Meister Minion Monthly Draw Congrats to our Meister Minion winners!

The Dude

The artist formally known as Casinomeister
Jun 30, 1998
I just want to thank our active Meister Minions who have been really helping us out here in Casinomeisterland - assisting us in providing accurate information for casino payouts, and offering us their opinions and rating for the Casinomeister Reviews.

After each month, we look at the participation and dish out Amazon coupons. Here are the two MMs selected for the past fortnight:

blissgxng = $30 USD
DeidreB = $30 USD

And for you MMs who are not so busy, time to get crackin'

If you are interested in joining the Meister Minions, please check out this page: (Full Members and above).
Join the Meister Minions

Again - congrats to the winners!
WOW, Thank you so much!!

Step it up fellow Meister Minion's and all those aspiring to be. We need up-to-date and accurate cash out information on every casino you can imagine, especially the ones that are on the site accredited and greybzone. If we want to continue to flourish as the main source of reliable information for the igaming industry we have to give the meister all the help we can!
Beyond grateful for this kind award & I will work even harder this summer!

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