Playtech based casino aggressively advertising in countries where casinos are illegal


Dormant account
Jul 8, 2012
Currently there has been a huge spam attack in Russian speaking segment of the Internet: pop-up windows which instruct u to use martingale strategy vs online casinos/ Usually they send u to a fake youtube video, where the comments shown are not the real comments at youtube, but comments from shills, like they all have won a lot of money. WON BY USING MARTINGALE STRATEGY, lol, what?

Here are some links, u can use google translate.

This scammer advices to play at
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The links to download site is too long, looks like referal. Is it really a referal, which means they aren't too picky about their partners and ready to deal with frauds, or is it them trying to hide their criminal activity by using fake accounts with peudo referals?

Another scammer with different name but the same voice tells you how to win $500 in ten minutes at
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And at Titan casino: watch?v=sJKExhMs_KcNo referral, just plain link

In Russia and Ukraine casinos are illegal and casinos with playtech software are obviously addressing people from there as their target audience, WTF? I think they have to be added to rogue casinos list/

BTW, europa sasino's server is based in ireland, like FullTilt poker was, why do all criminals like Ireland so much?
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what you're seeing is affiliate work in a segment called 'make easy money' - mass low-value traffic. Websites there give the impression they're on the customer's side, suggesting ways how to beat casinos and directing them to certain ones where they will get commissions if/when they referred customers lose. There are many sites like the one you posted (look up "cash multiplier system" and you'll see an English/European version of the same thing)

Online casinos are not illegal (yet) in Russia and the Ukraine; you may be seeing a lot of advertising there now because several key European markets (France, Italy, Spain etc.) have closed to non-licensed casinos and new markets have to be developed.

Regarding Ireland, it's like Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar and a few other territories: because of common tax incentives it draws similar activities from many competing firms. Servers are frequently based in Ireland; banking activities are generally out of Cyprus; corporate management from Gibraltar; licensing and management from Malta. Each territory has better quality casino operators as well as some rotten apples...

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