They never gave a reason, just stated they could not investigate without a bank statement.
The deposits were made on the 7th of May and the transactions appeared on my statement on the 8th of May, so it has not been 30 days yet. Part of my concern is that there is a time limit during which my bank can take any action to recover the stolen funds and that time may pass and leave me with no other recourse.
As I am getting nowhere with the CM Rep (ignores my PMs), I will post some very simple questions here in the hope of receiving a reply.
@ThrillsRep – please feel free to answer via PM or alternatively you have my permission to answer in the open forum.
1. Can you confirm that amounts totalling £400 were credited to my account on the 7th of May? (in the amounts of £50, £100, £100, £150)
2. Can you advise what steps you have taken so far to identify the “missing” £100 transaction using the ARNs I provided? What have your findings been?
3. Are you able to confirm that you received deposits totalling £500 from my debit card ending 7467 on the 7th of May? If not – what does your information show?
4. Can you confirm that you have a photograph of this debit card on file and that this photograph shows the same account number as shown on the screenshot of my bank statement, thereby confirming that the transactions relate to that card?
5. Can you confirm the current balance of my (now self-excluded) account? (Perhaps the transaction was delayed and is now in my balance).
6. Can you advise what steps you are now taking to help resolve this situation?
It seems to me that there is a very simple way to investigate this claim but no-one at Thrills has provided me an explanation as to what steps are being taken or why something cannot be done with the existing information. My feeling is that it has not been escalated at all and low-level CSR staff are dealing with this using “scripted” responses rather than addressing the issue holistically with all of the pertinent information available.
Question for the forum (not sure if this is allowed):
How do I go about raising a chargeback? Do I need to report the transaction as fraudulent? Presumably you can’t just demand a refund for things you don’t feel like paying for anymore.
I haven’t raised a PAB since I don’t feel like this is an issue of “fair play” that needs to be arbitrated, but Bryan/Max if you’re able to weigh in I’d be happy to hear what you have to say also.
Thanks for your assistance, CM members.