Be careful what you wish for. The Tories may well deserve a good thumping but an electoral wipeout and 3 figure Labour majority will do no-one any favours, even Labour supporters.
All governments need an effective opposition.
100% true. But here is the problem.
WHEN exactly was the last time we actually HAD such a thing here in the UK?
The last three "reigns" in the UK Parliament have been....
1. The current 14 years with the Tories under Cameron, May, Alexander DePfeffel Boorish Fuckwit that would stick his Johnson inside a plank of wood with a hole in it if you sellotaped some pubic hair around said hole Johnson, Liz "anything you can do Brian Clough" Truss & Sunak.
2. New Labour's 13 years under Blair and Brown and
3. the Tories EIGHTEEN YEARS under Thatcher & Major.
Doesn't exactly scream "effective opposition" does it?
If anything, it seems to suggest that....
1. the UK electorate is a patient * lot. Perhaps too patient for its own good.
2. they have been starved of appealing alternatives for damn near half a century.
* Until of course, their patience is inevitably tested to and beyond its limits by a combination of arrogance, incompetence, complacency and general all round sleazy c*ntishness.
And ONLY then does it say "enough already. time for someone else to have a go".
It's quite telling that a UK governing party hasn't gone "one and done" - or even "two and done" - since 1979.
And even that Callaghan government MIGHT have got a second term IF Callaghan had called an election in '78 (before the Winter Of Discontent that doomed him).
It's not particularly helpful when you have opposition leaders like....
Michael Howard - got totally Paxo'ed by the words "did you threaten to overrule him?"
Ed Milliband - sounds like he permanently has the common cold. And probably has less personality than.....the common cold.
JEZZAH Corbyn - He's down with da grime massive in E3 London, which is wicked innit?
But he also is down with dressing like a f*cking Geography teacher, not a statesman.
And he is also down with not having the balls to pick a side on the Brexit issue, lest he offend anyone among this increasingly lily-livered, oversensitive and mentally deficient joke of a population.
BUT......MUH FEELINGS!!! Yeah whatever, douchebags....
And to be honest, WHEN Labour gets elected on 5th July (they SURELY cannot repeat the mistakes of '92 and '19 this time?), they will almost certainly be in power for AT LEAST two terms. Simply because we will end up with YET ANOTHER opposition that is as about as effective as a chocolate fireguard.
Angela Rayner is already licking her lips, knowing that she can get caught red-handed with her hands in ALL of the cookie jars for the next ten years and nothing will be done about it. Why? Because you are stuck with a choice between John Swinney, Ed Davey, James Cleverly, Grant Shapps and god knows who else as "the alternative".
Jesus Christ, we're totally f*cked.
Honestly, it's almost enough to make me want to actually change my mind and waste ten minutes of my life by actually bothering to vote at this GE.
But if I do, I will make sure I go for a massive shit before I leave the house.
And instead of flushing a few sheets of shit-stained toilet roll down the bog, I will take them with me to the voting booth in order to smear my ballot with a dozen shit-coloured and shit-smelling X's....
That's what I think of our DUH-MOCK-cracy.