Gary Beal to speak in its two SEO panels, and has created a new dedicated FOREX Pavilion. With over 50 exhibitors already confirmed, and 70 exhibitors expected, the AAC offers great networking and business opportunities for affiliates and affiliate managers. With the new expanded entrance and exhibitor policy the AAC is set to be the biggest ever affiliate event one that affiliates and affiliate managers cant afford to miss.

About The Amsterdam Affiliate Conference

The Amsterdam Affiliate Conference is managed and produced by iGaming Business, publishers of iGaming Business Magazine and iGaming Affiliate Magazine. The Amsterdam Affiliate Conference began as CAP Euro, which grew from 600 attendees to over 1700 attendees in just two years by keeping true to a simple philosophy: Put Affiliates First!

About iGaming Business

iGaming Business has been in the iGaming industry for over 8 years and as well as producing affiliate events publishes market leading magazines such as iGaming Business and iGaming Business Affiliate Magazine both considered the bibles for the iGaming Sector and read by thousands of affiliates, vendors and operators each and every month
Thanks Alex!

If the poker is going ahead, I might just make the trip! :thumbsup:

I found this part of the press release the most amusing:-
Casino Affiliate Programs (CAP), founders and former co-producers of the show will continue to take a positive role in the event, promoting it to their 8300+ affiliates and affiliate programs.

However CAP has decided instead to focus its efforts on developing the portal, forum and online assets...
i.e. Trying to rescue the last few remnants of what was once a great portal until is was decimated by it's two owners going into self-destruct mode...

If either of those two proven liars and cheats are still in charge, it will never get back to how it was before...

It's tragic. :(
Glad to see a move toward harmony in the affiliate space by opening up admission to non-CAP affiliates, too.

Was any consideration paid to CAP by iGaming Business as a quid pro quo for taking over the events going forward, or did CAP et al simply relinquish control?
This makes sense Alex and is a good move not only on your company's part, but also that of Affiliate Media. Credit where credit is due.

By all accounts iGaming Business puts on great conventions and I am glad that you can continue to do so - even more so now that you are opening it up to non cap affiliates.
A forced move to disassociate from CAP?

Question is, does CAP still make the same money they would have before when it was named CAP?
That almost certainly had something to do with it, that and the need to do some damage limitation perhaps, but I can't see CAP management letting a lucrative business like this go for zip, hence my still unanswered question about what consideration was paid.

Or is there perhaps an under-the-counter revenue sharing deal going on here out of the public eye?

I hate to be cynical, but after the events of the last few months I believe almost anything is possible....

By the way, JustRed, I like your signature "A proudly single dimensional affiliate!"
Hi sorry for late reply - Have been in Budapest which by the way is an incredible city and is going to be perfect for the Sept event - Just need someone to sponsor this boat I went on - Bloody amazing complete with indoor pool and massive open air roof deck

Anyway - back to business -

The ASOP is happening there is some strict legal stuff we need to work out but its all good and will eb happening = More info on that in the next two weeks

The registration system for teh event is an external company which we used so no need to reregister because we look after all teh back end for that and as such it will all flip over by Tuesday with the new website

The deal - It is still complicated - Sorry rubbish answer I know - The first thing we really wanted to do was relaunch the name and makes some fundamental changes which included letting all affiliates in, charging the same for all operators (don't worry rogues will not be allowed) This has taken a bit of time - As i say in the PR though CAP do genuinely want to concentrate on their offering and sorting that so it reflects what the sector wants - This worked well for us as it meant we could take on the events 100% which is what we were pretty much doing anyway.

The rule I have is what ever the deal it won't be hidden and will stand the "Gambling 911" litmas test - Please bare with me

I really love putting on these events and have learnt a shed load over the past two years (prior to these I had never done an event in my life) but most of all I want them to continue to be great, offer value to everyone and for us all to use them for business, relaxation, fun, networking, etc SO hopefully now we can get back on track :thumbsup:
Can't really discuss a lot of what is happening in a public forum as you probably understand since we working a lot of stuff out at the moment and none of it is finalised but there is a lot of chat going on and things are changing for the better.

What I dopn't want to do is simply BS and tell you a load of crap so please bare with me on that one so I can pass the litmas test :-)
I havent had time to study up on the complete company /subcompaines of CAP/Lou /Warren but do they own any part of Igaming Business?If effective Media/Affiliate Media or any of Lou and Warren's comparnies are still invested in these events then it is nothing more than a name change and damage control Move.
Or are they letting Alex take over their event as a front person while still in the back room counting their cash?Enquiring Minds want to know :)I know alex always organised events but Cap always got the credit -just trying to understand the financial relationship here and no reflection on what I think of Alex.
I havent had time to study up on the complete company /subcompaines of CAP/Lou /Warren but do they own any part of Igaming Business?If effective Media/Affiliate Media or any of Lou and Warren's comparnies are still invested in these events then it is nothing more than a name change and damage control Move.
Or are they letting Alex take over their event as a front person while still in the back room counting their cash?Enquiring Minds want to know :)I know alex always organised events but Cap always got the credit -just trying to understand the financial relationship here and no reflection on what I think of Alex.

Hey There,

iGaming Business has zerom ownership ties with CAP, the owners, or shareholders - It is a business owned by a company called Electricword which is floated on the London Stock Exchange so v easy to check out - Here is the parent and corporate site which isn't very exciting as its for investors and shareholders
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As you can see we work in loads of different markets including education and sport

In terms of the financial side of the events - It is all being discussed and is honestly up in the air right now - I understand people's waryness (how do you spell that?) especially based on past statements etc but I, the events, the magazine etc have always been decent and honest and put affiliates interest first and I promise I will continue this going forward - When things are finalised and clear I will update everyone
Wish I could be there, would love to hear Dave Irvine's keynote speech and Q&A session. :thumbsup:

Hopefully (99%) we will record this and get it up online and if you have any questions let me know and I will get them asked
Hopefully (99%) we will record this and get it up online and if you have any questions let me know and I will get them asked

I'm sure others will come up with better questions than I could, so I'm sure they'll get covered..:)

Any chance you guys will stream this live, seeing as how it's free for affiliates now?
I'm sure others will come up with better questions than I could, so I'm sure they'll get covered..:)

Any chance you guys will stream this live, seeing as how it's free for affiliates now?

Will look into it - We did that at another conference and it worked well but not sure if it was super expensive or not. I will let you know
Hi All,

The above email is regarding the online offering from CAP and has zero relevence on the events so please can we not make this a CAP bashing thread as I genuinely want to maintain the success we have had with the events and build them up even more.

So far the reaction to what we are doing has been positive and although some people are questioning the deal which is understandable based on the past, this is a minority. Please remember the events and mag have always been top notch and have 100% been about putting affiliates first and for them to be swallowed up in the politics of the situation would be massively disapointing when we have come so far with them.

If you have any questiosn regarding the events, our plans, the relaunch, etc please feel free.


Admin warning: thread derailment

Okay - let's stop derailing the thread. CAP's new management has nothing to do with what Alex is doing
So basically then what Alex is saying is that Lou and Warren will no longer have any monetary benefit from Alex's' efforts of promoting the CAP Brand, as in the CAP Events and the CAP Magazine and other marketing material and events that have benefited the CAP brothers over the that what you guys are saying here now??

Just trying to get my head wrapped around the fact that as hard as Alex is still promoting the CAP brand that it will or will not benefit Lou and Warren here.

I mean, can we please state it like it really is...thanks.
Just trying to get my head wrapped around the fact that as hard as Alex is still promoting the CAP brand that it will or will not benefit Lou and Warren here.

I mean, can we please state it like it really is...thanks.
Don't minding stating like it really is, but keeping things in order is the prerogative here :D

This thread is about the events - the discussion on CAP's new management can be found here:
I honestly do not believe that this event can be regarded as separate and distinct from the legitimate enquiries - albeit by a "minority" - as to its association with CAP/AMI.:mad:

I therefore do not perceive enquiries such as the commercial arrangements surrounding the claimed change of ownership of CAP Euro - AAC as a "derail".

Considering the lies and deceptions that have characterised CAP-AMI manoeuvres recently, there is certain to be curiosity and perhaps even cynicism concerning this move... and the apparent lack of transparency that accompanies it.

Surely the ownership of the event would not have been simply handed over without an agreement in place, and if that is the case why are the broad terms of such an agreement being kept under wraps?

I don't personally know Alex Pratt, but people who's opinion I respect have vouched for him and I accept that unreservedly.

I'm afraid the same cannot be said for some of the other industry people who must presumably have been involved in this high profile transaction and brand change.
Hey There,

When I said derailing - I meant in the sense that I could see this thread suddenly switch into a discussion about CAP, their online offering, the new management etc etc.

I can though also see why people would see this as relevent to this thread because afterall the events and mag did used to be tied up very closely with CAP and again I understand the sceptisism based on the various statements etc etc that have been released in the past. I think the only way for me to maintain and also gain people's trust is to continue what me and my team have done from the start 2 1/2 years ago with the events and mag and that is to be 100% up front, honest and decent

The hardest thing for me at the moment is convicning people I don't work for CAP and that iGaming Business isn't owned by CAP and the events and mag wern't simply a contract publishing/event agreemeent. I have been involved from the start and am determined to not let this business disappear because of what ever has happened with CAP - The feedback we get on the events and the mag have consistantly been positive and yes we have made mistakes and I hope we have learnt from the majority of them, BUT it would pain me massively to see what we have taken care to build suddenly dissapear.

Anyhow I am going on - What I am trying to say is that really only time will tell with regards to what I am telling you as you can either believe me now or watch and check me at every stage and I hope in 3, 6, or even 12 months I will have proven that I am a man of my word and will not BS or skate around an issue and really have one aim and that is to deliver the best mags and events in our industry.

On the finanacial side - I can only re quote what I said before - See below - I am sorry this is vague but it really is all in the air as there is a lot to agree on and discuss and these things take time.

In terms of the financial side of the events - It is all being discussed and is honestly up in the air right now - I understand people's waryness (how do you spell that?) especially based on past statements etc but I, the events, the magazine etc have always been decent and honest and put affiliates interest first and I promise I will continue this going forward - When things are finalised and clear I will update everyone
Hey There,

When I said derailing - I meant in the sense that I could see this thread suddenly switch into a discussion about CAP, their online offering, the new management etc etc.

I can though also see why people would see this as relevent to this thread because afterall the events and mag did used to be tied up very closely with CAP and again I understand the sceptisism based on the various statements etc etc that have been released in the past. I think the only way for me to maintain and also gain people's trust is to continue what me and my team have done from the start 2 1/2 years ago with the events and mag and that is to be 100% up front, honest and decent

The hardest thing for me at the moment is convicning people I don't work for CAP and that iGaming Business isn't owned by CAP and the events and mag wern't simply a contract publishing/event agreemeent. I have been involved from the start and am determined to not let this business disappear because of what ever has happened with CAP - The feedback we get on the events and the mag have consistantly been positive and yes we have made mistakes and I hope we have learnt from the majority of them, BUT it would pain me massively to see what we have taken care to build suddenly dissapear.

Anyhow I am going on - What I am trying to say is that really only time will tell with regards to what I am telling you as you can either believe me now or watch and check me at every stage and I hope in 3, 6, or even 12 months I will have proven that I am a man of my word and will not BS or skate around an issue and really have one aim and that is to deliver the best mags and events in our industry.

On the finanacial side - I can only re quote what I said before - See below - I am sorry this is vague but it really is all in the air as there is a lot to agree on and discuss and these things take time.

IMO Alex you are still doing no more than you have in the past by still Branding the CAP name and further benefiting the owners of CAP. If you are so intend on continuing along these lines then why not just put all of your efforts into Branding the "iGaming" name and doing your own magazine and your own "iGaming Branded Conference" ?? Otherwise, no matter how many ways of Sunday that you spin it you are still benefiting CAP...bottom line!
Understood - The mag is actually called iGaming Business Affiliate Magazine - You will see this for the next issue (April/May) although may shorten this to iGB Affiliate Magazine

The problem was this wasn't planned - I landed in Macau to attend AIG and whilst sitting drinking beers with SpearMaster the texts, calls and emails started arriving about the whole situation and all I knew was that there was some urgent changes to be made and set about making these happen. At the time the name wasn't what was super important to us so we went with something generic hence Amsterdam Affiliate Conference, Budapest etc etc -

This importantly meant that we could the domain, could rebrand quickly and easily and then afterwards we could then re look at the brand etc and make a decision on whether we want a central name such as iGaming Affiliate events, a new brand or keep the generic terms but tbh everything has changed in just 2 weeks for me and I am just trying to keep up, we have literally had to get a logo, redesign the mag, get an event brochure done, print 8,000, post them, get a website up, get pr out, speak to all the clients, and so on.

Its been one hell of a ride and isn't over yet, still lots to discuss, finalise etc - This is why things are aren't 100% clear at the moment as there really is a shed load going on in the back ground on top of the usual work of hosting and organising a show, publishing mags, developing the business etc.
Understood - The mag is actually called iGaming Business Affiliate Magazine - You will see this for the next issue (April/May) although may shorten this to iGB Affiliate Magazine

The problem was this wasn't planned - I landed in Macau to attend AIG and whilst sitting drinking beers with SpearMaster the texts, calls and emails started arriving about the whole situation and all I knew was that there was some urgent changes to be made and set about making these happen. At the time the name wasn't what was super important to us so we went with something generic hence Amsterdam Affiliate Conference, Budapest etc etc -

This importantly meant that we could the domain, could rebrand quickly and easily and then afterwards we could then re look at the brand etc and make a decision on whether we want a central name such as iGaming Affiliate events, a new brand or keep the generic terms but tbh everything has changed in just 2 weeks for me and I am just trying to keep up, we have literally had to get a logo, redesign the mag, get an event brochure done, print 8,000, post them, get a website up, get pr out, speak to all the clients, and so on.

Its been one hell of a ride and isn't over yet, still lots to discuss, finalise etc - This is why things are aren't 100% clear at the moment as there really is a shed load going on in the back ground on top of the usual work of hosting and organising a show, publishing mags, developing the business etc.

Thanks for further explaining the situation Alex. This makes a lot more sense now since you put it into perspective there in that last post and I would personally like to see "iGaming Business" flourish and do well.

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