Fortune Lounge Magazine BJ Strategy Errors


Dormant account
Jun 1, 2005
This is not a big complaint, as I assume these are honest errors on the casino's part, but...

The game spotlight Blackjack 101 from the January 2006 World Player Magazine (the Fortune Lounge player mag) offers a blackjack strategy guide that includes standing on a hard 8 versus dealer upcards from 2-6. Also standing on A4, A5, and A6 versus upcards 4-6.

Obviously a player playing this way cedes the casino a serious edge. But most of these mistakes should occur to the player as 'that can't possibly be right'. And the casino does offer autoplay settings with correct strategies.

But it is a bit disconcerting that this is in an article tailored to BJ beginners...

Hopefully they can come here and issue a retraction/apology as well as a correction for next month's mag.
Wow, I've been using that chart since it came out a few weeks wonder I haven't been winning.

Just kidding of course. The proofreader clearly fell asleep on the job. The basic BJ strategy chart is available in dozens (hundreds?) of places, and has been used by BJ players for a long time, so its not like they were re-creating the wheel.
Fortune Lounge management have confirmed to me that this is an unintentional error that they are now running to earth in order to organise a correction.
jetset said:
Fortune Lounge management have confirmed to me that this is an unintentional error that they are now running to earth in order to organise a correction.

Thanks. Again, for reasons above (both mine and mgibson's), I don't consider this a major complaint. But it's nice to see the casino (which I've always seen to act in a classy and professional manner) take an active stance.
Doesn't surprise me really. The 'expert' autoplay Blackjack strategy was horribly wrong for ages despite casinos and MG being informed about it repeatedly

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