Corona virus - Covid 19 discussion

It was admitted yesterday that the NIH did fund gain of function research on animals in Wuhan on bats with coronavirus's in order to create a more potent variant. Which means that Fauci lied to congress under oath.

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The letter shows the time old issue 'who polices the police', it reads very defensively, if ecoalliance and the lab were responsible they're not going to offer up the evidence that proves their guilt. The fbi couldn't do a swoop on the lab, and seize all the data and computers/equipment.

While it might appear that the similarity of RaTG13 and BANAL-52 bat coronavirusesto SARSCoV-2 is close because it overlaps by 96-97%, experts agree that even these viruses are far too divergent to have been the progenitor of SARS-CoV-2. For comparison, today’s
human genome is 96% similar to our closest ancestor, the chimpanzee. Humans and chimpanzees are thought to have diverged approximately 6 million years ago.

Their honesty and integrity must be doubted, as they never disclosed any of this Gof work using bat viruses had been undertaken and funded. It's required outside individuals to dig to get Nih to admit this much.
I think that at this point they will have trouble getting those younger than middle aged to except the 3rd jab

What I find unbeliveable is that people get the jab and say these words like "the worst I felt was a sore arm" do they not think about the future, 6 months, 12 months down the line? as an example that would be like ingesting a poison that over time kills you slowly without any effects 2 or 3 months after you take it but then kills you or severely fucks you up 12 - 18 months later as it is slow release, it would be like drinking it then the next day professing well all I felt was an upset stomach.
Given the released data, the third jab looks almost sterilising. 90+% effective at preventing even symptomatic illness. I will be having mine if I ever get offered it.
I'm sure everyone has had the time to do their own research before making their decision of the vaccines and I have no issue with folks personal decisions.
The letter shows the time old issue 'who polices the police', it reads very defensively, if ecoalliance and the lab were responsible they're not going to offer up the evidence that proves their guilt. The fbi couldn't do a swoop on the lab, and seize all the data and computers/equipment.

While it might appear that the similarity of RaTG13 and BANAL-52 bat coronavirusesto SARSCoV-2 is close because it overlaps by 96-97%, experts agree that even these viruses are far too divergent to have been the progenitor of SARS-CoV-2. For comparison, today’s
human genome is 96% similar to our closest ancestor, the chimpanzee. Humans and chimpanzees are thought to have diverged approximately 6 million years ago.

Their honesty and integrity must be doubted, as they never disclosed any of this Gof work using bat viruses had been undertaken and funded. It's required outside individuals to dig to get Nih to admit this much.
Three times Fauci lied to congress yet will he be prosecuted?

If the protection from 2 jabs declined, why wouldn't it do the same after a third ?

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As the world amasses experience with COVID-19 vaccines, something we should have known from the start is coming into sharp focus.

Vaccines that are injected into arm muscles aren’t likely to be able to protect our nasal passages from marauding SARS-CoV-2 viruses for very long, even if they are doing a terrific job protecting lungs from the virus. If we want vaccines that protect our upper respiratory tracts, we may need products that are administered in the nose — intranasal vaccines.

Some immunology basics would be helpful to understand the issues at stake here.

SARS-2 attacks us via the respiratory tract, with the resulting infections causing no symptoms in some people, mild to moderate cold and flu-like symptoms in others, and severe, life-threatening illness in the lungs of others.

Vaccines that are injected into the arm have done a spectacular job at preventing severe disease and death. But they do not generate the kind of protection in the nasal passages that would be needed to block all infection. That’s called “sterilizing immunity.”
As you may know, I am skeptical of the entire covid response, including the vaccine. I will definitely not be having any vaccine even if I am treated like a Jew in Nazi Germany.

But what I can recommend is taking a daily supplement of Vit C D3 Zinc Quercetin. I have seen this recommended by many experts, and its been in use for 30+ years so nothing to lose and if it does help against covid why not.

This is the one I use

Screen Shot 10-24-21 at 08.47 PM.JPG
As you may know, I am skeptical of the entire covid response, including the vaccine. I will definitely not be having any vaccine even if I am treated like a Jew in Nazi Germany.

But what I can recommend is taking a daily supplement of Vit C D3 Zinc Quercetin. I have seen this recommended by many experts, and its been in use for 30+ years so nothing to lose and if it does help against covid why not.

This is the one I use

View attachment 160013
I went to a concert in Newcastle last month and within a few days I got a chest infection. I already had Quercetin.vit C,vid D and Zink plus I have Chlorine Dioxide tablets (maybe the thing that orange man suggested as bleach?) . Within a day I was on the mend.
Quercetin is an alternative to Ivermectine/ Hydroxychloroquine.

No matter if your fully vaccinated or unvaccinated we are not offered a preventative until your ill enough to be admitted to hospital so I see no reason why folk do not except preventative medicines.
As you may know, I am skeptical of the entire covid response, including the vaccine. I will definitely not be having any vaccine even if I am treated like a Jew in Nazi Germany.

But what I can recommend is taking a daily supplement of Vit C D3 Zinc Quercetin. I have seen this recommended by many experts, and its been in use for 30+ years so nothing to lose and if it does help against covid why not.

This is the one I use

View attachment 160013
That looks far too serious for me

I prefer mine to be made and marketed by superhero Pandas

Screenshot 2021-10-26 at 12.37.12.png
No matter if your fully vaccinated or unvaccinated we are not offered a preventative until your ill enough to be admitted to hospital so I see no reason why folk do not except preventative medicines.
Have you not heard of this thing called 5G? Apparently we are all going to form the new UK 5G network, now that Huawei got the boot :D
Peer reviewed papers have never had this before until recently. It seems that excepting peer reviewed papers then revoking them avoids giving a detailed explanation why due to the small print. An initial rejection required a detailed explanation.
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Just a bunch of conspiracy theorists and Snopes accredicted quacks discussing fake vaccine injuries, it's all a coincidence, nothing to see here just remember to grab your free sugar laden diabetes boosting healthy donut and get that jab!!!.

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Gain of function work on viruses must be considered dangerous Frankenstein stuff, and if the govt's ever decided the world's population needs culling, Gof gives them the exact tool.

Watching that video I can't help but wish Rand Paul would anticipate Fauci's escape routes more.
I don't think that Rand Paul minds Fauci's word salad. I think his aim is to expose the truth.
They have ordered yet another new prob into covid's origins with mostly the same people that deliberately made a total fuck up of the last one.
Just a bunch of conspiracy theorists and Snopes accredicted quacks discussing fake vaccine injuries, it's all a coincidence, nothing to see here just remember to grab your free sugar laden diabetes boosting healthy donut and get that jab!!!.

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I will be streaming that to my tv this evening while slotting thanks :thumbsup:
I don't think that Rand Paul minds Fauci's word salad. I think his aim is to expose the truth.
They have ordered yet another new prob into covid's origins with mostly the same people that deliberately made a total fuck up of the last one.
So you're saying it wasn't bat soup then?


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