The poker world is crying out for a decent place to play atm
Pokerstars have essentially killed their loyalty program and all their focus is on gimmicky promos aimed at casual low rollers and releasing new "poker" formats which are heavily raked and involve a lot more luck than skill . As you know , loyalty programs or rakeback are an even bigger deal in poker than in casino . I rake around $20k+ per year and I used to get at least 30% of that back on pokerstars . Now I get like 5% back in pathetic "rewards" so needless to say I don't rake as much there anymore either
Party Poker is trying to take advantage and they have at least got semi decent rakeback but they don't seem to have much direction / progress in updating and improving their site and schedule
If Videoslots could launch a poker platform with good software , good schedule/game choice , good rewards system and an influx of casual players then they could easily become the biggest/best out there . And of course many poker players also like to gamble other games too ... I know plenty of players who routinely play pokerstars casino just because they have a poker balance on there already . They would be much better off joining up videoslots for their casino play but they don't bother because it's easier and more convenient for them to click on a game on pokerstars whilst they are already playing poker there
Regarding pkr software you should have 2 options 1) The highly graphical display that pkr used to have because a lot of casual playesr loved that stuff and 2) A simpler more functional display for the grinders who multitable and really don't have time / interest for all the "videogame" stuff
Being an independent poker room with the videoslots name is sooo much better than being a skin on an existing network . Like
32red poker could have been big when the casino was huge but they are just another microgaming skin . Willhill is just an ipoker skin . If you can go your own route and design a good site independently then with your solid reputation in the casino industry you could become very popuar imo . I would certainly play there anyway