I have a story similar to Casinomeister’s; “…remember when I bought a steak at Ralph's…”
What I am presenting is an example to explain how casinos should behave with bonuses.
My first job was at a ‘mini-supermarket’ when I was a teenager.
The manager told me that in the past when he offered bargains he found that a certain number of people would come in just for the bargains.
‘They would buy nothing else,’ he said. ‘I would rather burn it than give them a discount.’
He didn’t like the idea of anyone getting a ‘discounted lunch.’
So what he decided to do was very simple, he just stopped giving ‘true’ discounts.
Instead, he reduced the price of his goods, but not below the price at which he bought them for.
So this way, he is never losing out.
It seems to my mind that majority of online casinos have the same mindset as the owner of the supermarket. If a player wins a bonus, they would rather burn the money than give it to the player.
I think the manager in my story had the right answer to the problem.
You don’t want people buying bargains? Then don’t offer them.
The same should apply to casino bonuses.
Seems like common sense doesn’t it?
But the online casino’s lust for money interferes with their thinking.
They seem to believe that they can have the best of both worlds.
They want to attract the customer with big bonuses and at the same time not to payout when the bonus is won.
What I am presenting is an example to explain how casinos should behave with bonuses.
My first job was at a ‘mini-supermarket’ when I was a teenager.
The manager told me that in the past when he offered bargains he found that a certain number of people would come in just for the bargains.
‘They would buy nothing else,’ he said. ‘I would rather burn it than give them a discount.’
He didn’t like the idea of anyone getting a ‘discounted lunch.’
So what he decided to do was very simple, he just stopped giving ‘true’ discounts.
Instead, he reduced the price of his goods, but not below the price at which he bought them for.
So this way, he is never losing out.
It seems to my mind that majority of online casinos have the same mindset as the owner of the supermarket. If a player wins a bonus, they would rather burn the money than give it to the player.
I think the manager in my story had the right answer to the problem.
You don’t want people buying bargains? Then don’t offer them.
The same should apply to casino bonuses.
Seems like common sense doesn’t it?
But the online casino’s lust for money interferes with their thinking.
They seem to believe that they can have the best of both worlds.
They want to attract the customer with big bonuses and at the same time not to payout when the bonus is won.