General Election 2024 Thread

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I can just see how national service would work now:

A couple of buses of new recruits pulls up at Catterick for them to start their basic training. They are greeted by a barrel chested RSM, the type who shouts loudly but in a pinch you know hes the one who will get you back home safely. His first order is simple to understand:

"Form two groups - ladies to the left, gents to the right, make it quick and no fucking around"

First person off the bus approaches the RSM: "sorry mate, where does the non-binary group go and please don't speak to me like that"

RSM has a meltdown, tears the recruit a new one, who then complains on social media all about how the army is not respecting peoples rights and we become an even bigger laughing stock for all other militaries around the world to take the piss out of.
I want a rainbow beret.
I want halal ratpack
I'm not wearing a belt, my camo trousers need to be hanging below my arse
Does 'GET DOWN!' mean stand up and dance?
I'm having separation anxiety from my iPhone and earbuds
The target is racist because the centre spot is black
What if the enemy open fire during prayer time?
The mortar is phallic and signifies male oppression
I want a rainbow beret.
I want halal ratpack
I'm not wearing a belt, my camo trousers need to be hanging below my arse
Does 'GET DOWN!' mean stand up and dance?
I'm having separation anxiety from my iPhone and earbuds
The target is racist because the centre spot is black
What if the enemy open fire during prayer time?
The mortar is phallic and signifies male oppression
I can hear my rsm now:

I want a rainbow beret - you will wear what you are fucking told
I want halal ratpack - eat what you have or starve - not arsed either way
Im not wearing a belt - it goes around your waist or around your neck - your choice
Does "Get Down" mean stand up and dance - please stand up, see what happens next
Im having seperation anxiety from my Iphone - I am going to seperate your head from your shoulders in a second
The target is racist because the centre spot is black - God is on the side of the best shots, so get stuck in
What if the enemy open fire during prayer time? - That's exactly why we are hitting them AT PRAYER TIME you useless cretin
The mortar is phallic - your mum loved it
Can you imaging a MacDonalds-fed flabby, drill music-consuming, indolent, woke entitled generation of 18 year olds, about 25% of whom will be muslims or other 'new Britons', successfully or willingly completing anything that demands discipline and patriotism? Rishi Sunk is living in cloud cuckoo land. You may as well get the Sergeant Majors to try and train or herd cats.

Yeah the fact that the young are 'woke' is definitely the problem.

How can you expect people who are being actively excluded from, and punished by, the prevailing economic system - to be incredibly enthused about doing forced national service to help sustain it? The very system that's fucking them over?

Be careful what you wish for. The Tories may well deserve a good thumping but an electoral wipeout and 3 figure Labour majority will do no-one any favours, even Labour supporters.

All governments need an effective opposition.
I don't think any large majorities like that, especially when <50% of a public vote, is particularly good as a system in general. Allows a party to operate on behalf of the whole country, when half didn't vote for them, without any form of curtailing or challenge to the more radical elements of their party (left and right).

Leads to complacency as well.

Left leaning people in the Labour Party (are there any left?) will find their days well and truly numbered as Mr Starmer is, despite his awful public appearances, quite the authoritarian.
It doesn't seem to have landed very well.

View attachment 197413
What's interesting is that, from up here, is how the SNP vote capitulation is reflective of Independence - you have this weird, almost oxymoron, situation is the SNP go from 40 odd seats to 12 and the labour party becoming having the largest westminster representation. But you poll Indy and the % remains more or less constant (goes up and down i think dependant, pun not intended, on the week)
I don't think any large majorities like that, especially when <50% of a public vote, is particularly good as a system in general. Allows a party to operate on behalf of the whole country, when half didn't vote for them, without any form of curtailing or challenge to the more radical elements of their party (left and right).

Leads to complacency as well.

Left leaning people in the Labour Party (are there any left?) will find their days well and truly numbered as Mr Starmer is, despite his awful public appearances, quite the authoritarian.

FPTP is a rotten electoral system and I'd love to see it changed, unfortunately any party that wins under FPTP tends not to then see any reason to change it.....

There are a massive number of votes in UK general elections that are simply wasted, and massive disparities in how many votes each party needs to secure per MP. I'm no fan of Reform and their vote probably won't hold at its level in the latest polling in a GE, but either way their representation in parliament should be commensurate with their vote share, same goes for the Greens and other minority parties. (Lib Dems do very badly out of FPTP as well of course.)

The other problem with FPTP is it makes the 'win zone' a very narrow band of swing seats, which tends to force both parties onto the centre ground and scared of making any pronouncements that might scare the voters in those seats.

New Labour fucked it, electoral reform absolutely should have been one of the things they got done during their time in power.
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FPTP is a rotten electoral system and I'd love to see it changed, unfortunately any party that wins under FPTP tends not to then see any reason to change it.....

There are a massive number of votes in UK general elections that are simply wasted, and massive disparities in how many votes each party needs to secure per MP. I'm no fan of Reform and their vote probably won't hold at its level in the latest polling in a GE, but either way their representation in parliament should be commensurate with their vote share, same goes for the Greens and other minority parties. (Lib Dems do very badly out of FPTP as well of course.)

The other problem with FPTP is it makes the 'win zone' a very narrow band of swing seats, which tends to force both parties onto the centre ground and scared of making any pronouncements that might scare the voters in those seats.

New Labour fucked it, electoral reform absolutely should have been one of the things they got done during their time in power.
New Labour was the end of the Labour Party in it's original Scottish roots form :p

It is a horrible system - people complain about STV/PR giving 'marginal' parties influence, but surely if 10% vote for you, you ought to have representation - oddly enough Starmer opposes it even though, IIRC, his party want it .

The downside to it is that it doesn't lead to many/if any majorities so some parties have a disproportionate effect on policies which creates issues of why a party ,having 5% of the vote , has a say in policy.

Overall though, i think it's a fairer system.
iirc the markets and business prefer the certainty of fptp, however I think we need an infusion of new ideas, the only way that'll happen is probably PR.

And I would put each MP in control of the health facilities (nhs/public) in his constituency, he has the final say, that way we'd have direct accountability and 1 person with a strong motive to ensure a good service is provided.

[Obviously he wouldn't be sat in an office doing staff rotas, but the bigger decisions.]
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Be careful what you wish for. The Tories may well deserve a good thumping but an electoral wipeout and 3 figure Labour majority will do no-one any favours, even Labour supporters.

All governments need an effective opposition.
100% true. But here is the problem.

WHEN exactly was the last time we actually HAD such a thing here in the UK?

The last three "reigns" in the UK Parliament have been....

1. The current 14 years with the Tories under Cameron, May, Alexander DePfeffel Boorish Fuckwit that would stick his Johnson inside a plank of wood with a hole in it if you sellotaped some pubic hair around said hole Johnson, Liz "anything you can do Brian Clough" Truss & Sunak.
2. New Labour's 13 years under Blair and Brown and
3. the Tories EIGHTEEN YEARS under Thatcher & Major.

Doesn't exactly scream "effective opposition" does it?
If anything, it seems to suggest that....

1. the UK electorate is a patient * lot. Perhaps too patient for its own good.
2. they have been starved of appealing alternatives for damn near half a century.

* Until of course, their patience is inevitably tested to and beyond its limits by a combination of arrogance, incompetence, complacency and general all round sleazy c*ntishness.
And ONLY then does it say "enough already. time for someone else to have a go".

It's quite telling that a UK governing party hasn't gone "one and done" - or even "two and done" - since 1979.
And even that Callaghan government MIGHT have got a second term IF Callaghan had called an election in '78 (before the Winter Of Discontent that doomed him).

It's not particularly helpful when you have opposition leaders like....

Michael Howard - got totally Paxo'ed by the words "did you threaten to overrule him?"

Ed Milliband - sounds like he permanently has the common cold. And probably has less personality than.....the common cold.

JEZZAH Corbyn - He's down with da grime massive in E3 London, which is wicked innit?
But he also is down with dressing like a f*cking Geography teacher, not a statesman.
And he is also down with not having the balls to pick a side on the Brexit issue, lest he offend anyone among this increasingly lily-livered, oversensitive and mentally deficient joke of a population.
BUT......MUH FEELINGS!!! Yeah whatever, douchebags....

And to be honest, WHEN Labour gets elected on 5th July (they SURELY cannot repeat the mistakes of '92 and '19 this time?), they will almost certainly be in power for AT LEAST two terms. Simply because we will end up with YET ANOTHER opposition that is as about as effective as a chocolate fireguard.

Angela Rayner is already licking her lips, knowing that she can get caught red-handed with her hands in ALL of the cookie jars for the next ten years and nothing will be done about it. Why? Because you are stuck with a choice between John Swinney, Ed Davey, James Cleverly, Grant Shapps and god knows who else as "the alternative".
Jesus Christ, we're totally f*cked.

Honestly, it's almost enough to make me want to actually change my mind and waste ten minutes of my life by actually bothering to vote at this GE.
But if I do, I will make sure I go for a massive shit before I leave the house.
And instead of flushing a few sheets of shit-stained toilet roll down the bog, I will take them with me to the voting booth in order to smear my ballot with a dozen shit-coloured and shit-smelling X's....

That's what I think of our DUH-MOCK-cracy.

iirc the markets and business prefer the certainty of fptp, however I think we need an infusion of new ideas, the only way that'll happen is probably PR.

And I would put each MP in control of the health facilities (nhs/public) in his constituency, he has the final say, that way we'd have direct accountability and 1 person with a strong motive to ensure a good service is provided.

[Obviously he wouldn't be sat in an office doing staff rotas, but the bigger decisions.]
Whilst i see merit in that, one of the problems you have would be that you'll end up with that lottery postcode of health services, but yes, i think MP's should be more responsible for the delivery of these core services. But that would run roughshod over the Health Boards which, in theory, are meant to be responsible for the delivery.

Either way, the sacred cow of NHS ineptitude will continue unless something fundamental is changed - ain't the 1940's anymore :p

One of the things they could do is stop the absurd situation that NHS bodies can operate at deficits when budget setting for the year - that provides no incentive for management of resources or budgetary control.
I have high hopes though, the next Health Secretary from 6 months ago

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Oh boy if this is labour's vision for the future :laugh:

Btw Streeting is a PR disaster waiting to happen :p

Will the battered deep fried mars bar finally be under threat?

All the pieces are coming together for a nanny state mega mix, a huge majority and five solid years to play with :p...:eek:
Will the battered deep fried mars bar finally be under threat?

All the pieces are coming together for a nanny state mega mix, a huge majority and five solid years to play with :p...:eek:
The DF Mars bar is somewhat of a myth as i've only seen one place up here have it :laugh:

Though i'd rather have it than some beetroot salad :p

What, you think parents should take greater responsibility for their kids' heath and wellbeing? You zealot! :p

State subsidised children, what's not to love :p
So Farage has crawled out from under his rock again. A week ago he said he had a far more important election to focus on over in the USA, but since then Trump has been convicted of, checks notes, all the crimes, so he's decided maybe that isn't such a good idea after all.

On one level I really do have to admire the man's brass neck. Back in 2016 he was all like, 'VOTE FOR BREXIT, IT'LL BE AMAZING FOR BRITAIN'.

And then in 2024, after Brexit has happened, and a very hard Brexit at that, we get, 'BRITAIN IS IN TATTERS, VOTE FOR ME TO MAKE IT BETTER!'.

He's the griftiest grifter in all of Griftville.
Mind you, every cloud and all that.....

View attachment 197626
I'm glad you approve of assault on politicians in a free democracy, and her male friend who assaulted an emergency worker.

Yep, the thought process (or lack thereof) of the extreme left wokery brigade whose sense of entitlement gives them carte blanche to break the law for some cheap kudos among their scrounging acolytes.

I'm sure at the weekend the midget will be on a pro-Hamass march or other rentamob.
I'm glad you approve of assault on politicians in a free democracy, and her male friend who assaulted an emergency worker.

Yep, the thought process (or lack thereof) of the extreme left wokery brigade whose sense of entitlement gives them carte blanche to break the law for some cheap kudos among their scrounging acolytes.

I'm sure at the weekend the midget will be on a pro-Hamass march or other rentamob.

Awww diddums the lying charlatan who sold the young of the UK down the river with his Brexit lies and grifting got a milkshake thrown in his face, I'm sure he'll live, no damage was done.

And us lefties are supposed to be the snowflakes!

I'm old enough to remember when politicians just punched the perpetrator and went about their day :D

Awww diddums the lying charlatan who sold the young of the UK down the river with his Brexit lies and grifting got a milkshake thrown in his face, I'm sure he'll live, no damage was done.

And us lefties are supposed to be the snowflakes!

I'm old enough to remember when politicians just punched the perpetrator and went about their day :D

May have only been a milkshake, could have been acid. Deplorable that you feel any attack on a politician, regardless of their views, is acceptable.
I wonder if you also thought it was ok when your hero Jeremy' buddies in the IRA were murdering another MP, the Reverend Robert Bradford, when he was holding a constituency office in a church hall.
You should hang your head in shame, but then that wouldnt be done by anyone who cheers for a politician who openly wooed murderers from Palestine and Northern Ireland.

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