Question How to block texts from spam casinos


He/Him. High Voltage Only
Aug 17, 2018
UK South west
Im getting alot of texts a day from the same few dodgey casinos and i go to block them on my iphone but it does nothing next day I get texts from same number again,.

Anyone ever had same issues and resolved it ?
Im getting alot of texts a day from the same few dodgey casinos and i go to block them on my iphone but it does nothing next day I get texts from same number again,.

Anyone ever had same issues and resolved it ?

I get a lot of them to every day,, I report them all as spam and block the numbers. The thing is they have other numbers. Also sometimes it does not even say the casino name, just shows a link with free spins or match bonus etc. Usually crazy % like 300% or 400% match bonuses lmao.

Obviously they are scams and I never ever click the links on my phone. I recommend that no one ever does either.

All we can do is keep reporting them and blocking them. As they just get new numbers to send from.

I mean it is probably our own faults giving casinos our phone numbers when we signed up to them because they just sell that data for X amount. So they make money from our private and personal details. It is disgusting.

Only real solution would be to get a new phone number and then keep the old sim card with old number to sign up to casinos with keeping your new number free from the spam.

But I would guess eventually some rogue texts might still happen on the new number even if you never gave that number out to any sites you signed up to.

Sometimes these scammers who send the texts use a pool of generated numbers in a range from the last 5 or 6 digits of a phone number and not always sent from buying data.
Im getting alot of texts a day from the same few dodgey casinos and i go to block them on my iphone but it does nothing next day I get texts from same number again,.

Anyone ever had same issues and resolved it ?
Download the VeroSMS app. I have it for iPhone. But it's probably also available for Android.

You can add keywords to the app, Like, casino, bonus, gamstop... etc.

It will then block any texts which contain those keywords, anywhere in a message.

Any texts that do get through, after that. Just find an appropriate word in the message and add it to your keyword list.

It's especially handy for those texts that come from a 'name', rather than an actual number.
Download the VeroSMS app. I have it for iPhone. But it's probably also available for Android.

You can add keywords to the app, Like, casino, bonus, gamstop... etc.

It will then block any texts which contain those keywords, anywhere in a message.

Any texts that do get through, after that. Just find an appropriate word in the message and add it to your keyword list.

It's especially handy for those texts that come from a 'name', rather than an actual number.
The thing is, these apps have either ads or take over your text interface to change it from the bespoke one you had from your manufacturer. Until 3 or 4 years ago, Samsung had a brilliant tool in their text interface that did exactly what you describe, where you could block numbers and/or add blocked keywords such as https://, %, casino etc. When I upgraded to the S20 Ultra I expected it to have this same tool as was on the S10 but no, it's bloody useless. So I just have to settle for what @DreamRJ says above, which is irritating. As he says, most of them hide or don't have numbers.
The thing is, these apps have either ads or take over your text interface to change it from the bespoke one you had from your manufacturer. Until 3 or 4 years ago, Samsung had a brilliant tool in their text interface that did exactly what you describe, where you could block numbers and/or add blocked keywords such as https://, %, casino etc. When I upgraded to the S20 Ultra I expected it to have this same tool as was on the S10 but no, it's bloody useless. So I just have to settle for what @DreamRJ says above, which is irritating. As he says, most of them hide or don't have numbers.
Maybe you need to upgrade to an iPhone, lol
The VeroSMS app has no ads and doesn't change anything. It just works away, invisibly, in the background
Maybe you need to upgrade to an iPhone, lol
The VeroSMS app has no ads and doesn't change anything. It just works away, invisibly, in the background
You mean downgrade to an iPhone? No thanks. Daughter has one and it's awful.

Verosms not available on Android, I recall looking a while back.

Sadly there is no equivalent for Android.
You mean downgrade to an iPhone? No thanks. Daughter has one and it's awful.

Verosms not available on Android, I recall looking a while back.

Sadly there is no equivalent for Android.

I agree iPhones suck and I will never own any apple product in my life. Some will call out "blasphemy" for me saying that haha
I agree iPhones suck and I will never own any apple product in my life. Some will call out "blasphemy" for me saying that haha
Yes, their owners are the type of people who only buy Nike footwear, the cost of which is also 10% cheap-labour Chinese product value and 90% hype/advertising.

Anyway, back on track, the VeroSMS iOS app which @brianmon mentions is exactly what the original Samsung software originally did with its generic spam protection tool. I went online to research (after going to the S20 series then noticing it had gone) and saw howls of protest everywhere from Samsung users at its absence. You can't even download it anywhere, it was inbuilt. Now they have Hiya which is fucking useless.
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You mean downgrade to an iPhone? No thanks. Daughter has one and it's awful.

Verosms not available on Android, I recall looking a while back.

Sadly there is no equivalent for Android.

What do you mean? What is PulseSMS then? I have been using it for years and it does exactly what's being described here. It might change the "keyboard" layout but I believe it's optional, I use it though since it's just factually better layout than the default keyboard.

Also lmao at "downgrade". I'm not a fan of Apple either but saying that while flexing a Galaxy is pretty sus. I'd put that shit in the same category with iPhones.
What do you mean? What is PulseSMS then? I have been using it for years and it does exactly what's being described here. It might change the "keyboard" layout but I believe it's optional, I use it though since it's just factually better layout than the default keyboard.

Also lmao at "downgrade". I'm not a fan of Apple either but saying that while flexing a Galaxy is pretty sus. I'd put that shit in the same category with iPhones.
I've stopped keeping up with the latest phones in the last 3 years, pointless hassle. When i got the S20+ Ultra around release time its competitior was the also newly released iPhone 13 and it urinated over that when I checked various sources, hence my choice. Since then I have not bothered with the bullshit race for extra functionality of 25.27 more pixels or slightly faster screen, whatever the supposed benefit you get for an extra £500 each time a 'new' model is released.

Pulse, the version that actually works without ads and BS is subscription, whereas the others here like Vero and the old Samsung inbuilt were free.
I get these too and you cant block the numbers cos the 'number' will often be some random bs like 'cherrywins'.
I've stopped keeping up with the latest phones in the last 3 years, pointless hassle. When i got the S20+ Ultra around release time its competitior was the also newly released iPhone 13 and it urinated over that when I checked various sources, hence my choice. Since then I have not bothered with the bullshit race for extra functionality of 25.27 more pixels or slightly faster screen, whatever the supposed benefit you get for an extra £500 each time a 'new' model is released.

Pulse, the version that actually works without ads and BS is subscription, whereas the others here like Vero and the old Samsung inbuilt were free.

You know they have a lifetime membership outside of the subscription model right? I mean yes it's not free but if you can afford to buy a $1000 phone I'm sure you can afford a $10 lifetime membership. When I bought Pulse it was even less, like $5.

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