Dear Julia,
I miss you, I thank you, and I owe you an appology. When you wrote your 9/27/03 email below,
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Julie Sidwell" >,<,
To: sming
Cc: "Graeme" >,<,
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 16:09:34 -0500
Subject: Re: 1451GA
Message-ID: >,05d301c3853d$4f74f4b0$
References: >,20030927.065337.-610215.3.sming<,
Dear sming
I'm awfully sorry we have been unable to garner a response from the casino despite several attempts on your behalf and that of two other players.
They have simply ignored all correspondence and with the closure of Gambling Grumbles there is nothing further we can do at this point.
I'm so very sorry about this, but as I indicated before the e-mail addresses these guys were using combined with the way they handled your transaction did not leave me overly optimistic regarding their intent to do the right thing.
It's very difficult for me to have to "give up" on a case but I'm afraid this situation is beyond my control.
Please know we wish you nothing but the best.
Julie Sidwell
Gambling Grumbles Administrator
**Please include this message with reply
you must be dealing with much more important things in your life, yet ignorantly I kept bothering you with my $152.50 ripoff by
Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) . I am truly sorry!
There must be thousands of online players like me, who appear so tiny in front of rogue casinos like
Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) ,
, and
, yet who have been sincerely helped by people like you and Bryan, for free. And there must be thousands of honest online casinos like fortunelounge casinos who feel the value of the crucial link represented by people like you and Bryan. Indeed, the whole online gaming industry owes a big thank-you to people like you and Bryan. Without you, how can we gamers enjoy the excitement of gambling without the driving to Las Vegas; without you, how can honest online casinos maintain customer trust and undo the damage done by rogue casinos like
Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) ,
, and
; and without you, how can software providers like Oddson receive the advice that before an online casino operator can prove its integrity, some funds must be required of the operator to be set aside so that in case the operator, like
, disappears into cyberspace with players' money, we players could be helped and the providers' reputation could be protected?
One last thought, Julia is already in heaven, a place much better than here and she has everything she needs. If the industry realizes the importance of the link represented by Julia and Bryan, then show our gratitude and appreciation now when they can still feel it, here!
Dear Juia, thank you!