ımportant friends
Hi everyone;
I want to mention to you about my roulette system which i have been working on for a long time and just finished...
I began to play roulette approximately two years ago. At first; i was only betting on sports, then i knew roulette.
Roulette, which seems so easy to play, actually was the game of the devil and to understand this made my pocket empty.
Then i began to play with martingale, although i won very much, it wasn't too long to understand it was a suicide.
Then side bets, later others, result: lost,lost,lost...
The ones who started with me lost all of their money but i did not forgive and went on...
I thought... i cant win on colour bets, i cant win on side bets, i cant win with martingale, and what was necessary to win??? it was going to be nonsense to think about numbers... 1/37, huh... But this opinion became the main road to turn from... I understood that i had to bet on numbers if i wanted to win... i couldnt use martingale because the machine protects itself, if you use martingale... then i found a way... i was going to choose a number and bet on it 37 times...
This tactic seemed well first times, i was earning money... but it did not continue too long, i finished it as the number which i chose did not come in spite of 325 bets!!!
But i did not forgive again... i had to guess a number to come in a short time...
Anyway, lets turn to the topic... I had to guess the true number only after a few bets... But how could i do it? ( and i was writing datas of the hands i played.)
I needed a signal, and these datas showed me the signals. And i began to know the numbers... In first times, i couldnt believe to myself, i was saying that this number will come and it was coming, i thought that it was the time i became rich, if i start in morning, i would be a millionaire that evening... And i became, but it was only half an hour, i had won 2000 with a starting budget 250... but i lost all of the money half an hour... But what was the mistake? The numbers which i bet on was caming but what became and i lost all??? Then i understood, i didnt know to say stop to myself, for example i bet 1 stake on a number, as it didnt come i bet 5 or 10 than the machine became angry...
And finally, i noticed the patience factor which all the gamblers has to have... After i noticed the patience factor i win 30 - 50 stake once a day and i leave the game and the other day, i get 30 - 50 and leave again...
At this point, i decided to write this to the forum, because i wasnt able to win more than 30 - 50 stake... Dear friends, please do not want me to make an explanation about signals... At least, i dont want them to make changes on the algoritma... As you're reading, dont forget that there are others who are reading...
Someone who interests this topic, pls send me a pm and i will give my msn address and we would be in contact, i suppose, to write the address here is forbidden, and i hope these article which i wrote to share my experiments would not be cleaned...