There are two obvious way to make the slot "fair": the probability of hitting the random jackpot could be proportional to the player's stake, or the player could win an amount proportional to his stake, so that, for example, a $1 player could win the whole jackpot, and a 1c player could win 1% of the jackpot.
I could not have put it better.
So what do you think when INetBet claims that RTG slots has the same probability (constant) for hitting the jackpot? (Bet size does not matter)
My example when betting 0.01$ assumed that the payout (without jackpot) was as low as 90% which mean that even if hitting the jackpot(4K$) was a 1 to 4M shot; then the slot would have payout 100%. Some jackpots even are up to 10K$. So this constant will actually have to be a lot smaller than 1 to 4M. (1 to 20M is a rough estimate). This does not make any sense. No way it can be that low!!!!
So INetBet has the following options:
1) Admit payout on slots is over 100% for low bets.(would like to hear that!)
2) Admit the probablity for hitting the jackpot each spin is less than 1 to 20M and that they are also screwing high rollers with lower payout%.
3) Admit they made an error in their statement and the probability for winning the jackpot DOES depend on bet size.
The data sample provided earlier has nothing to do with the conclusions reached above. The data sample is a whole different story that also is fishy, but which mathematically also confirms
that size does matter! (Bet size..) Or the casino has a massive amount of highrollers so 30%+ of all bets on slots are at bet size 10$ or more.
I am not claiming RTG cheats in any way which I am sure it does not, I am just saying INetBet made a wrong statement in good faith. I really do appriciate the open and honest communication
from INetBet casino, I am just sorry I have to correct an important mistake.
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