Required Individual Obesity Ratings all Americans

Geesh! I spend one day painting and come back to catch up on the thread and it's closed, to bad a person like that had to come in and spoil everything, by being insulting, rude and looking for a fight.
Actually I think Lost2much was rather reserved considering the other poster.

But something that I didn't see anyone mention is the trap our government, FDA and who knows who else has set for the American population.

Artificial sweetners, all of them, makes you fat and sick.

MSG which is in everything under a miriad of different names, makes you fat and sick.

High fructose corn syrup, which is in everything, makes you fat and sick.

All meats, eggs and milk products, with the exception of organic, is inundated with steroids, hormones, pesticides, makes you fat and sick.

Flouride which is in our water, toothpaste and many other things, makes you mentally and physically lazy and docile.

Most fresh fruits and vegetables are now Genetically Modified, makes you fat, sick and changes the chemical makeup of the natural body, disrupting the normal functionality.

MSG also changes the make up in the brain that tells people they have had enough to eat, causes the receptors to malfunction more or less, thus the people eating anything with MSG are never really satisfied by their consumption.

There is so much more that Americans are having to contend with and our government and the FDA are not helping the situation, they are compounding it.
All these things that have been provided for human consumption are passed and approved by the above.

Organic is the way to go, however, it is priced out of most peoples budgets and there is not enough variety for a well balanced diet. Stores will not keep an equal amount of organic because the price being so high, it rots on the shelves or rarely gets purchased if it is canned goods or what have you.

So we are deliberatly being given garbage to consume, you think you will then grow your own, to bypass the pitfalls that have been placed for the American population.

So how do you water you garden? With tap water that has flouride. If you do not by organic seeds or seedlings, then you are getting Genetically modified seeds as Monsanto owns rights to all the seeds produced with the exception of organic ones.
Then your garden grows out in the elements subject to the chem spraying, God only knows what that is doing to the plants.

Also some organic farms are being corrupted by GMO farms nearby when pollen drifts from the GMO fields into the Organic fields. Thus you no longer have true organic produce.

So we are fed the garbage that rats won't even eat and become sick with a multitude of disease and illness, now we add the chemicals of medications to our systems and we are all time bombs waiting for us to explode.

Did we ask for this, no.

Do we want this, no.

We just want to be able to trust those we hire to take proper care of us and our nation, as we wish, not as they dictate, be it the government or the FDA or whomever. We don't like being decieved at every turn, lied to everyday, treated like we are expendable and they are pushing our expenditure ever quicker.

This doesn't even encompass all other non edible products, i.e. cell phones, teflon, microwaves, drywall, carpeting and on and on. We have been given a toxic evironment to live in and the odds are being stacked against more everyday.

So for the poster that critizes us Americans, maybe live here awhile and see how you fair.
OK, back the bus up, people. Obesity is not good, we all know that. We all know that artificial ingredients in our food, water and air, might not be good for us. Smoking is not good for us, drinking to excess is not good for us, illegal drugs (with the possible exception for medical marijuana) are not good for us. Driving without seat belts is not good for us. Not getting enough sleep is not good for us.

And on and on and on and on.......................................................

So, being all this is true, and I am pretty sure it is, why are we living longer with a better quality of life than existed even 50 years ago? I am not trying to justify unhealthy behavior. I am trying to put a realistic viewpoint on all this stuff.

There is always room for improvement in all aspects of life. Be it with government laws, or new facts becoming available after being proved true.

However, I don't care what anyone says. We were not meant to live forever and we have every reason to believe we aren't doing everything wrong, just based on quality of life and length of life.
Concerning the statement by someone in the closed thread (can't remember which one posted the comment and too lazy to go back and reread the whole thread again...) about how people have become more unhealthy in the last 100 years. Well, on the other foot, people are living longer than 100 years ago due to technology. The creation of wonder drugs, improved life saving techniques, and so forth.

But with everything, there will be people who also "invent" new gimmicks to try to "cure" what ails you. There are many who chase the eternal "thin" and spend mega bucks every year to maintain what? These are people who will die from the STRESS of maintaining the perfect body. There is no such thing. If God ( or whoever/whatever) wanted everyone to have "perfect" bodies/ perfect health we would all be pretty boring. There wouldn't be a need for choice, free thought, or anything else which defines each human being as being unique.

I just don't understand how any one group will be able to define what is obese and what isn't. You can't go by a standardized chart saying...
Okay, for all females who are 5 feet tall, your body mass must be no more than 110 lbs and no less than 90 lbs.
For all males who are 6 feet tall, your body mass can be no more than 190 lbs and no less than 170 lbs.

Exercise is a wonderful thing, BUT it has also been proven...
jogging can cause separated ligaments in the legs, and bone chips from the landing impact.
Weight lifting can cause muscle fatigue.
Etc, etc., etc... The list goes on and on. For every good thing there will also be a "side" effect.

So, in my own personal opinion...
Stress is much more detrimental to ones health. I want to have the freedom of choice on which doctor I can see, what foods I want to eat, how I spend MY hard earned dollars. I want to be able to say what I want without being labeled anti-government.

Don't get me wrong, laws are essential to keep people safe. Taxes are essential to keep us safe. I just don't like being told my tax dollars aren't enough, that I need to "donate" more to help close a budget deficit that some power hungry, egotisitical politician has created. An example...
NY still has no budget (due April 1), I believe that the budget has only passed 3 times ON time in the past 25 years (pretty sad figures). These politicians VOTED themselves a paycheck when they had a nice little "vacation" in the beginning of the year (they were trying to figure out who should run the state...the dems or the reps). Go figure, it's the ONLY time they agreed on something. I don't know about you, BUT if I didn't do my job the right way, I wouldn't have a job, hence no pay.

Okay, my rant is over...and sorry for the derail!
Admin Note: thread reopened

Thread reopened upon request - please be mellow. Thank you.

Both lost2much and Karlrunk have been issued warnings for bad behavior. Let's try to keep the personal insults out of this equation. Thank you.
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Actually it comes from Finnish word runkkari, but the idea is the same. And it would be same as if it was BateMastur, but you get the point.

And yes, it is my real name!

Wow, does that makes you a Wanchor?

Just kidding ;) - there was some good point-scoring on both sides of the Lost2much - KariRunk exchange before it became so personal imo. Pity.
At one point Kari pointed out that one of the swedish freedoms was the freedom to do drugs

Oh, cmon. I was not interested to post to this thread anymore, but when someone actually starts making this kind of things up, it really makes me mad.
Racist? Isn't it a known fact that most Americans are overweight?

Of course there's always people who really are sick and can't do anything about it. But that's just small minority of all overweight people.

No, most Americans are NOT overweight.

That's just stupid statement. I know many drug addicts, alcoholists and etc that are better shape than most "normal" people. Are you saying those things aren't bad for you?

I don't believe that was what the poster was trying to assimilate. Are you saying those things are good for you?

Don't put words in my mouth, please. I said it isn't healthy to be fat. What does that have to with skinny people? If you can't find info about dangers of being fat yourself, then feel free to think that there aren't any.

Bulimia and anorexia aren't bad diseases? Please define fat, what one may consider fat another may not. Who gives the right to determine what the definition of fat is?

Yes, it propably is unhealthy to be skinny too, haven't seen any articles, but I guess you're right. Doesn't change the fact that. Isaid that I don't search the articles for you, but did it anyway, these are first hits from google.

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And if you're overweight and healthy, good for you. What does that prove?

That perhaps, her fat isn't really fat at all according to the norm.

No need to get personal here.

So you think it proves that it is actually healthy to be fat? Are you saying there isn't bigger change to get sick if you are overweight comparing to normal person?

Again, define normal...
Actually a person who has a little "meat" on their bones stands a better chance of fighting off sickness.

It doesn't matter what you think. It's a damn fact that there's more risk if you're overweight. Yeah, just don't read those studies and live in your little world where you think that it is ok to be fat. It's much easier that way, almost as easy as to turn in to vegan.

I believe she stated vegetarian. I've seen "heavy" vegans, vegetarians also.

You're the perfect example why your government decided to do something about this.

Do you know this person in real life to persecute her with this statement?

I don't and neither have you.

You really think that all these medical conditions that causes overweight just miraculously appeared within last 100 years? Why there weren't as much obesity cases before?

Maybe because medical historians didn't keep track of overweight people. Modern technology can be a good thing AND a bad thing. Great new wonder drugs which prevent/cure a disease, BUT with bad side effects. If I took a drug which caused me to be overweight but cured my disease I would be ecstatic!

I said it's good thing that your government starts doing something about your overweight problem. Since you're not doing anything about it yourself, they have to.

No, this is not a situation government should have a say in. They obviously can't control ones medical conditions.

All you need to do is ask, do need to make all those assumptions. I'm from Sweden.

So in your "free" country, do you need to pay taxes? What you need? Don't you hate to something that government tells you to do?

Yes, we may "hate" some of the things about our government, BUT don't other countries come crawling to us when they need help?

Really, you're calling Sweden a socialist state? Care to elaborate?

Ok, in your free country, is it allowed to play online casinos? Online poker? Are you allowed to do drugs? Drink and drive? and etc... I think not. You're saying that you don't like government to tell you what to do but still it already tells you whole lot what you can do and what not. So why when they try to do something about your overweight problem, you're so pissed. Just can't understand that.

Drinking and driving is healthy??? Tell that to all the survivors of victims from drunk driving accidents/fatalities. And taking drugs is healthy??? What does playing online poker/casino games have to do with obesity?

Thanks, but before making those assumptions try to get your facts straight. I'm really not suprised that you don't have any idea about what's going on outside your country, but there's no need to make things up.

And yes, I do have to call the King every time before I can take a shit!

Well, fortunately for others in the world we aren't naive about what is going on. You may be living in a communisitic state if it weren't for the US intervention. Yes, we may be a hated country, but the few who hate us are in the minority. Talk to a person in any of the military who have been overseas. Whether it be from WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North Korea... They are not only fighting for our freedoms here in the US, and this is my opinion, but for your rights too. I ferverently hope you never have need to have a medical condition treated where the only place you can obtain medical treament is here in the US....
In days of old being "fat" was considered the healthiest state to be in. Sounds funny, but it made sense back in a time that simple survival and getting enough to eat was a challenge. Being fat meant staying alive. Granted it was a long time ago, but at the time being "skinny" was looked upon as unhealthy!!

Look noone is saying that being obese is a good thing for ones health. My issue with this whole thing is being told by the govt. what is and isn't obese (especially when you look at the absurdity of the BMI scale). Isn't the govt. involved in far too many aspects of our lives already??

Kari, I did not make up the drug part, you said that one of your freedoms in Sweden was to do drugs. In what way did I make that up since it is your own words??
Holy mackeral.......thats a lot of reading. Whew!

Here is my 2 cents...I dont have much to worry about in this department, as i am vegan and its actually hard to put on weight. So I cant speak from an overweight standpoint. I can however say that it makes me SICK to see parents trotting their children into the likes of McDonalds. That food, meat or no is TERRIBLE for you. Eating it once a month probably wouldnt hurt too much but 1-2 times a week is not healthy. Anyone ever see SuperSize Me? If not check it out....guy eats nothing but Mcdonalds for 30 days....its repulsive. Anyway we as a society need to teach children better eating habits, not to grab whats handy and quick but to actually think about what we are eating, more than just "it tastes good".
No, most Americans are NOT overweight.

I already posted this link once, but here it is again.
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Feel free to prove that link wrong.

I don't believe that was what the poster was trying to assimilate. Are you saying those things are good for you?

Of course not. Just proving his "I know many healthy overweight people" totally pointless.

Bulimia and anorexia aren't bad diseases? Please define fat, what one may consider fat another may not. Who gives the right to determine what the definition of fat is?

I agree about bulimia and anorexia. And for the definition, I think your government just did it for you. So I think they have the right?

I believe she stated vegetarian. I've seen "heavy" vegans, vegetarians also.

And in the other thread she said vegan, what's the difference. And of course they can be overweight also.

Maybe because medical historians didn't keep track of overweight people. Modern technology can be a good thing AND a bad thing. Great new wonder drugs which prevent/cure a disease, BUT with bad side effects. If I took a drug which caused me to be overweight but cured my disease I would be ecstatic!

Oh gee, this time you'll have to the research yourself. Again, known fact that there weren't even as close as much overweight/obese people hundred years ago. So since you have more overweight people in America than anywhere else in the world, does that mean that it's just you who have managed to catch that evil fat disease? Almost all other countries have miraculously missed it?

Drinking and driving is healthy??? Tell that to all the survivors of victims from drunk driving accidents/fatalities. And taking drugs is healthy??? What does playing online poker/casino games have to do with obesity?

Yeah, now I think you're finally getting it. Taking drugs is bad for you, right? But you would still do it because it makes you feel good, right? It isn't healthy everybody knows that. Why government had to make them illegal then? Everybody knows that it isn't healthy!

Well, fortunately for others in the world we aren't naive about what is going on. You may be living in a communisitic state if it weren't for the US intervention. Yes, we may be a hated country, but the few who hate us are in the minority. Talk to a person in any of the military who have been overseas. Whether it be from WWI, WWII, the Korean War, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North Korea... They are not only fighting for our freedoms here in the US, and this is my opinion, but for your rights too. I ferverently hope you never have need to have a medical condition treated where the only place you can obtain medical treament is here in the US....

I really hope so too. And you're asking what some of my comments have to do with obesity?
Kari, I did not make up the drug part, you said that one of your freedoms in Sweden was to do drugs. In what way did I make that up since it is your own words??

Ok, here's what I said "Ok, in your free country, is it allowed to play online casinos? Online poker? Are you allowed to do drugs? Drink and drive? and etc."

In that am I saying that you're allowed to use drugs in Sweden.

Don't bother to reply to me, I have no interests to communicate with you anymore, it makes my head hurt
mental issues do that to you. Look, we're suppose to lighten up Kari, I'm willing if you are. You just post in an arrogant manner IMO and it is really annoying. That's not meant as an insult, just a constructive critisism.
mental issues do that to you. Look, we're suppose to lighten up Kari, I'm willing if you are. You just post in an arrogant manner IMO and it is really annoying. That's not meant as an insult, just a constructive critisism.

Mental issues? Please don't just ignore my questions with those kind of remarks. You said that I said something that I didn't, I proved you wrong and you're talking about mental issues.

Just admit that you were wrong and I never said it and apologize, then we can be Best Friends Forever.
Kari, I did not make up the drug part, you said that one of your freedoms in Sweden was to do drugs. In what way did I make that up since it is your own words??

Infact, he didn't say that one of our freedoms was to do drugs:

Ok, in your free country, is it allowed to play online casinos? Online poker? Are you allowed to do drugs? Drink and drive? and etc... I think not.

As you can see, he is asking you if these things are allowed in your country. Together with the rest of the post it seemed like he claimed those things were allowed in Sweden.

In Sweden we are definately not allowed to do drugs. We are not allowed to drink and drive either. :D

In both these cases Sweden are more restricted than USA.

I can understand why everyone was mad at KariRunk (BateMastur if you like..) after this post:

And you're pissed of that because what? Finally your government realized that you are fat and does something about it. Or do you like to be fat, is that is?

But as a non affected citizen I laughed when I read this. It was way too offending, but as you can see..not to me.

If the Swedish gov. started to collect info about peoples weight I wouldn't care. But I know that many people would. Sweden is not a socialist country. Very far from it. None of the scandinavian countries are that. If you claim we are, you are a lier. :cool:

Those Swedes who would be most offended by suggestions like this are those who always want to be political correct and those are the closest to commies we can have in Sweden.
But they are not in power. They are in minority.

As a tax payer I feel like this:

To me, it would be ok if they collected info about almost everything about my privat life as long as they do it for everyone else too.

I don't want that my tax money goes to hospitals for drug addicts, alcoholics, smokers etc.
I am pretty sure that if the gov. collected info about these things early we would have less drug addicts, smokers, alcoholics and fat people.
And by fat I mean FAT as in unhealthy fat. Not as me..:oops:

But in Sweden these things will never happen. Because in our lovely country some people can be offended..:rolleyes:

No swedish politician would ever dare to propose things like this.
perhaps the language barrier (to some extent) made Kari's post look like he/she was saying that drugs were legal in sweden (it was unclear as Maphesto pointed out). If you were saying something else, it just wasn't articulated well Kari. You can call yourselves whatever you want, socialist, communist, kingdom, whatever gets you through the night. I stand by my posts.
Actually, I'm not really sure if even swedes know what their govt. is. You call yourselves a democracy, but have a king and institute socialist policies. Don't claim to be an expert on sweden, but I guess you guys aren't quite sure either. I really don't care to tell you the truth, we have enough issues with that over here in the US as it is (with our current leadership apparently trying to turn us into sweden). So Kari, sorry if I misinterpreted what you were saying, just didn't come across very clear (not just to me I might add).
Holy mackeral.......thats a lot of reading. Whew!

Here is my 2 cents...I dont have much to worry about in this department, as i am vegan and its actually hard to put on weight. So I cant speak from an overweight standpoint. I can however say that it makes me SICK to see parents trotting their children into the likes of McDonalds. That food, meat or no is TERRIBLE for you. Eating it once a month probably wouldnt hurt too much but 1-2 times a week is not healthy. Anyone ever see SuperSize Me? If not check it out....guy eats nothing but Mcdonalds for 30 days....its repulsive. Anyway we as a society need to teach children better eating habits, not to grab whats handy and quick but to actually think about what we are eating, more than just "it tastes good".

Jel hit this RIGHT on the head.
THIS is why we have so many fat people in America. It is a fact that people of lower economic classes will eat foods like McDonalds, Taco Bell, BK, whatever is cheap enough to feed their family. I have been in this situation, years ago when money got very tight for me the dollar menu at McD's fed us a lot easier than a trip to the grocery store. I am not proud of it nor would I ever want to be back in that rut again, but it is what it is.
Same goes for the supermarket, snack foods and processed foods and packaged fatty meats are much cheaper than fresh organic veggies and fruits and lean meats. And since this is the way these types have learned to eat even if they do aquire more economic solvency they are likely still going to eat foods that are not as healthy because it is already ingrained.
Not very many wealthy fat people, if ya happen to notice.
Nothing is ever going to change until we are able to provide these foods at a reasonable price for all of our citizens, and that is doubtful as it costs much more to grow organics and such, and it is so much easier to toss in shitty additives and preservatives (for shelf life) than to bake fresh things and ship daily. Gas costs for shipping don't help either. That is why trying to buy fresh and local is SUCH a benefit, if only more people could do it.
Not trying to be a preacher here, believe me I eat more than my share of total crap food and am not as healthy as I should be, but seeing all this arguing really made me think. Everyone of us Americans is trying to defend something that really is not defendable. Think just a gut reaction of national pride though, which is understandable. At the same time, we could be a lot worse off, a lot of the reason we ARE so fat is because we HAVE so much to consume, and while that isn't always healthy, at least we DO have it.

PS- I did not even go into the exercise thing. We have a real aversion to it in the US, lol. But again that is because we have so many options that let us be inside playing that kind of prevent outdoor exercise. TV, PC, Video Games, etc. We also are a nation of car owners, and not many choose to walk or bike anywhere.
Yes, other countries also have these things, but I think they do not let them take over their lives as much as we do here in America.

PPS- Btw, Highly doubt that BMI thing will ever be implimented, ACLU will be all over that like flies on shit.
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The ontopic things is further down. Scroll down and read after a couple of these :cool: if you don't want to read my answers to Mr lost2much!

You call yourselves a democracy, but have a king and institute socialist policies.

Ehh No!

According to the democracy, read this:

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To be absolutely clear: There is in no way possible to be among the worlds most democratic contries and in the same time be a socialistic state.

Actually, I'm not really sure if even swedes know what their govt. is.

It's pretty hard to answer this..I am sure that many of the white trash and non borned Swedes don't know a shit about it..:rolleyes:

But I believe that in every country you have a group of uneducated people who barely know their own shuesize.

The regular Swede of course knows these things.

I really don't care to tell you the truth, we have enough issues with that over here in the US as it is (with our current leadership apparently trying to turn us into sweden).

I understand that you don't care. Really, I do. But I care and then I have to meet your untrue statements.

And with your current leadership you will not turn into Sweden. Trust me. AFAIK there were only some financial advice during the crisis our minister of finance helped mr Geithner (and Obama) with.


On topic!

If a country suddenly :)lolup:) have a large group of people living in an unhealthy way they have to fix it in some way.

There are probably 1000 ways to go, one of them is to collect information about the citizens and after that decide what to do.

I don't know the best way, but I certainly know that there are worse ways than the one you are facing right now.

Zedong had opium addicts shot 60 years ago..:rolleyes:

In my own country they would have advertised on unhealthy food with signs as "Fat food will kill you" as they do on the cigarettes. :D
I am not sure that signs will help that much..:rolleyes:

At the same time, we could be a lot worse off, a lot of the reason we ARE so fat is because we HAVE so much to consume, and while that isn't always healthy, at least we DO have it.

Yes! In most rich cultures nowadays you can see many fat people. And to clarify: I mean unhealthy fat people.
Those really fat people are eating and drinking for 5 or more normal people.
I could have eaten and drunk that much as well..but my wife don't let me..:D
A link to a 124 page study et al dated June 2010 by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that was just released--"F as in Fat:

Link Removed ( Old/Invalid)

I read it last week. Educational and a good read. Not qualified to question the validity of the facts but seems fair afaik.

Oh BTW, "Twenty states have passed requirements for body mass index (BMI) screenings of children and adolescents or have passed legislation requiring other forms of weight-related assessments in schools. Five years ago, only four states had passed screening requirements."
I imagine that Bryan will be issuing you a warning as well maphesto. Again, you can call yourselves whatever you choose. Are you dizzy yet from all the spin you are creating?? Talk about name calling, looks like you are the problem now. And as for anyone in sweden giving obama advice, I am not at all surprised. One commie to another I guess... Good luck with your american hating thing, but don't categorize us until you can figure out what you are!
I imagine that Bryan will be issuing you a warning as well maphesto. Again, you can call yourselves whatever you choose. Are you dizzy yet from all the spin you are creating?? Talk about name calling, looks like you are the problem now. And as for anyone in sweden giving obama advice, I am not at all surprised. One commie to another I guess... Good luck with your american hating thing, but don't categorize us until you can figure out what you are!
I have never hesitated to disagree with the consensus, experts, and owner/moderators of this forum where applicable so I know where the doghouse is located. So if your "you" = moi then "let it be"
I imagine that Bryan will be issuing you a warning as well maphesto. Again, you can call yourselves whatever you choose. Are you dizzy yet from all the spin you are creating?? Talk about name calling, looks like you are the problem now. And as for anyone in sweden giving obama advice, I am not at all surprised. One commie to another I guess... Good luck with your american hating thing, but don't categorize us until you can figure out what you are!

I'm starting to think that you can't read. Or at least you don't understand anything you read. Now, take a few breaths and read that Maphesto's post again.

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