The right to Free Speech does not mean free speech without responsibility, a concept seemingly lost on today's society, whereby everyone must acknowledge one's own-held 'truths' based on their feelings.
I'd like to say common sense is still a thing that governed most people's lives, but it's a relic of a bygone age, replaced with whatever applies to them. And if politically aligned to the right side of history, you'd be surprised just how much 'free speech' is allowed to fly, in the most stunningly hypocritical way!
Those of a common sense persuasion would still be able to tell apart the persistent and targeted belligerence and hateful intent, as well as blatantly homophobic, racist and misogynistic slurs, I'm sure.
And yet we have written speech in 'World 2' aka the internet, where opinions and context can be interpreted any number of ways and is often misconstrued. You'd find if hearing this person in 'real life' that they'd be completely different to how they reveal themselves online.
Westerners have had it pretty easy in saying what they want under the guise of Free Speech, and naturally that's been exploited by those wishing to have carte blanche to spout what they wish, to the obvious detriment of rational discourse. And so governments find themselves trying to rein it all in, with censorship galore. Gone is pushing the envelope, satire and subtlety, although parody's alive and kicking, as most of today's zeitgeist is indistinguishable from parody!
Are people allowed to hold their own prejudices and dislike of other people? Yes they are
Do they have the right to share those in an informal setting? Yes
Ought they to grab a loudspeaker and convey that to the masses? No
Clearly there is a massive gulf between ordinary speech and online, which are too varied to classify as 'one', however much people wish it to be so.
We had people congregate in London to remonstrate the Israeli invasion of Gaza, voiced by 100,000 pro-Palestinian supporters. I could take exception to that, as well as open displays of ripping down posters of missing Israeli children, whereby 'freedom of expression' is all well and good.
Amazing how Free Speech works sometimes, eh?