All TopGames Casinos are Down! DDos Attacks!!

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I don't pay much attention to Affiliates and the like. Can someone tell me:

Who is Affactive - Which Casinos do they represent?

Who is claiming that Affactive is attacking them?



Affactive = WinPalace group (Slots Jungle/Mayflower/Titan etc)

Who's being attacked = Rome and other TopGame sites.
Will be interesting to see how this pans out?
Hopefully we get to know what the full story is? Hate when the thread just dies off and no answers are given!:rolleyes:

:eat: <------ Settling in for the latest developments!

Is there any online representative for Topgame here? Hope they can give us the latest updates on the DDos Attacks and the culprit who did this.
Now, makes me wonder what the support staff of topgames casinos doing now? Give them a week off? haha :)
Maybe someone read how rome casino was stealing players money and their constant excuses to not pay and are now making them pay. Quite frankly, they had it coming to them. Hope it puts them out of business because they are the criminals.
Totally uncalled for. Flaming, slandorous, trollike - bye.

Is there any online representative for Topgame here? Hope they can give us the latest updates on the DDos Attacks and the culprit who did this.
Now, makes me wonder what the support staff of topgames casinos doing now? Give them a week off? haha :)

Yes, there are reps here - pretty active ones at that.

Brings to mind the DDoS attack Casinomeister came under in March/April 2010. It was so bad that the service provider that hosted Casinomeister plus about 30,000 other websites was shut down. We had to move servers and bulletproof the site. It took a few days, but it was done - and worth it. At one point we were receiving about a gig of traffic per second. Too bad it was crap traffic from India, Brazil, and Vietnam, and not real players :p

The question was "Who was responsible?" Well, since we never received any ransom notes or threat letters, it was left to speculation. About that time was the "Jackpotsheaven" rogue issue that a number of other webmasters had blacklisted. All of them were hit with minor DDoS attacks, but none like the one that hit here. It could have been a coincidence that two DDoS attacks happened around the same time. But you never know.

Maybe the guys at Rome received an email from someone and they were able to trace it. Maybe that's their proof.

top game casinos have some depositors yet?
after almost the players knowing that all the casinos of this group doesnt make good payments?

At the risk of looking like an idiot here, I am going to ask it anyway, What is the main reason people do the DDOS attacks? Is it for the sole reason to crash the sites, are they getting any information from the sites they are attacking? I just don't see the point of doing something like this just to bring down a site, because the site is going to come back anyway.

I can see that by attacking casino servers, that is going to cost the casino money, is that what they are trying to do? I remember when CM was hit, but I don't remember how long the site was down, how long have the TopGame sites been down?

Hopefully, someone will catch these people or person, and hopefully they will not get a slap on the wrist. It will be interesting to see how this ends.

The usual process is the attacker brings the site(s) in question down, thus costing the owners money, and then the attacker issues a ransom demand. If there is no ransom demand then you can assume someone has a personal vendetta!
Just posted over at GPWA
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"Announcement from Topgame

"We hereby confirm that we found a direct correlation between the recent DDoS attacks to our servers and one of our licensees; they were operating Mayflower Casino and Grand Macao Casino. Their license has been revoked permanently. We don’t tolerate this criminal behavior and certainly do not partner with such.

I found this post from the user "macloud" to be far more interesting.
It seems the owners of Affactive have prior history in this caper...

I am one of the founding members of TopGame. I have since sold all my shares in TopGame but I am still in close relationship with them and some of their operators. Most of you know me as I was one of the pioneers in the affiliate industry. I've prepared this statement because I've been reading this thread and what TopGame and Rome Partners are facing now just crosses all red lines. I want to come forward, this terror has to stop!

Two years ago I was invited for a meeting with Gabriel Shalomsvhilli (also known as Gabi) . He is owner of GoldVIPClub/WinPalace/Affective. At that point they successfully DDOS attacked Rome Partners and put their systems down. The demands were paying a penalty of $50K and signing a letter stating that RomePartners could not hire any staff that had ever worked for the GoldVIP / WinPalace / Affective group, take affiliate positions, or "behave dishonorably" as by his words. I was personally asked by Gabi to deliver the letter to be signed by Rome Partners. The document was signed virtually at gunpoint since their gaming servers were down. I personally delivered the letter to the CEO of RomePartners and had him sign it. I then returned the document to Gabi to his office in Tel Aviv.

At the time my only intention in this whole affair was to try to keep the company running and everyone happy with as little interruption as possible. I now understand that Gabi isn't interested in peace. His only goal at this point seems to be to knock competition out of the market by force and control everyone.

After that all was quiet for about a year, and then Gabi tried to do this all over again. Instead of getting in touch with us, he went directly to TopGame and made his demands there. This time, he threatened to take RomePartners down again along with TopGame (gaming servers, website and affiliate program) I believe he succeeded in extorting an additional 75k USD.

If you ask me, the recent attacks beginning November 16th are a clear attempt to destroy competition and not just an attempt to get money. I have been in contact with RomePartners and TopGame and none of them can understand why this is happening. It is my honest belief that they are simply trying to destroy a big competitor in their market now they have their own software Game Scale.

/gets popcorn

Edit: I just noticed. "Gabriel Shalomsvhilli (also known as Gabi) . He is owner of GoldVIPClub/WinPalace/Affective."

Is this true?
I found this post from the user "macloud" to be far more interesting.
It seems the owners of Affactive have prior history in this caper...

/gets popcorn

Edit: I just noticed. "Gabriel Shalomsvhilli (also known as Gabi) . He is owner of GoldVIPClub/WinPalace/Affective."

Is this true?

How interesting. It certainly seems plausible, and it certainly would go a long way to explaining why WinPalace brands take ages to pay and don't seem to give a toss about players.
I think winpalace (affactive) has been a decent group. The representative daniel has helped me if i have had any issues with their casinos, and they do pay. Sometimes a tad slow but in the end always paid me. Same seems to go with affiliates to what i have read elsewhere. It seems really odd that they would do these attacks as they also own a topgame powered casino, and it would have affected them aswell.
To my knowledge goldvipclub is not a affactive casino, its not listed on their website.
top game casinos have some depositors yet?
after almost the players knowing that all the casinos of this group doesnt make good payments?

While there have been complaints about *some*of the sites using Top Game Software......."all the casinos" are not a problem.

I play every day at Diamond VIP and their service and payouts are top notch. Don't lump all sites that happen to use software together. It is unfair and not deserved.

To my knowledge goldvipclub is not a affactive casino, its not listed on their website.

Of course it's not. Gold Vip Club is perhaps the roguest of rogues..if the listed it on their website it would ruin them. I have pointed out in a few threads the connections that I found just in my experience as a player. For example I went to chat on Slots Jungle and was welcomed to Gold Vip Club casino by the Rep. I called both Win Palace and GVC and the same person answered etc etc etc/ I always knew it was connected...this just reconfirms it for me.

Re: DDoS attacks...That's just disgusting if Affactive is responsible..but seeing that they operate GVC I wouldn't be surprised.
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At the risk of looking like an idiot here, I am going to ask it anyway, What is the main reason people do the DDOS attacks? Is it for the sole reason to crash the sites, are they getting any information from the sites they are attacking? I just don't see the point of doing something like this just to bring down a site, because the site is going to come back anyway.

I can see that by attacking casino servers, that is going to cost the casino money, is that what they are trying to do? I remember when CM was hit, but I don't remember how long the site was down, how long have the TopGame sites been down?

Hopefully, someone will catch these people or person, and hopefully they will not get a slap on the wrist. It will be interesting to see how this ends.


When it comes to extortion (a fancy word for criminal blackmail) these DDoS creeps play on the fact that downtime is expensive for operators not just in terms of counter measures, but lost business.

Many of the classic DDoS attacks have been carried out on major sportsbetting sites, and have been timed to coincide with peak sporting events when the volume of wagering is at its height, thus losing the operator significant amounts of betting revenue.

The crooks will usually apply the DDoS pressure to show that they have the capability, and then demand a ransom from the operator to be let off the hook. The sum demanded can be in the tens or hundreds of thousands, but is the more economical answer than the lost business the attack is inflicting. Some have paid these ransoms, others have wisely looked at the long term threat of repeated attacks and refused to pay, instead working with the police to catch these buggers, and beefing up their defences against future assaults.

There is no doubt that this is out-and-out criminal activity, and where the dedicated cyber-enforcement units find these nasty folks, they face severe punishment.

Launching DDoS assaults for other purposes is just as criminal, because it either seeks an advantage that is not legally due, or maliciously damages someone else's these creeps, too, face serious penalties when caught, not to mention civil actions for pecuniary damages. That applies to both the perpetrator and those who have contracted with the perp to commit the offence.

Looking at that anonymous post from the GPWA above (the guy doesn't appear to have the guts to stand by his own name :() I personally feel a sense of revulsion at the mafia-style antics of these people, which do not reflect well on the industry as a whole imo.

The lack of morals and the unprofessional behaviour of all concerned is just disgusting, and it's a pity there are no mechanisms that would enable the industry to rid itself of these creatures.

It does not appear to have occurred to any of them to approach the problem in a businesslike way through litigation...especially if they have, as they are claiming in this distasteful public wrestling match, convincing evidence of who is responsible.
Well....this is turning out to be an interesting turn of events. I personally don't play at any of the Affactive or TopGame casinos, so I don't know who to root for in this.

I find it interesting after reading that thread at GPWA that most of the people who are saying that they have 'evidence' have just signed up and made one or two posts. And face it, Rome Casino isn't in the top 20 best or most honest casinos to play - from what I've heard at least. On the other hand, as much as DanielG seems to be a nice guy and pretty helpful, there have been enough issues with the WinPalace group to get my spidey senses tingling. (and not in a good way :o) If they're also connected to GVIP then even worse.

The next twist will be to find out who (if anyone) is behind the DDoS attacks on Affactive...? Could it be payback, I wonder?

Personally, if I knew anyone who played at either group, I'd recommend that they stop until this is worked out. It would be a shame if someone deposited and won and suddenly the casino(s) disappeared.
Hello to all forum members,

My name is Noah and I am the online rep for Rome Partners. In light of the recent vicious attack I would like to discuss the draconian manner in which this outfit seems to conduct its business.

This post was originally made on GPWA, and I'd like to repeat it here. We will also be filing a suit against this outfit. Evidence we will present as we collect it, many people are scared of this outfit - and rightfully so. Stay tuned.

Most of you probably know that most of the TG platform and especially Rome and Diceland casinos were brutally DDoS attacked this week, causing untold damage. Our operation is very strong and will continue, but the question must be asked: Why is this happening?

Those that have read the thread about us being down: (Old / Expired Link) know that we have identified our attackers as Win Palace, aka Gold Vip.

I've seen that some of you think these may be unfounded lies or libel. However, they stand on very solid foundations and a lot of previous history.

First ask yourselves, what would be our motivation to besmirch an 'honest' operation for no reason? Why would we point the finger at one of the biggest operations, for no reason? What do we have to gain? We're not going to topple them by accusation, but we DO want the world to know that they are nothing more than criminals in the guise of business men.

We will bring and show technical evidence, as much as Win Palace will try to deny them and claim they were 'faked'. We also have other incriminating evidence, and we will make our case - that this is NOT the first time the Win Palace group (aks Gold VIP) has used DDoS attacks to hold other operations hostage and to damage and extort them.

They hide behind their affiliate group for the purpose of showing you all a clean face, but it is nothing but a facade.

2 years ago, Gabi, one of the owners of Win Palace, started a DDoS attack against all of Topgame and Rome Partners. He claimed it was because they hired 2 of his former employees. He would not suffer any operation to hire anyone who has ever worked for Gold VIP (and yes, they are the same and we all know this, there is evidence for that aplenty).

He demanded that the 2 employees be fired AND that Rome Partners pay him $50k or he will not stop the DDoS attack.

Rome Partners paid him the $50k and fired the two workers. What choice did they have? They couldn't hope to match his resources. And so he got his way, and has been getting it ever since.

I'm sure many affiliates here work with AffActive, but do you really want to work with people like these? Once they get rid of all competition, what's to stop them from DDoSing your affiliate site if you complain about non-payment, or DDoS you if you don't place them high enough on your page?

Basically, you're working with a new generation of criminals, utilizing internet terrorism to make money and destroy opposition. If we all began to act this way, where would it end? How could any operator work in peace? Would any operation that Win Palace or Gabi see as a threat be shut down and its affiliates picked up by AffActive?

It is interesting to note that AffActive is NOW claiming that they are also under a DDoS attack right now, 2 days after we accused them on public forum. This seems like a pathetic attempt to divert suspicion.
It's interesting also that some affiliates claim that the DDoS attack could easily be faked and be shown as if it is coming from Win Palace, yet if that is true, why would a faker bother to attack AffActive itself? Wouldn't that be counter to the framing job they wanted to accomplish? Why would an attacker go only for them and not for all RTG casinos? Why them?

Because it is them.

Win Palace, aka Gold VIP, aka AffActive - are criminals of the worst kind.

We have nothing to gain from attacking them, but exposing the truth and hope that all of you beware when doing business with them. They will attack anyone who is in their way and shut. them. down.

I know that there have been issues on this forum with our operation but we always work to fix problems and this is on a whole different level. These attacks are destroying this industry's ability to offer real competition. And with monopolies, its the players, the consumers, that end up losing in the end, since competition is always good in a free market. As long as it remains free .

I hope that more affiliates, operators and players will have the courage to come forward and tell their own stories. I know many are scared, and for good reason. But we cannot continue to operate a professional industry with such internet pirates in our midst.

Thank you all for reading.

Kind Regards,

Rome Partners
Posted by TopGame Management

Posted by TopGame on the original GPWA thread (
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"To Whom It May Concern,
Starting on November 16th and still ongoing, Topgame has been under a DDoS attack (Distributed Denial of Service Attack). The attack targeted one of our Licensees, and quite quickly after shifted towards Topgame as further attempt to damage the Licensee. We are still experiencing the attack at this moment and are continuously working on stabilizing the system. The attack does not affect all Licensees equally.

Following intensive communication with the attackers we came to realize that they were trying to dictate, to us and our licensees, operational terms and conditions. This seems to be a regular business practice for them. Rest assured, Topgame does NOT negotiate with criminals. We are working with the best anti-cybercrime companies in order to prevent any additional DDoS attacks or other crimes against our systems.

To our surprise, recent investigation has revealed that the attacker does not only own and manage several online casinos and a fairly known affiliate program, but has also recently launched his own gaming software.

Based on this information, we consider this no less than unlawful attempt to physically destroy whoever he considers 'in his way'. The names and all personal info of the attackers are at our possession and we will report the people involved to the higher authorities.
We can state with 100% certainty that we'd rather be under attack than negotiate with them. We are fighting back to protect our systems and Licensees as well as anyone else who may be a victim of these illegal actions.

Your help and understanding will give us the strength to continue fighting for what is right in this industry. We shall NOT allow criminals to dictate the operation of this industry by force of threats and take-downs!

It is important to bear in mind that once this happens to one Licensee today, tomorrow it will easily be done to another, to a site owner, or an affiliate like you.

Once again, we would like to thank you for your understanding.

Topgame Management"
Post by ex-owner of TopGgame

Posted on the original 'rome partners down' thread on GPWA (
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The ex-owner of TG has come forward, at this point too wary to publish his own name, for the time being.

"I am one of the founding members of TopGame. I have since sold all my shares in TopGame but I am still in close relationship with them and some of their operators. Most of you know me as I was one of the pioneers in the affiliate industry. I've prepared this statement because I've been reading this thread and what TopGame and Rome Partners are facing now just crosses all red lines. I want to come forward, this terror has to stop!

Two years ago I was invited for a meeting with Gabriel Shalom (also known as Gabi) . He is owner of GoldVIPClub/WinPalace/Affective. At that point they successfully DDOS attacked Rome Partners and put their systems down. The demands were paying a penalty of $50K and signing a letter stating that RomePartners could not hire any staff that had ever worked for the GoldVIP / WinPalace / Affective group, take affiliate positions, or "behave dishonorably" as by his words. I was personally asked by Gabi to deliver the letter to be signed by Rome Partners. The document was signed virtually at gunpoint since their gaming servers were down. I personally delivered the letter to the CEO of RomePartners and had him sign it. I then returned the document to Gabi to his office in Tel Aviv.

At the time my only intention in this whole affair was to try to keep the company running and everyone happy with as little interruption as possible. I now understand that Gabi isn't interested in peace. His only goal at this point seems to be to knock competition out of the market by force and control everyone.

After that all was quiet for about a year, and then Gabi tried to do this all over again. Instead of getting in touch with us, he went directly to TopGame and made his demands there. This time, he threatened to take RomePartners down again along with TopGame (gaming servers, website and affiliate program) I believe he succeeded in extorting an additional 75k USD.

If you ask me, the recent attacks beginning November 16th are a clear attempt to destroy competition and not just an attempt to get money. I have been in contact with RomePartners and TopGame and none of them can understand why this is happening. It is my honest belief that they are simply trying to destroy a big competitor in their market now they have their own software Game Scale.

At this stage I will stay anonymous."
Hi Guys,

Sorry this started on GPWA and not here, just because the talk started there, but I'd like to update you, and so I have opened a new thread on this issue and unprovoked attack here:

Kind Regards,


Hi Noah,

Actually, I'll be removing that thread. Here's why:

In my opinion, all we can do is speculate on what is going on with this situation. Who is attacking whom should be dealt with by your company's lawyers and legal resources. These slugfests should be kept at a private level - not public. You are putting forums like this, GPWA, and CAP at risk from whatever shenanigans whomever wants to initiate.

My advice to both Rome Casino and Affactive: stop posting. Keep this at a private and professional level; leave out of it. Mr. Corfman has already publicly volunteered to assist here:
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either take him up on his offer, or get your legal teams involved. The fora is no place for this.

Editor's note: the posts were moved here in this thread to consolidate everything.
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Why do they keep saying "unprovoked attack"?

I mean, I know what unprovoked means, I'm just wondering why that's being emphasized. Maybe I just have a suspicious nature.

Anyhow Bryan's correct in not allowing it to be battled out in the forum, and I suppose that I should keep my speculations to myself as well. I hope that we'll be caught up on the events when they're settled and that the guilty parties are caught and the innocent (if any) are vindicated. :thumbsup:
I hope they consider carefully on revoking the license of grandmacao and mayflower. These two casinos are the best of the TOPGame casinos in terms of bonuses and payment. They only paid $500 per week but without fail. I've played all the topgame casinos and the only casino that I have no problems in cashing out is in Grand Macao Casino and MayFlower Casino. Other Topgame casinos takes weeks or even months or even disappear without a trace.

What is a good casino without a GOOD Bonuses? GrandMacao and Mayflower gives good bonuses of 200-300% every deposit. I hope their license won't get revoked. I still even have $500 pending withdrawal with them. :(
Interesting. I've never played at a Top Game casino ever, I hope the criminals doing this to them are brought to justice tho.

For those interested in the subject, how its done, the motives and people behind it, and what the casinos/bookmakers do to prevent it here is a book on the subject.

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Nothing to do with me but ive read it and it was fairly interesting, the guy is hired to fend off attacks from these guys and eventually starts his own company specialising in it. Ransom demands in broken english for $30k paid by Western Union kinda stuff

I hope they consider carefully on revoking the license of grandmacao and mayflower. These two casinos are the best of the TOPGame casinos in terms of bonuses and payment. They only paid $500 per week but without fail. I've played all the topgame casinos and the only casino that I have no problems in cashing out is in Grand Macao Casino and MayFlower Casino. Other Topgame casinos takes weeks or even months or even disappear without a trace.

What is a good casino without a GOOD Bonuses? GrandMacao and Mayflower gives good bonuses of 200-300% every deposit. I hope their license won't get revoked. I still even have $500 pending withdrawal with them. :(

sorry? mayflower is good? i was 1 month waiting to receive $200 from them, never played there any more
in rome i was the same time to receive $100
in my opinion topgame casinos = 1 between 0 and 10
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