What a fellow 3dicer made me .... Happy Birthday Babs!


Banned User
Oct 9, 2006
for my birthday. This must of took Martin hours or days to do so I think it deserves to be closer than the attic, I hope thats ok. Once you see it youll understand. Thank You Martin

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for some reason only half of it is coming up when i paste it. This is wierd, its showing up in full screen for me but on here its only half
Wow, what a lot of effort went into that it's awesome and what a lovely gift.

Happy Birthday Babs, hope you have a great one , now go and win the DD Jackpot!!!!

Happy Birthday Babs,

Have a lovely time today and enjoy your time away.

Big Hugs,

Basil xx


Not quite the same selection of smileys as 3dice, but it will have to do :)
gasp, hb b! i just pm'ed you big time. about my own problems, but nothing negative, it's actually all about a girl i've loved and lost. but congrats on advancing one year in your age and hope all's swell. i'll try and rig the scavenger hunt slightly in your favour. lmao

What a nice video. I couldnt gain access to this in the office computer so I only just displayed it. BTW, a belated H-B Babs. Sang sen Fai Lok. (Chinese for Happy Birthday)
Happy birthday Babs!!

Hope it was a good one :D

And off we go to the Happy Birthday forum (gotta keep it organized, y'know)

Cheers! :cheers:

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