I inquired with TIV CS via chat about the freebie and this is the answer I got. :confused:
They don't know what the qualifications are, nor do they know who is qualified. If you are........you'll receive an email advising you. I'm really surprised that the CS people aren't privy to this information.
Strange uh!

I knew about this freebie because I got an e-mail a couple of weeks ago with the TIV Birthday Schedule attached. They give a freebie on the 19th and another on the 25th. There wasnt any mention that a deposit had to be made in the week prior to getting the freebie. The CS rep I spoke to asked me about my account and replied shortly after that I was not eligible for the freebie this time for the reason above. No gripes on that but they should have made it clearer.
BB...On another note, I know of one other person...a Lady I believe that is in those top five with this self control issue since she turned a $50.00 free Christmas Bonus into a $45,000.00 Cashout HERE....;):D:D:D
Please don't misunderstand me, Rob and yes I realize that you were being :rolleyes: I also think that if anyone could have that much self control it would be Nash. :D
Me........nope, couldn't do it. :D

ChuChu59, I got the same email about the BD celebration and the calendar. I did get the other freebies, although I don't think that I made a deposit in the week prior to the first one. You are right in saying that there wasn't any terms, or requirements listed in the email or the birthday calendar. Again.....the CS person I spoke with didn't know or offer any info at all, just said that if I was eligible I'd get an email. :confused: but yet the CS person you talked with told you something different. They could have saved themselves some hassle to have made it clear in the email or the calendar and clued their CS people in. It could have been handled in a better way, IMO. Like you.......I've got no gripes if I'm not eligible but the terms being clear would have been better for everyone.
BB...On another note, I know of one other person...a Lady I believe that is in those top five with this self control issue since she turned a $50.00 free Christmas Bonus into a $45,000.00 Cashout HERE....;):D:D:D

Holy Molly!!!!!!!!
Somehow I missed that post, that is frickin awesome!!!
Belated.......very belated, lol Congrats!!!

I can hear what you are saying. I have been playing at Rival since they opened.
I hear these stories of people winning hundreds of thousands of dollars. They sent me an e-mail stating that a woman won $119,000 on her first deposit of $25. I just thought, "whatever". I haven't played scary rich because I've been absolutely stuck on Fantasy Fortunes trying to get back my money. That's the machine she supposedly hit her first $49,000 on. I play at all 9 casinos, and have deposited quite a bit there. But this last month has been ridiculous, as you've probably seen me state before. I have deposited over $4000 there in one month betting pennies on Fantasy Fortunes. It seems I can never get above my deposit amount. I have won on the machine too, but not that much. Anyway, two times now this has happened: They give you $15 in free chips, and the max cashout is $150. The first time I got up to $1400 in 10 minutes!! Could only cashout $150. Just Friday, got four dragons during the bonus round, won $290 on a $1.00 bet. Kept trying to meet my wagering requirements, got up to $600, could only cashout $150. Lol. But, if I deposit with no max cashout amount, I never see that. Lol. Anyway, that machine seems to be tight too. Usually I only deposit when I get a 100% match bonus, so that's $8000 that I've actually gone through. But, I just keep playing, maybe someday we'll hit the "big one". :thumbsup:
Hey Rob...I wasn't a member back in '04 so I had no idea she had that great run!

Reminds me of my "Gamblers wet dream" of a night that I had at Colesseum Casino back in '02. Come to think of it...it was 2 days before Christmas! That's funny!

I deposited $50, lost it. Deposited another $50 and hit 2 5x's symbols and a blue seven on High Five. Then I hit $1200 on Real Thunder. Next 2 Royal Flushes for $8000. Then Four Dueces for $8000.

I couldn't lose. I got it up to $31000.00.

Oh wait...I blew it all! Sucks having a gambling problem! But it was a hell of a good time!:D
Hey Rob...I wasn't a member back in '04 so I had no idea she had that great run!

Reminds me of my "Gamblers wet dream" of a night that I had at Colesseum Casino back in '02. Come to think of it...it was 2 days before Christmas! That's funny!

I deposited $50, lost it. Deposited another $50 and hit 2 5x's symbols and a blue seven on High Five. Then I hit $1200 on Real Thunder. Next 2 Royal Flushes for $8000. Then Four Dueces for $8000.

I couldn't lose. I got it up to $31000.00.

Oh wait...I blew it all! Sucks having a gambling problem! But it was a hell of a good time!:D

Got to Love those "Gamblers Wet Dreams"...right Deb...they are so few and far between !! :D;)
Rob could I borrow your wife for couple days.......while you can keep mine forever if you like?:D
So look at it like this Nash...that 30K you just cashed out will FINALLY be totally paid out to you in about 2 (TWO) MONTHS !! Somewhere around the last week in June most likely...what are you complaining about...if you were at one of the Crystal Palace Group casinos it would take just as long...:rolleyes::D
LOL, I would not mind waiting the 2 months at all to receive payment.............what maybe people do not realize I can not cash out the $30K period from my casino cash account balance (which imo their terms do not state) and then willingly wait the 2 months to be paid which I have no problem with and imo is what their terms state or imply..................I can only cash out $4K a week from my casino cash account balance ($2K per day up to $4k per week)................I then have $26K left in my casino cash account balance, to do what??? Maybe play and lose time and time again, I could body slam my puter, I could simply not play for weeks at TIV where like Hippo, it is the Rivals I play and only I will play (if they do not ban me as one reliable member has PMed me that he was banned for speaking ,he states, the truth, that said que sera,que sera), or in order to have a shot at making another $4K cash out from my remaining casino cash account balance in one week, TIV sentences me, LOL but not LOL, to a time out for a week, then another time out for a week, then another time out for a week, then another time out for a week, then another time out for a week, then another time out for a week, then another time out for a week, then another time out for a week and then and only then will I have been allowed to cash out in this case all $30K from my casino cash account balance..............I do not like time outs, thought maybe I could adapt, I have been wrong prior on adapting and now realize I always will be,...................reversing of 24 or 48 hour reversals (or simply reversing while the casino is processing) of a real cashout from my casino cash account balance, I can accept full responsibility for my actions.................a 7 or 8 week time out from playing at TIV so I do not gamble one penny of the $30K I would have wanted removed from my casino cash account balance or even longer time outs for prior larger wins I have had ($30K @ other Rivals would be 4 or 5 months) while waiting to complete the multiple weeks the cash out from my casino cash account balance, at first I accepted full responsibilty as I saw the casino's hidden agenda from Day 2 or 3 by not at the time shockingly allowing me to cash out my entire casino cash account balance but maybe I am being/have been too hard on myself as I feel most with this large of a win will never have a chance to be paid much of the win of this size for example. This is exactly what Rivals intends imo as I can attest at least as an example (some,like________, may say I am a bad example but I would ask have you walked in similiar shoes, very easy for one to opine as I could tell one with perfection what to do also, most do not practice what they preach as this is human nature, even tougher to conquer is the fair psychological advantages of the surreal gambling world, and only the most disciplined could overcome the unfair imo psychological advantage an online casino maintains by not allowing any player regardless of the amount ((assuming one has a casino cash account balance somewhat greater than $4K or even greater than the $2K daily limit as being required to wait another 24 hours to withdrawal an amount greater than $2K but less than $4K from your casino cash account balance can have the same effect just having to wait 24 hours)) to remove their elgible casino cash account balance at the point in time the player choses and not when the casino choses) of my consequences of not being allowed to cash out several wins in the mid lower five figures from my casino cash account balance in entirety as I wished!! (Would love CM's opine.................and how can Rivals even argue it may be a term when Rivals according to recent posts violates its' own TandC's, players do not in general get a break on violating TandC's!!!)...............With all due respect to SlotWizard, I may take his advice because as TIV continues to really avoid the above real cash out concern as well as not allow at least this player to remove my entire balance from my casino cash account (ftr,none of the just prior bolded is an accusation as I have the documented back-up) and cease all online play. Regardless, the inability to cash out in entirety a big (relative term but in this case one should get what I mean) win/amount from your casino cash account balance without having a time out for many weeks or months is at a minimum deceptive in the TandC's even if one accepts the word "withdrawal" refers to both limiting what amount can be removed from your casino cash account balance as well as the payment amount to be disbursed for the subject time period.............Also ftr, I read the TandC's clearly before playing in January and had no idea initially I could not remove my first win balance of $43K ,iirc, in my casino cash account and then be disbursed $4k per week (this I understood and accepted) of the $43K accordingly (Because I wished for the $43K or the remaing balance ((once I became aware after my first attempt to cash out)) be removed from my casino cash account and ftr I did PM John in regards while trying to find out several things as a newbie but not being able to remove my entire casino cash account balance ((my concern and confusion)) never got a response or if so I missed it. Could have just been an oversight as John and I were primarily discussing getting the $8K monthly payment disbursement restriction changed at that time)!!!!!!!!!!!
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I wasnt kidding............just in case...think about it :rolleyes:
She and my daughter won a cruise somehow somewhere............she asked me: honey do you mind if I go?
My answer was.
No HONEY I mind if you comeback.
I assume you are kidding, right Rob???
I think one important point that Nash was trying to make is.....there are very few people who have enough self control to look at the amount of moolah every day for two months and stay in control of it. If the truth be told.......I bet the majority of people here at CM couldn't do it. How many have had a big win and then they have turned around and lost it all back because of a lack of self control? Rival's policy of leaving it in the cashier and then mix in human nature makes it unlikely that they will have to pay out many huge wins. I would guess it's a rare person who could forgo the temptation of leaving it just sitting there. I'll admit.....I don't think I could if I had to look at it every day.
It's as simple as that, don't you think?
Bulleyes, wish I had not started my latest post, then answered the phone so I missed this post (among others I still need to read) as you nailed it BB in less time and words:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:.....only clarification I wish to follow up on is that your remaining balance does not go the cashier (may be saying the same and simply semantics) but remains in your casino cash account balance. My above post mentions both some actual ramifications and then the other possible cause and effect ramifications of balances being required to actually remain in your actual cash account balance!!!:):):)...Gonna catch up on the thread now,LOL!!!
Could have just been an oversight as John and I were primarily discussing getting the $8K monthly payment disbursement restriction changed at that time)!!!!!!!!!!!

Nash, has the 8K monthly Max withdrawal been lifted...hell I forgot about that one and with that still in effect it could be almost 4 (FOUR) months for you to get ALL of your cashout in your hands !! :eek2:
nash, i know you have been dealing with john who i am sure is doing all he can to his best abilities within his role at rival, but (unless i missed it), have you considered asking john to discuss this matter with robrival directly?
I deposited more this week at TiV than any other week and didn't get the freebie today either. Kinda annoying since I was hoping to play a bit but still waiting 12 days for a simple Neteller cashout. But then it's kinda hard to get very angry for not getting free cash to play with :)
Maybe Some New Info Here...or maybe not !!!

Well, I just spent the last 20-30 minutes in online chat at This Is Vegas trying to get some more clarification on this issue and here below is the Chat Log:

All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. You are currently placed in queue number 3. The average wait is 17seconds. An operator will be with you shortly.
All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. You are currently placed in queue number 2. An operator will be with you shortly.
All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. You are currently placed in queue number 2. An operator will be with you shortly.
All operators are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. You are currently placed in queue number 1. An operator will be with you shortly.

You are now chatting with 'Suzy'

Suzy: Welcome to thisisvegas Live Support. How may I assist you?

Robert: Hello, I have an account at your casino and I was wanting to know what the maximum monthly withdrawal amount is....not the cashout amount, but the amount that I can actually get into my hands ??

Suzy: you can withdraw $2000 a day and $4000 a week

Robert: So, I guess that would be a max monthly withdrawal of $16,000.00 then ??

Suzy: Yes

Robert: ok, thank you Suzy...are there any T & C anywhere that state this that you can refer me to ?

Suzy: You are very welcome.

Robert: Are there any T & C's anywhere that state this that you can refer me to ?

Suzy: One moment please.

Robert: ok

You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now.

Suzy: But that part is not stated on the site.You will receive an email stating that if you try to withdraw more then the limit

Robert: Yea, I read all of that but I couldn't find anywhere where it states a max withdrawal of $4,000.00 PER WEEK...IS THAT IN WRITING ANYWHERE ??

Suzy: No is not

Robert: OK, I understand...one more quick question please...Will you guys flush my account balance so I can not reverse it if I happen to get lucky enough to do a large cashout ?

Suzy: Yes we can flush for you

Robert: More than the $2,000.00 per day ?

Suzy: yes we can flush anything for you

Robert: And that way I could not reverse it and lose it all back...right

Suzy: yes that's correct

Robert: That makes me feel more comfortable in making a large deposit

Suzy: ok

Robert: Ok...I'll leave you alone now...LOL

Suzy: You are very welcome.

Suzy: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Robert: no...thats all, thank you again
you were probably talkin to my wife........
cause she never knows what she is talkin about....
Nash, has the 8K monthly Max withdrawal been lifted...hell I forgot about that one and with that still in effect it could be almost 4 (FOUR) months for you to get ALL of your cashout in your hands !! :eek2:
Yes,John got the $8K disbursement term removed and iirc John made a couple of posts in regards.....I know what you mean but I want to emphasize in my case I do mind waiting on payment other than waiting adds to risk as anything can happen but I never objected to taking that risk.....For the obvious reasons I mentioned above I distinguish between disbursements being made according to terms and being required to maintain the remaining balance in your casino cash account balance for possibly weeks or months. There are other issues that relate to this. I will not mention one particular issue that relates and concerns me. I will say I would rather have my entire winnings unacessible when they reach a defined goal. Pay me when you can if need be but allow me to make another deposit and try again. Would rather lose a $1000 deposit than $30K or $40K (which the build up time usually takes alot longer than the takedown time fwiw and actually it is quite possible to lose the $40K quicker than a new $1000.00 deposit with almost all other circumstances being equal but this is the excection and not the rule)!......Some would say or suggest to just go play at another Rivals (i.e. do not play at TIV until all the casino cash account balance has been removed and paid in full) which ties into Rob's question above. The last time I checked some other Rival casinos, they still all had the $8K monthly term so since that term seems to not only mean scheduled payment disbursements limits but according to all I have discussed this issue with, it (unclearly imo as previously stated) also is the schedule and amount limits that can be removed from one's casino cash account balance. With the $8K per month restriction assuming the balance of Rival's have not eliminated as TIV did, playing at another Rival's just has not been an option for obvious reasons if I can not even adapt to TIV's higher applicable amounts!!

EDIT:I also have had a comfort level with John despite the subject matter of my posts in this thread and even if another Rivals had had or has the same terms including the better disbursement amount as well as the so-called main one I strongly feel has been clearly unjust and I tried to adapt to, I doubt I would ever try/have tried another Rivals that John had no part of regardless!!
Ahhhh just never mind. :)
The term is in writing and I know where to find the term......As for the flushing of the large amount(unless she means $2K a day up to $4K per week) then Suzy was as inaccurate as her first answer unless TIV just made a bunch of immediate changes....I will go get that term from the site first that Suzy gave an inaccurate answer and actually there used to be 2 stated withdrawal amount contradictory terms and still may be but I will find the one where John amended by removing the $8K monthly....Anything else confusing you, let me know!:cool:
The term is in writing and I know where to find the term......As for the flushing of the large amount(unless she means $2K a day up to $4K) then Suzy was as inaccurate as her first answer unless TIV just made a bunch of immediate changes....I will go get that term from the site first that Suzy gave an inaccurate answer and actually there used to be 2 stated withdrawal amount contradictory terms and still may be but I will find the one where John amended by removing the $8K monthly....Anything else confusing you, let me know!:cool:

Thanks for the answers......I thought what Suzy said contradicted what you had said, but the more I looked at it, the more confused I got. What can I say.....cept a blonde has to have those blonde moments. ;)

Seems to me that TIV's chat is lacking a little uh! See the posts about the birthday freebie for today. :eek:

With what has been said......I still believe that John is doing his best and I'm sure there are a lot of things that are beyond his control. I would have to give him :thumbsup:: for his response on here.

I'm still amazed that a certain rep from another casino brand didn't come on here and make a public apology for the very unprofessional rude response that a member received when inquiring about a bonus issue from one of their CS people. :eek:
Here you go BB and RW et al and I will try to find the other withdrawal contradictory term (which I had John clarify via PM ftr) also IN WRITING, SUZY!!

"The minimum withdrawal amount for all account holders at the casino is $25.
Players can withdraw up to $2000 per day and up to $4000 per week."


NOTE:This is the term John had amended by removing the $8000/month and also the term John references in his posts on this forum announcing the change....not sure why it is on the promo. page of TIV....maybe more confusion!!!

ADDITION#1:Here is the contradictory term and for whatever reason it is on the ABOUT US page of the TIV site and the official Terms and Conditions link found at the bottom of the Promo's TandC's page is a non-functioning link but someone may want to confirm this so I know it is on the TIV side and not my side......I checked on this contradictory term long ago as I hoped it was literally true and I could withdrawal $2k per day or $14K per week as it implies...but unfortunately Suzy was correct about the $4K per week but obviously she was double,lol, wrong about the terms not being in writing and then the fact that both are not one and the same....since when did $2K per day stated clearly as that translate into $4k per week,............. when the obvious terms contradiction caused me much confusion, I PMed John for the gospel....anybody could really be confused by these 2 different withdrawal terms (with some good coachspeak maybe someone would argue they are one in the same, I am 99% sure the courts would beg to differ) so at least one would hope CS would be accurate.... I have read too many threads where the player may have been wronged cause they did not read the TandC's and even here one could read,be confused, go to CS as RW did to get clarification in writing which is partially incorrect....I am jus sayin!!!!!!!!!!!,LOL


The casino reserves the right to request documentation for the purpose of identity verification prior to granting any deposits with or withdrawals from the player's casino account.

A fee may be charged to the player to cover payments made by bank wire or check.

A player is permitted to withdraw a maximum of $2000 USD of their winnings per 24 hour period.

Players winning a sizeable amount deemed to be worthy of publicity by the casino agree to make themselves available for any event arranged by BC in relation to that win. BC will at all times respect the player's privacy in this event.

The casino reserves the right to use your first name and first initial of your surname (e.g. John S.) in any casino announcement regarding winning results."

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The term is in writing and I know where to find the term......As for the flushing of the large amount(unless she means $2K a day up to $4K) then Suzy was as inaccurate as her first answer unless TIV just made a bunch of immediate changes....I will go get that term from the site first that Suzy gave an inaccurate answer and actually there used to be 2 stated withdrawal amount contradictory terms and still may be but I will find the one where John amended by removing the $8K monthly....Anything else confusing you, let me know!:cool:

Yea, give me a link to that Nash, I searched every page of their site trying to find something that stated that specific amount of $4,000.00 but to no avail, that's why I asked Suzy if it was actually in writing somewhere and she said no it was not and then said I would find out about that in an email I would receive once I tried to cash out more than that...

And according to what she said and stated below she was implying that any amount could be flushed...we may have to wait for John to return to actually get that one clarified though...:thumbsup:

Suzy: Yes we can flush for you

Robert: More than the $2,000.00 per day ?

Suzy: yes we can flush anything for you

Robert: And that way I could not reverse it and lose it all back...right

Suzy: yes that's correct

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