As you can see in my profile I own a business in the U.S. I can accept deposits and payments from clients with credit cards. Now, before we go any farther understand this...I am in no way shape of form promoting fraud...and if you do this with the intent of commiting fraud you will very likely be prosecuted. This is a small way for you to at least recover your deposits made with a credit card. In the U.S. Visa and Mastercard allow you 6 months to contest or, and this is key here, reverse credit card transactions. Most third party companies that processes credit cards place a hold on the transaction. In fact if the transaction is more then the credit rating of the vendor can support they will hold the transaction for up to six months. This is of course the exception. Now lets say you make a transaction to an online casino for "deposit", this shows up on your statement as a "purchase". You win money and make a withdraw, the casino for whatever reason refuses to pay you, because the transaction is listed as a "purchase" you can claim the product (your withdraw) was never received. Thus giving you the right to do one of the following.
If it was a debit card with your bank, you contact them and explain, what happened, and request "provisional credit" for your transactions. Within 24 hours your account will be credited. They cannot and will not say no. This is aunt Visa and uncle Mastercard rules. They will in turn notify the respective company (Visa or Mastercard) and the third party transaction company will be red flagged. They could be refused further transactions until they prove why they didn't supply you with the end product you purchased. I.E. your withdraw. I know this from a vendor prespective. It was a goddamn nightmare.
If it was an unsecured credit card, you contact the bank that issued the card and tell them what happened. They will give you some shit about gamming with your credit card, but again, as long as your transaction shows a "purchase" and you tried to make a withdraw (product) they will credit your account for the original ammount. This of course has to be a straight up pay and play scenario, no bonus comp or match play bullshit. Take it from someone who has been on the other side of this, when the third party company simply deducts the amount from your business checking account and you call them, and they inform you that you can no longer accept credit cards, wow it tends to wake you up. In my case it was employee fraud and I had to prove I prosecuted the employee for fraud, before I was allowed to take credit cards again. Even then I was given a limit on the amount per transaction. All my transactions are on a 7 day hold before I see the amounts in my accounts. Use this knowledge wisely. I'm sure some of you shithouse lawyers out think this is all a load of crap, but it isn't. These are safeguards in place for consumers, not vendors. Vendors have very few and very limited avenues for recovering reversed transactions. I look foreward to the comments from this post.
If it was a debit card with your bank, you contact them and explain, what happened, and request "provisional credit" for your transactions. Within 24 hours your account will be credited. They cannot and will not say no. This is aunt Visa and uncle Mastercard rules. They will in turn notify the respective company (Visa or Mastercard) and the third party transaction company will be red flagged. They could be refused further transactions until they prove why they didn't supply you with the end product you purchased. I.E. your withdraw. I know this from a vendor prespective. It was a goddamn nightmare.
If it was an unsecured credit card, you contact the bank that issued the card and tell them what happened. They will give you some shit about gamming with your credit card, but again, as long as your transaction shows a "purchase" and you tried to make a withdraw (product) they will credit your account for the original ammount. This of course has to be a straight up pay and play scenario, no bonus comp or match play bullshit. Take it from someone who has been on the other side of this, when the third party company simply deducts the amount from your business checking account and you call them, and they inform you that you can no longer accept credit cards, wow it tends to wake you up. In my case it was employee fraud and I had to prove I prosecuted the employee for fraud, before I was allowed to take credit cards again. Even then I was given a limit on the amount per transaction. All my transactions are on a 7 day hold before I see the amounts in my accounts. Use this knowledge wisely. I'm sure some of you shithouse lawyers out think this is all a load of crap, but it isn't. These are safeguards in place for consumers, not vendors. Vendors have very few and very limited avenues for recovering reversed transactions. I look foreward to the comments from this post.