Boris Becker joins Pokerstars


RIP Brian
Feb 22, 2001

Boris Becker could be scoring a few more aces in online poker

Who can forget the power and agility around the top tennis courts of the world of Boris Becker, the blonde German tennis pro who achieved more at age 17 than most of his contempories. Now poker fans could see the same risk taking and confidence at major world poker tournaments as the tennis ace develops a new career with the online poker team.

Dubbed by the press "Baron Von Slam" for his overwhelmingly powerful serves, Becker started playing poker many years ago whilst on the tennis circuit. "When I was still playing professional tennis, I started learning to play poker casually in-between games because it helped me to improve my concentration," he says.

"Now I want to develop my poker skills and challenge myself to become really competitive at the highest levels in poker."

Becker adds that the strategy, psychology and decision-making under pressure that he drew on in his tennis career could be equally valuable assets in the arena of international poker. He has already undergone intense poker training, and is keen and ready for his first big outing on the European Poker Tour, with plans to compete in the EPT Dortmund in his native Germany and the EPT Grand Final in Monte Carlo next spring.

Becker's glittering international tennis achievements - he is a six-time Grand Slam singles champion, an Olympic gold medalist and the youngest-ever winner of the men's singles title at Wimbledon - show what talent, dedication and ambition can achieve - watch this space for similar fireworks in the online and land poker tournament milieu!

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