Someone made the comment about...


Dec 6, 2004
Parts, Unknown
The online gaming industry knew the USA would ban online gambling. In his opinion they set the games up to loot as much income from us citizens as they can. I AGREED 100% with this statement. Infact most Americans have no clue as to what is going on in their own country.

I honest believe the arrests of those CEOs of varies gaming sites was nothing but staged events.

Most Americans must open their eyes to the phony left/right debates. They have all voted in some form or another to take away your freedoms and Rights. Its not about Democrats and Republicians. Its about them against you.

They all knew very well what they was doing when they voted for the patriot act. They act like, oh it was a surprise. We didn't know because it was rushed to us doing 9-11. But they re-authorized it. They knew what they was doing with Medicaid.

How did we go from finding terrorist. To placing cameras in nearly every city, store, and highway in the US? You goto a sporting event, its now you the American Citizens that is being searched. They tell you not to even bring baby food aboard an airplane. Police (2 to a car now) is lined up and down the corners looking for speeders and tinted windows. Your bank in some cases wants your finger print on the back of your check.

They bring issues to the Supreme Court just to have the judges to deny. So Congress can go back and make it law. All of this is stage events.

Look at the 2000 elections, George Bush, Colin Powell, James Baker, etc. All republicans and all members of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, Jessie Jackson, Tom Brokeoff, Bill Clinton, etc. All democrats and all members of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). See it wasn't about right or left. It was a group of loyal men that knew how the change the course of the country. While we US citizen fought over Gore/Bush. They took away our will to defend the country and gave us touch screens machines. So now it doesnt matter who you vote for the computer does what the programmers instructs it to do. Much like RTG, MG, or Playtech. They knew if you didnt defend it from voter fraud, you was not going to do anything. Gore wasn't suppose to win. It wasn't an accident that they called florida for Gore premature. See all the TV news are ran by members of the CFR. Over 35 % of your Congress belongs to this group or have ties. 2004 was a test run using these machines and they worked like a charm.

Look at how the democrats join with the republicans to pass Bush detainee bill. This I promise you will be used against the very natural born citizens of the USA. Much like they used portion of the Patroit Act to go after US citizens that made certain type of illegal drugs.

What's next? A national ID card. A Pan American Union with Mexico and Canada. And a new Amero Currency. Along with implantable microchips.

Call it crazy call it what you want. You see it happening and just want to ignore it. The Ban on internet gaming is the less of your problems. I honestly hope you see who has because the real terrorist and awaken from you false since of security. The same way George W founded this country. It will be a George W to bring her down. The war in Iraq is nothing more than shifting the wealth from this country to the hands of the elite. This country can't afford to pay her debts and is on life support.

Oh, my European people. You will have a European Union whether you voted for it our not. And the same laws that are here. Will visit your country very very soon. See we are all slaves on the global plantation.
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yeah i believe september 11th was just an insurance scam because the wtc was getting outdated.

and the residual effect of justifying "war measures"-type acts and launching a crusade on islam.

do you guys think bush is going to try to create a loophole where if a war is ongoing that a current 2-term president can either run again or have the election postponed? i really think he "won't give up on his american people"...
I too posted on several occasions that it appeared that the various sites were in fact "tightening" things up in order to suck as much milk from the american cow as possible before the ban. I still believe that, and now that the cow has been led to slaughter, there is nothing we can do about it! Fuck Bush, and Fuck all us americans who have allowed our leaders to do this to us. I never thought that I would actually "GO FUCK MYSELF", but that is what has happened by having these assholes in power!!!

I apologize for my language, if it is unacceptable go ahead and ban me, as I won't have much use for this great forum if I can't play anymore. Sorry guys, this is a disaster for free folks everywhere.
I too posted on several occasions that it appeared that the various sites were in fact "tightening" things up in order to suck as much milk from the american cow as possible before the ban. I still believe that, and now that the cow has been led to slaughter, there is nothing we can do about it! Fuck Bush, and Fuck all us americans who have allowed our leaders to do this to us. I never thought that I would actually "GO FUCK MYSELF", but that is what has happened by having these assholes in power!!!

I apologize for my language, if it is unacceptable go ahead and ban me, as I won't have much use for this great forum if I can't play anymore. Sorry guys, this is a disaster for free folks everywhere.

My sentiments exactly. Who the fuck wants to drive several hours just to play a couple hands of poker? To take a few spins on the slots? Hit up some video poker?

Yes, it's true. Online gambling sites are BAD because their slots pay out at least 95%. Instead they want people to go play the 75%-payback slots in Vegas or the 85%-return video poker.

And it burns me more so because I recently launched an affiliate site which I will likely have to take down now to avoid the DoJ knocking on my door. So I just spent all that money, time and effort into building what I thought was a fairly decent site, for nothing. In a way, I guess that was like gambling online.

Why don't they stop people from trading stocks online? People can get royally fucked over far worse from trading stocks than they can even by using a credit card to gamble online with. If they're trading on margin, or shorting stocks and get screwed by rising stock prices. Is this what I'm going to have to resort to, in order to gamble? Maybe I'll short some gambling stocks since those will probably be falling soon.

OH WAIT! I can legally bet on interstate horseracing! They did manage to keep that carve-out in this version of the bill. Anybody know of some good horseracing sites? That must be about as fun as watching frogs fuck.

I started a "commentary" section on my web site if anyone wants to come and vent with me. It's the first link in my signature.
And it burns me more so because I recently launched an affiliate site which I will likely have to take down now to avoid the DoJ knocking on my door.

Or you could move it to an off shore hosting account and invest in a geo IP sniffing script to exclude US players.

No offense SJ, but I think the DoJ have bigger fish to fry :D
Or you could move it to an off shore hosting account and invest in a geo IP sniffing script to exclude US players.

No offense SJ, but I think the DoJ have bigger fish to fry :D

You got that right! Actually I was just checking out some UK hosting services. They're more expensive and you get less, but that might just be the route to take.

In short... I'm not doing anything right now except complaining ( :D ) and will wait to see how the casinos and affiliate programs react before I decide what to do next.

But I will tell you this: I am definitely going to gamble Thursday night once I get paid! :thumbsup:

I've just moved to UK hosting and I'm getting a pretty good deal, fast too :D , well compared to US shared hosting.

Drop me a PM and I'll give you a couple of places to check out if your interested.
The horseracing industry is certainly pleased with Frist - this is from the Thoroughbred Times:

The Internet gambling measure, which had passed the House in July but was previously stalled in the Senate, contains language that recognizes the horse racing industry's right to offer account wagering under the Interstate Horseracing Act of 1978.

"This is a very significant landmark recognition by the [United States] government of our industry's legal right to conduct wagering under the IHA and of our industry's important position as an agribusiness that supports 500,000 jobs," said Greg Avioli, chief executive officer of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association and Breeders' Cup Ltd. "The bill also includes language that will prevent the addition of harmful elements in any rulemaking required by the bill. This language was crucial for our industry."
The horseracing industry is certainly pleased with Frist - this is from the Thoroughbred Times:

The Internet gambling measure, which had passed the House in July but was previously stalled in the Senate, contains language that recognizes the horse racing industry's right to offer account wagering under the Interstate Horseracing Act of 1978.

"This is a very significant landmark recognition by the [United States] government of our industry's legal right to conduct wagering under the IHA and of our industry's important position as an agribusiness that supports 500,000 jobs," said Greg Avioli, chief executive officer of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association and Breeders' Cup Ltd. "The bill also includes language that will prevent the addition of harmful elements in any rulemaking required by the bill. This language was crucial for our industry."
The irony of the situation, is that the DoJ considers all forms of online gambling illegal, including horseracing, despite the IHA.

One hand doesn't know what the other is doing, or does know but doesn't like it.

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DepartmentOfJackasses said:
The Department of Justice views the existing criminal statutes as prohibiting the interstate transmission of bets or wagers, including wagers on horse races. The Department is currently undertaking a civil investigation relating to a potential violation of law regarding this activity. We have previously stated that we do not believe that the Interstate Horse Racing Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 3001-3007, amended the existing criminal statutes.

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