Aspire Global - hidden deposit fees


Newbie member
May 31, 2021
I deposit a few times, took a look at what was charged to my Visa and what should have been $1.25 fee was $17.00. I asked about it in chat, provide them proof and they stated the Visa charged wasn’t even them (due to third party payment provider). They Wouldn’t provide any sort of refund/credit or bonus. Brutal, players beware.
i had that once with metal casino or one from that group,i contacted my bank about it they said the charges were tranactions being made abroad ?? i said i live in the uk,anyway at the time Nick Slots was promoting the casino so i got in touch with him and explained,very next day had all my extra charges from my visa refunded
I´d avoid aspire global casinos. They got T&C which are player unfriendly. Beware of bonus offers from this group. Once a bonus is taken, you are not permitted to do so in any other casino of this group as this will cause your funds getting confiscated. In my country thier t&c reads that i cannot have more than one (active) casino account in the entire group. IMO not a real good reputation at all.
Stay away from their casino sites, they charge a 2.5% deposit fee, and I'm 99.9% sure they steal people's emails.


I registered on one of their sites about a week ago and deposited £1,000. They charged me £25 for the deposit. The deposit fee was displayed to me prior to making a deposit, but it is still a total joke to me. I deposited because I didn't have anywhere to play. A few days later, i started to receive spam emails with offers from different clip joints.

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