Where in the rules does it say its irrelevant if its not used to abuse bonus?My point is that the rules are irrelevant, unless the player is trying to abuse a bonus. Let's say that my rule is that you can't log in three times a day, because I have a bug on my site that if you log in more than three times, sometimes the bonus money becomes cash.
You logged in 4 times, but the bug didn't trigger, regardless, I confiscate your winnings and void your bets.
To me this is the same as having a max bet rule, which is relevant if people try to abuse, but irrelevant when people are playing normally.
Again, these rules exist to allow casinos to stop bonus abuse, but to make use of the rule when it's a recreational player is simply unethical. And that the community supports this unethical use is just baffling to me.
Where is a law that state only when a bonus is abused, the max bet rule should apply?
Even if thats tour personal oppinion, its sadly in black and white that 5€ is max bet. No but, if, when or any other exceptions.