** Well, here are my thoughts on this.
[I do seem to have many of them lately]
The problem with have a Union run by players is [imho]
Would you be objective - have your OWN interest AND that of the casino in mind?
I doubt it.
AND then.. I do recall something that happened earlier this year. A player with loads of money started the dream. Now he is an arrogant
person, and slag everyone who does not 'conform' to his ideas and will.
It is hard.
Who do you choose to 'head' this thing? Those with the interest?Those with the money? Those who agrees with your ideas?
I would say that, there are a few players, who happens to be webmasters too, who'd be quite suitable to be REPRESENTATIVES for the players. Clearminded, clearheaded, 'both side of the coin' realistic individuals. Yet, even their input would be contested by some players. Look around at this board! Good pple, good ideas.. DIVERSE does not even begin to describe it.
Bryan does his bit, Spear and KK theirs, Dom does hers... Yet, there are STILL a bunch of fake complaints and cheating players too...
A union? Yah, sure. **