RTG's Caribbean 21

The Dude

The artist formally known as Casinomeister
Jun 30, 1998
Has Caribbean 21 disappeared from RTG powered casinos? I don't seem to see it anywhere.

If anyone else has noticed this, please let me know.
I noticed it's been disappering, too. In fact, I just played at Crown Vegas yesterday, and now it's gone there. Still at Phoenician and at Prism though. Can't find it at any of the others.

I don't know if I have anything to do with this, but I have been on a tear with Caribbean 21, cleaning up close to $20,000 over the past month. Perhaps there's an error in the program?

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Giving RTG a call is on my "to-do" list today. Hopefully I'll have some more info on this.
The folks at iNetBet told me that, without their knowledge, RTG had removed Caribbean 21 from the game suite because (and I'm not sure I understand this) certain casinos had experienced download problems. I apparently was the one who brought the absence of the game to their attention. They told me that they expect RTG to get the game back up "soon."

I'm actually to the point where Caribbean 21 is the only thing I play, so I'll not be playing until it's back up.
It's a bit more involved than just a download problem. RTG has taken the game off-line as they are reaccessing the game's software and payout tables. There will be more developments on this by the end of the week
casinomeister said:
It's a bit more involved than just a download problem. RTG has taken the game off-line as they are reaccessing the game's software and payout tables. There will be more developments on this by the end of the week

Hmmm... I really think I may have had something to do with RTG taking the game down. Since my last post, ALL of the casinos have now removed the game.

The volatility of the game was always high, but if you had a big win, it was huge. I also noticed that they didn't even pay out as much as they claimed, IE: if you split a pair, then got a caribeean 21, they only paid out 1:1 instead of 2:1.

Still, I enjoyed the game while it lasted. I suspect they won't bring it back under the same form. Using simple strategy, I won at almost every single casino with car 21. Too bad :)

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Interesting. I also had been doing pretty well -- playing only the Wiz's approved basic strategy -- and when I saw that it had been removed, my cynical side immediately assumed that because I can't have been the only one doing well, they pulled it to cut losses.

When I asked about it at iNetBet, they initially told me that it must be a problem with my computer. They later said that they hadn't even noticed that it had been pulled (can this be right?), but that RTG had done it because of some sort of "download" problem. I think they were being, at best, evasive. On the other hand, maybe it really was a download problem -- that is, players were downloading a bit too much money.

Oh, well. It shouldn't be surprising that a game offering players a decent opportunity for a return is bound to have a pretty short life-span.
It would appear that something is thought to be very wrong with the game if it has been the subject of such a widespread operational withdrawal.

That being the case, you would think that responsible operators or maybe even RTG itself would have made some sort of explanation.

Perhaps they are saving that pending the completion of investigations, as it seems from these posts that some large wins have been achieved?
The game should be up in the next few days. What had happened was that a player had won A LOT of money (maybe in the realm of 7 figures), and RTG had taken it down to reaccess. The game is good and the player was lucky. There should be more information on this soon.
Thanks for the update.

Yeesh. Seven figures? If I'm Mr. Casino-operator, I take it down for a quick look-see myself.
Yes, it looks like there have been some record wins here by one player. What may look like a catastrophic event for a casino may turn into a very good thing for them. If they play their cards right (pun intended), they very well might turn this into a PR dream. More on this soon.

Oh I'll get paid allright and thanks for your concern. Allow me to introduce myself. I am The Pirate of Caribbean 21 and it was I who rocked the quiet waters of certain RTG ports in my search for treasure. My crew and I ( yes there are 21 in my crew ) are currently in search of certain missing ports and will keep all informed as you might want to join in the Plundering. For now it's back to sea...Yo Ho , Yo Ho A Pirate's life for me........
Pirateofc21 said:
Oh I'll get paid allright and thanks for your concern. Allow me to introduce myself. I am The Pirate of Caribbean 21 and it was I who rocked the quiet waters of certain RTG ports in my search for treasure. My crew and I ( yes there are 21 in my crew ) are currently in search of certain missing ports and will keep all informed as you might want to join in the Plundering. For now it's back to sea...Yo Ho , Yo Ho A Pirate's life for me........

Oh . . .

Congratulations, I think!
Congrats Pirate. What kind of payment plan did you get? Recently I've heard of RTG-jackpot winners that get paid in ridicoulusly small installments. A player won the Caribbean Stud progressive at one of the Virtuals - around 100K. They'll pay him $5000 weekly.
Even flat-betting $500 all the way, to win $1,300,000 is staggering. 2,600 units. And it was even part of an equally sh*t-kicking "group"?

I would love to now how many hands were played, how much was wagered in total, bet size etc. Would make very interesting reading.

Assuming $500 flat bets from the off, it'd take 300,000 hands minimum to see a freak three standard deviation swing resulting in a 2600 hand win. That'd take three weeks of non-stop play to achieve.


(Not that I haven't seen FAR more bizarre results in favour of the casino, playing Gambling Federation blackjack :))

AARGGHHH, the beasties at RTG are still holding my game logs but I will tell you in general I started with a $1000 deposit on a table set for $10min and $1000max. I asked the fair maiden in "VIP relations" for some assistance in my quest and she was more than happy to oblige with table limit changes along the way. I had to return to port several times but When the scurvey dweebs at RTG stepped in to save their sinking ship, I was on a table set for $5,000 min and $10,000 max., playing mostly $10,000 hands. They will be paying less than $5000 per week installments for over 6 years currently. Total plunderings so far is on the shy side of 1.5mil. There is more than 1 port involved.
For now they have hidden the treasures of Caribbean 21 but they cannot hide forever ( they said the game is good and the player got lucky so the game should be coming back ) and I shall be back....Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate's life for me.....
6 years!!!! What a joke - that's about as long as onlinegambling has existed until now. An eternity in this business.
If they can't handle that kind of action they shouldn't offer it. It'll take them more than 2 weeks to pay one winning hand!!! How ridicoulus is that???
Blimey - $10,000 a hand. That's a year's salary for some people, LOL.

I CANNOT believe a poor little RTG would OK a $10,000 table max. Don't they know anything about variance? I can't even believe any one RTG casino would have that much in the bank. How ridiculous.

Anyway, good luck collecting. Will RTG even be in existence six years from now?
Too true. Longevity is an issue. Maybe they fold next week. But, when you consider that I have already been paid over 4x my deposit and all time and effort has already been spent, it's not a bad deal. All I have to do now is....hhmmmm.....NOTHING!... except COLLECT and collect and collect. There is also another port involved and the Software Vendor so I have a built in safety net should the scurvey's try to run .... AARRRGGHH! .....

The crew of the Caribbean Killer and I are out there scouting the RTG seas of opportunity.. sailing to the next port of call.. Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate's life for me....
jyde said:
Recently I've heard of RTG-jackpot winners that get paid in ridicoulusly small installments. A player won the Caribbean Stud progressive at one of the Virtuals - around 100K. They'll pay him $5000 weekly.

If this is the case, this player needs to get a hold of me or RTG as soon as possible. Progressive players are paid in one lump sum from RTG.

caruso said:
I CANNOT believe a poor little RTG would OK a $10,000 table max. Don't they know anything about variance? I can't even believe any one RTG casino would have that much in the bank. How ridiculous..
The casino was banking that the player would lose...he didn't. The folks at RTG can't believe this casino okayed this amount. Oh well, the casino effed up that one.

But I'm sure when RTG finishes their audit, everyone will have smiling faces sans the casino operators.
Pirateofc21 said:
AARGGHHH, the beasties at RTG are still holding my game logs but I will tell you in general I started with a $1000 deposit on a table set for $10min and $1000max. I asked the fair maiden in "VIP relations" for some assistance in my quest and she was more than happy to oblige with table limit changes along the way. I had to return to port several times but When the scurvey dweebs at RTG stepped in to save their sinking ship, I was on a table set for $5,000 min and $10,000 max., playing mostly $10,000 hands. They will be paying less than $5000 per week installments for over 6 years currently. Total plunderings so far is on the shy side of 1.5mil. There is more than 1 port involved.
For now they have hidden the treasures of Caribbean 21 but they cannot hide forever ( they said the game is good and the player got lucky so the game should be coming back ) and I shall be back....Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirate's life for me.....

How much did you deposit? 500k? 1 milion?
Betting 10k per hand is really scary, 5 units down then I'll have to eat nothing and live on the street for one full year.
Anyway, unless the software was malfunction or you have some ability to alter the result. The casino did make the right choice to let you bet big. Hell if they can't afford to pay up, they can always fold.
What really make you think you can win in the first place? That's what I want to know the most. :what:
My deposit was 1k. Thats it. To answer your question of what makes me think I can win in the first place is simple. Read my earlier posts. I already have won. Like I said, if they fold tomorrow, and there is no reason to think they will, the first installment I recv'd put me ahead of the game. So, I think I can win in the first place because I have won. The first installment made me a winner so all the rest is gravy. ( a whole lotta gravy ).
It is with great regret that I write. To all who may want to play at an RTG casino, be forewarned that they have voided all my winnings at Hampton. So if you play at Hampton casino they and RTG will simply void you winnings if you win big.

In my case they stole 1.3 million from me. They say I used non approved software which is a lie.

So play at an RTG casino and you will have your balances locked up and your winnings voided if you win big.

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