Ah, sorry - that was my fault! I was busy recounting my own personal story to their live chat operator for inclusion on the site...
"A couple of years ago, I really didn't know where to turn. I came home one day to find my wife in bed with my best friend, my boss, my brother and the England eleven rugby team. I ran downstairs to escape the heartache, only to find that someone had also hidden all the remote controls to the TV, the DVD player AND the stereo!! I was ready to end it all. Not knowing what to do at this point, I caught a glimpse of my laptop in the corner of the room - still running All Slots from where I'd been playing this morning.. (Thinking about it, I was so busy chasing those three sparrows on ISIS - that's probably when my hussy of a wife sneaked everyone upstairs!). Anyhoo - with nowhere else to turn I thought - "why not just give a couple of spins at Ladies Nite... Who knows?..." and I did. Imagine my utter amazement when, right in front of my eyes, in rolled two nines on the SAME WINLINE!!! The glorious sight of those two nines, right next to each other meant I'd hit a 1.00 win... Yep, all mine - to keep. The day's disasters suddenly paled into insignificance - and I felt whole again. What's more, my Wife suddenly said she was sorry, my mate produced a crate of beer, my brother decorated the spare bedroom and the rugby team went outside and washed my car... I can only say THANK YOU All Slots, thank you for everything. You saved my life"