Golden Palace WAKE Up! BABIES?

Slotster! said:
I just thought about "The Prisoner" potential too...

"32, can you come here a minute please.."
"Erm.. well you kind of are actually"
"Oh yeah. Bugger"

Apologies to any young/non UK viewers for whom the above will make no sense whatsoever :D
:lolup: :lolup:
Come to think of it, there are some cool casino names for babies.

How about King Neptune for a boy?

Seven Sultans (think Seinfeld :D)

Lucky Nugget

River Belle (for a girl)

Roxy Palace (girl also)

Wild Jack

Ruby Fortune
Why Stop There?

casinomeister said:
Come to think of it, there are some cool casino names for babies.

How about King Neptune for a boy?

Seven Sultans (think Seinfeld :D)

Lucky Nugget

River Belle (for a girl)

Roxy Palace (girl also)

Wild Jack

Ruby Fortune

How about............

Cool Cat

Golden Balls

Grand Banks

All Jackpots
So what amounts to child abuse is funny?

Golden Palace have put up money for a child to have a name which can easily lead to a whole host of problems with its peers when it gets to school age. Think for a moment about the amount of roll-calling that goes on in school, registers, sports teams and all. They'll pick up on that and run with it - unfortunately. The child itself is in no position to do anything about this until its old enough to handle matters like this of its own volition.

But hey, let's not bother about that: let's focus on another opportunity to talk up 32Red.

LOL, what a tacky turn this thread's taken.
caruso said:
So what amounts to child abuse is funny?

Golden Palace have put up money for a child to have a name which can easily lead to a whole host of problems with its peers when it gets to school age. Think for a moment about the amount of roll-calling that goes on in school, registers, sports teams and all. They'll pick up on that and run with it - unfortunately. The child itself is in no position to do anything about this until its old enough to handle matters like this of its own volition.

But hey, let's not bother about that: let's focus on another opportunity to talk up 32Red.

LOL, what a tacky turn this thread's taken.
Jeeze, Caruso. Lighten up a little, eh? I'm sure this will back-fire on GP, and will be a topic at the upcoming GIGSE.

Food for thought, something like this is illegal in Germany. You cannot name a baby any name. It has to be a "real" name. My son has a Hawaiian middle name (Keanu) and I had to prove the name was real with documents before they filled out the Birth Certificate.
Fair enough.

I'm interested in the legality with regard to the Kahnawake ruling, however:

Golden Palace will not use, promote, encourage or fund this type of marketing ever again.

Although this could be interpreted as applying to nothing less than an exact repeat of the Olympic sabotage, "this type" being fairly wooly, I'm sure a case could be made for a breach of agreement.
The best that can come of this is the parents take GP's 15k, then go spend a score to change the babies name by Outdated URL (Invalid) or whatever the process is where the child is from the next day.

Which leads me to guess GP thought of that and have a contract saying they can't.

Of course, the auction was over in 2 minutes i gather, with 1 bidder. Which would lead one to hazard a guess that the thing was a set up from the getgo anyhow.

When this kid bowls around it's school, being called GP or whatever, will that be classed as advertising to minors? I would hope that if that is so, all the parents of all the other kids take gp to the cleaners.

I obviously think the igc should step in here and take this firm to task, should have done so already actually. Without needing a minion like me to contact them with a heads up.

Outdated URL (Invalid) >>
Number one online casino has done it again, getting another person to be a living, breathing advertisement for them. This time the billboard-person is a baby boy in Pennsylvania
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Oh for f***'s sake.

He wont know whats going on, let alone that he is advertising an online casino.

Those of you Yanks worried about the anti-gambling malcontents in the US aren't going to be taking much comfort from any of this. Talk about fuelling the flames of the "no" lobby.

Not that that has anything to do with the morality of this obnoxious behaviour.
Are these replies jokes or agendas? I am a little out of touch lately but I see no humour at all in this exploitation.
deaning said:
Are these replies jokes or agendas? I am a little out of touch lately but I see no humour at all in this exploitation.
Sometimes humor is a defense mechanism designed to make life easier to cope with. No one is poking fun of the baby.

I'm in the process of contacing both GP and the Kahnawake Gaming Comission on this. I'm just hoping it's a big joke and they're pulling our legs.
I'm in the process of contacing both GP and the Kahnawake Gaming Comission on this. I'm just hoping it's a big joke and they're pulling our legs.

I will be very interested to hear what the Kahnawake Gaming Comission's view of this latest stunt is. Interesting to note that the Casino Blasters rep on CAP actually defended the actions of GP and called it a 'win/win' situation.
Webzcas said:
...Interesting to note that the Casino Blasters rep on CAP actually defended the actions of GP and called it a 'win/win' situation.
It's sad when there are so many firms who don't give a flying rat's ass about this industry. Obviously, they only care about making a buck and couldn't care less how it's being made. Show me da money!

Anyway, it's giving me something to talk about during my panel discussion at the GIGSE. GP wants exposure? Well, they'll get it there :D
Um... I think it's funny, sorry!

Moreover, there's far worse child abuse in the world for this to get me agitated.... Hell, people call their kids way stupider names out of choice - and don't even get paid for it!!

It makes Golden Palace look a bit stupid to people like us, but gains them the conversations and publicity they're after... Whatever... I think comments like some of those up there are, IMHO, a little bit out of proportion and inappropriately dramatic.
** All moral, emotional and such issues with this asside... They have done EXACTLY as intended. Getting a reaction. The thing is, there are still saps out there who'd go to the casino, sign up just "To see what the big deal" is about. The attention created by this, good or not, is precisely what the intention of the deal was.
In all honesty, what do you guys think would be the 'punishment' for this be?
Revoke their licence (with maybe a time-period in which they, or anyone associated with them, may not apply for another licence ANYWHERE)
Who should enforce this?
AS for the parents:
Give the money back?
Have social welfare on the case?
It does however bring an interesting twist, as was suggested... Advertising to Minors! **
Webzcas said:
I will be very interested to hear what the Kahnawake Gaming Comission's view of this latest stunt is. Interesting to note that the Casino Blasters rep on CAP actually defended the actions of GP and called it a 'win/win' situation.

Yeah - they boasted in like vein when they disrupted the Olympic swimming event, several other major international sporting finals and nearly got their streaker gored on the Pamplona bull run, too. Very responsible company to go after publicity at the expense of others.

I agree the parents are equally at fault, but you would assume that a responsible company would impose some ethical limits on the activities of its marketers.

Petunia is right - this sort of heated discussion would no delight them in their mistaken belief that there is no such thing as bad publicity. I guess Kahnawake could impose another fine on GP to go to charity - assuming that was ever collected. The social welfare angle is interesting, too although I suspect that a lot of red tape would ensue in most countries.

Looks like Bryan's panel discussion at GIGSE will be worth watching!

Now that could be another controversy for them to exploit....
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Fake Baby???

Me thinks they might be having one on us.

I think this may be an attention-getting ruse. Check out the "birth certificate" on the site. It looks like it may have been Photoshopped. Does anyone live in NJ and can verify that this baby was even born and named there? It would have been in the paper and also available via public records.

I'm starting to think it's a load of poo poo.

And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
The more I look at this, the more I think it's been faked.

It's the x's I think.

I've recreated the image and text (more or less) on a copy. Now I had to rotate "GOLDENPALACEDOTCOM" to line up with the original. I wrote "SILVERMAN" and did the same thing. It was the exact amount of rotation. But when I did the x's, they didn't line up. In fact all three x's are perfectly straight (the x's used in the check boxes). Now I repeated the rotation for an "x" that I placed in the "female" box; note that it looks more natural. Also note that all three original x's are in the exact same position in the boxes. You'd think there is a chance for a slight variation.

Conclusion: the graphic artist rotated the larger text to line up with the lines but didn't rotate the x's.

Some of you graphically inclined people can try this at home :D

Anyway, I'm not 100% sure, but so far it looks like it may be a fake.
Hopefully you are right. Hard to keep up with what you mean to be honest, but don't let that surprise you too much heh. ;)
Claims of charity are just laughable. They have not commented on my offer to auction my anus and tattoo on it the winning bids website. Anything else but a kid at the basis of this and I can assure you I would see the humour in it.

If it is a hoax then funny ha will have a far greater negative effect, any publicity is good publicity is a bit of a misnomer.
I agree - it would be an extremely hazardous and risky tactic to first of all go this baby-naming route at all or hoax the public. This story has attracted wide mainstream coverage and the result of a hoax would not be pretty.
** Hmm, i'm starting to think that it might not be a hoax, but a bit of clever market research! If you are looking into doing something like this, you'd want to know how pple would react to this. What the implications are etc.
If not real, then this is a clever little marketing strategy... research and free exposure all rolled into one... come to think of it... It worked up the industry, caused a buzz and of course, give them good clues as to what might happen if they DO proceed with something like this!
It could be that someone has a bit of a 'hackle' with them, and are doing them a favour by giving them 'bad' publicity.
It is all true, in which case they have succeeded in a marketing strategy (at what cost though - one might wonder) and we won't be too upset at their next 'event' because "At least it is not as bad as naming a child after a casino.)

All in all, very clever. **
There is nothing mentioned about this in the Atlantic City Press. Search results for "Golden Palace" only pulled up an article for Britney Spear's Pregnancy Test eBay auction:

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Kahnawakee nor GP have responded to my inquiries yet.
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Star-Ledger - nothing but the Pope-mobile article and cheese sandwich articles

Trenton Times nothing at all

Jersey Journal no Pope Mobile, Cheese sandwich, nada.

The Express-Times nothing.

Contrary to a popular belief, it looks like GP isnt getting much press at all.

I'm beginning to think this is a crock of poo.

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