Nanny state at all angles

Apr 7, 2021
If it's not being harassed with pop ups every 5 mins and asked for sow and made to feel like a criminal then it's the bank querying you're gambling transactions. I think I'm gonna move solely to skrill from now on for my past time. I had a bank complaint this week over some really poor service in regards to them not sending me a new card and so on. they called me and resolved the issue however I've just had a further call from the branch manager querying my gambling transactions asked me do I want to add a gambling block feeling a bit embarrassed and a little bit annoyed as well. The account in question isn't my main account and is used for gambling and my coffee and meals out so it's my fun account basically. I feel like a naughty kid 😏 who's being reprimanded by parents. Also the amount really isn't that big, when I'm gambling I tend to do a fair few smaller deposits rather than one large one. I dont get how it's the branch managers business if I gamble the account has never been overdrawn and I've never had anything untoward on the account. The uk is really winding me up at the moment and gambling just really isn't a fun past time anymore. Just to add i spend around £500 off my own money a month on deposits on that account and theres withdrawals that go into it as well. It's not my main account. Skrill from now on if I get the itch to have a flutter.
Ah yes the beautiful country that we live in that we call the UK. Have you noticed how there are fewer and fewer places now that take cash, with many shops being card only.

All about having to leave a digital footprint with everything you do.

As for any online gambling, ewallet and crypto is the way to go and has been for a number of years now. If you apply for a mortgage for example, having even one gambling transaction in the past 3 - 6 months on your bank account, could have an adverse affect on the outcome!
Most definitely mate feels like we can be tracked at all angles and they can also cut youre banking off if they don't like you're spending i mean if couts can terminate nigel farages account there's no hope for the peasants 🤣🤣😆 going forward I'll be using skrill or trustly i don't know if I'm annoyed or embarrassed probably both. I just don't like feeling questioned and slightly mucky for gambling even though i am an adult i don't drink or smoke so gambling is my small vice.
Banks in the UK are now heavily involved in monitoring gambling-related transactions due to anti-money laundering regulations.
In your case, the branch manager’s inquiry likely stems from automated systems flagging frequent, smaller gambling-related deposits. But, this approach can feel invasive and poorly targeted when you’re staying within your means.

Is Skrill a better alternative?
Skrill and similar e-wallets like Neteller are popular among gamblers.
Because, transactions via Skrill generally avoid triggering direct scrutiny from your bank, as the activity isn’t categorized as "gambling" in the same way.
However, be aware, Skrill may charge "higher fees" for deposits and withdrawals, especially if transferring funds between your bank and the e-wallet.
Very picky ones can also ask about why you have so many Skrill transaction on you bank statement. They know that this payment method has been made for betting and gambling. PayPal is better IMO, plus it has no transfer fees.

Which casinos take PayPal? I don't think I've ever seen this option on any I play at.
WhiteHat sites used to accept PP. But for 6 months (give or take) it has stated at the deposit option, for UK members at least, (possibly not word for word, mind) that scummy PayPal is currently not a deposit option for reasons (that they don't divulge) which are out of their control.

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