Auctioning adspace at Casinomeister and Got2bet

When they get to $250k I will be suitably impressed.

The spots are worth 300 a week or $500 with the coverage and probably then some. Thats $50k

As a donation, $250k is in order.
amandajm said:
When they get to $250k I will be suitably impressed.

The spots are worth 300 a week or $500 with the coverage and probably then some. Thats $50k

As a donation, $250k is in order.
Keep talkin' :D

BTW it stands at $33,000 on the first day of bidding - thanks Winwardcasino!
God bless you people for your unselfish efforts. Unfortunately, I have read some horrible accounts about UNICEF. I don't want to bring up politics, but not a big fan of the United Nations. I think Poker Stars is raising money for the Red Cross. I've also heard of some group called Doctors Without Borders. A lot of people need a lot of help. It's a credit to so many caring people who are going all out to help these people in Asia. All I'm saying is that UNICEF may not be all that you think it is. In fact, you might be shocked. :(
paul1 said:
I don't want to bring up politics, but not a big fan of the United Nations.

But YOU ARE bringing up politics. If you want to discuss UN or UNICEF, start a new thread in Wild Cards where it belongs. Let Casinomeister and Got2Bet donate the money to UNICEF.

BTW, I Want so see the big monsters of the industry bidding for this, I want to see CON, FortuneLounge, BelleRock gaming and all the others.
And the race is on...

Virtual has it at 34k

Thanks Virtual Ted :D
Flavio4321 said:
But YOU ARE bringing up politics. If you want to discuss UN or UNICEF, start a new thread in Wild Cards where it belongs. Let Casinomeister and Got2Bet donate the money to UNICEF.

BTW, I Want so see the big monsters of the industry bidding for this, I want to see CON, FortuneLounge, BelleRock gaming and all the others.

I'm just saying that it is wonderful, caring, and unselfish of them to want to help people. But in case they haven't heard of some of the horror stories about UNICEF, I just thought I should mention it. The information is available to anyone who wants to research it.

I've said enough.

God bless the Casinomeister.
Thanks Paul1 for the heads up, and for the kudos.

By the way, until further notice only recognized online casinos and their representatives will be able to bid. This is to avoid abuse from anonymous bidders, or by others who may have malicious intent trying to sabotage the auction.


Is joint bidding allowed. A couple or several casinos could band together as a consortium to bid and that would push prices up higher. All for a good cause.
In my opinion, no joint bidding. If they can't raise the funds themselves for the bid, they definitely shouldn't be participating. The last thing we need is for the winners to go bankrupt because of the amount they paid for advertising space :D
More good works from the industry...


Vegas Partners Lounge group joins fund raising for tsunami survivors

The Vegas Partner Lounge online casino group has joined the growing list of Internet betting operations trying to help the victims of the SE Asian tsunami disaster.

The group is donating 25 percent of online casino profits on two of their most popular games to help the stricken areas.

For one week all seven Vegas Partner Lounge online casinos (Crazy Vegas, Sun Vegas, Cinema, 777 Dragon, Maple, Casino US and Arthurian Casinos) will donate 25 percent of online casino profits on two of their games: Double Magic and Hi Five, to UNICEF, earmarked specifically for the disaster region.

UNICEF has already targeted the worst hit areas and distributed planeloads of supplies to affected families. The organisation is reportedly aiming to raise $81 million to cover the cost of basic care.
Good going VPL! :D

And Virtual casino has stated that if they win our bid - 20% of all profits generated through the autioned off banner space will go towards charity. That's pretty generous as well.

But Crystal Palace is in the lead at $39.5K :D
Cloud's obviously mad keen, that's about six bids he's put in. Even now he's getting good publicity just by bidding constantly.

If he get's it, that'll be so effed up and ironic. And I bet he gets it. That money he's bidding is just a portion of the money he's stolen from his players. He must be laughing his head off right now. WTG, Wazza.
caruso said:
Cloud's obviously mad keen, that's about six bids he's put in. Even now he's getting good publicity just by bidding constantly.

If he get's it, that'll be so effed up and ironic. And I bet he gets it. That money he's bidding is just a portion of the money he's stolen from his players. He must be laughing his head off right now. WTG, Wazza.

Nowadays also charity can be a profitable way of advertising, but on the other hand when you're drowning you cannot have the luxury to chose the person that will offer an helping hand...
Wow, what you're all doing is fabulous!!!

Do you put your affiliate link then in the banner and generate donations from that money too?? ( not sure how that would work )

You're doing a great thing here, both of you ( and casinos too! )
Makes everyone feel good!

Thank you for taking care of the world.
I repeat yet again - if you don't happen to favor the current high bidder, either bid higher yourself or convince your favorite casino to place a higher bid.

I am not interested in listening to this effed-up $#!T when you are not involved in putting your money where your mouth is. I am tired of trying to do something to help and getting told what the hell I should be doing.


Slotchik - the winner of the bid will determine how the links work - if they want to run it through an affiliate link and donate those proceeds to charity as well, that will be their choice. But personally, I think that's a great idea - and Virtual has already proposed to do so if they win.
I won't speak for Casinomeister... LOL... but I'm just human. I have strengths and weaknesses, good and bad, I'm blessed with a family, all healthy and safe, a life which is not as difficult as it once was, lots of friends and family - but no pets LOL.

The one thing I am not blessed with is patience :) I can be very critical of people, yet sometimes not have the ability to take criticism from others. I have a sharp tongue sometimes, yet I cannot accept sharp words which I think have no place in whatever it is I am discussing.

I am trying to do the best I can - yet I know I can never please everyone. So those of you who disagree with me, accept my apologies for not being good enough to meet your standards.

I am only human. But I do everything I can to the best of my ability.

The real angels are those who are out in the field recovering bodies, comforting survivors and those who have lost relatives, giving everything they have, no matter how little it is, even when they have lost relatives themselves. I could post many links to these angels, as well as to stories about the heartbreak of many, many people - but that is not what this is about.

This is about doing what I personally can to help - and in this regard I'm sure Casinomeister feels the same way.
yes, I know Spear.....I wish I could be out there helping them.....i'd probably end up crying the whole time!!

You have to know what wonderful human beings you both are. Because you're willing to accept any casino that will give the money and look beyond everything else, shows that you are genuinely the best of the best. I want to call CNN or someone so that they know about you two. Generosity like this doesn't come around often. You are sending money to another people you don't even know......and it just amazes me...the outpouring of love. You have no idea what you're doing for these people and their families.
Well, maybe you do....but I'm just simply inspired by this ...... :p :p
Talk about a load of SHIT... boy tries to raise money for medical expenses...
EBay closed the original auction Wednesday, citing numerous rules violations. Spokesman Hani Durzy said auctioneers are not allowed to advertise that money for their items will go toward a cause. The family amended the ad and had a new version up and running the same day.

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EBay didn't say anything about our attempt - they simply suspended Casinomeister's account. AND kept the fees to boot.

Since when is giving something for a good cause BAD? And what the hell is their Missionfish charitable setup all about?

What a bunch of jokers. I never really used eBay anyhow, but I am really starting to wish they would rot in hell.
OMG!! and eBay lets an idiot sell their grilled cheese sandwich for their own personal use!!! BASTARDS!!!!
I gave up a lucrative sideline buying/selling on ebay after their Customer Service let me down several times too often - it was just too much hassle working with them and too galling to be lining their pockets at the same time. They've not got a clue.
largeeyes said:
Spear, nothing person, but attacking the boy with cancer probably isn't a hot idea....... :eek2:
where is he attacking a boy with cancer???? ARe you reading correctly?

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