Happy Veterans Day - November 11

Since I don't work weekends, I wasn't able to put a Veterans' Salute video together for this year :D

Bur here are the past four that still apply:


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A huge thank you to all of you that have helped protect our country and all those who are still overseas fighting for us.

We need to be more grateful for our soldiers. The men and women who put their lives on the line are deserving of so much more than a single day of gratitude.

All of you out there that have served your country or have a child overseas or have had to leave your family to fight for our freedom, again we thank you.
A little story..

Just after 9/11 , I received a letter that had something in it from a person I did not know. It seemed from shaking it lightly, that it had some small kind of beads in the envelope. I looked at the post mark and it was from another US state...Illinois.

I was quite nervous in opening it, because we were all on high alert at that time about Anthrax...etc...but I thought Anthrax would not rattle.

I opened it and in the envelope was another smaller envelope with flower seeds in it and a letter from a lady, who was so shocked at what happened in NYC....she wanted me to plant the seeds from her own garden, as a way of saying...we will survive and we will blossom.

Her son, Brandon, soon was on active duty in Iraq.

We are still friends and her son Brandon is ok and now is a proud father....:cool:

Out of the blue, I received those flower seeds.

God Bless all our veterans:cool:
Much thanks to all the men and women who serve/served our nation, giving of their time, and life in many cases. It takes a very strong person to endure what it takes to be a member of the armed forces.

A strength I can only begin to see in my life partner/significant other, David. We have been together 21 years and he continues to amaze me sometimes.

He served in the Army for 17 years. He would have been a lifer but, they forced him to retire after he was diagnosed with diabetes. He went to Chanute A.F. Base for his flight physical and was told no way.

He has to be one of, if not, the strongest man I know.


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