Like to grow your own veggies? Might you be breaking the law?

Thanks Slotplayer for those great links, I think it is very important that people see that raids like this can and will happen under the guise of salmonella and such. These avenues of purchasing foods have always been arouund, long before industrialization.

Back in the old days, people also kept a silver coin in their milk, silver prevents bacteria's from growing and this is how they drank and used their milk and dairy products.

Organic farming and home gardens have always been a staple of the people that want healthy nutrition in their foods. The processes that are used in industrialized foods, destroys the nutrients, thus eliminating the healthy aspect of the food.

Then you have the other element, that would have you solely rely and live on their products, they have the clout, the big money, the governing factors behind them and they want to see all organic farming stopped, or another small story of the 7 year old who's lemonaide stand was ordered to shut down unless she purchase a license for $150. They do this a little at a time, as demonstrated by the raid on the organic store in California. The media is filled with horror stories of salmonella laden eggs, mad cow disease, swine flu from pigs, bird flu from chickens and the slaughter begins, where the food supply is greatly diminished under the guise of scare tactics.

No one is going to question the mass slaughter of livestock and destruction of fields of organic food if there is a disease or bacteria attached to it. This also reinforces the thought in people that our best interests are being looked after. It's no different than people not questioning why the Branch Dividians were harrassed for days on end before they were finally killed, not just David Koresh but all the women and children as well. The media told us what to think and we obeyed.

Mansanto has been having his fields of Genetically Modified crops planted near organic fields, thus causing cross pollenation and rendering the organic plants as dead live produce.

The law that is being implemented is not done for the safety of the public interest but for big corporations interests. If the publics safety was such an issue then we would not have pesticides in our foods, growth hormones added to our meats, msg and fructose corn syrup in absolutely everything. I mean really just look around you and the proof is in the seeing of what we are being given to consume and is in direct contradiction of what the law, which is always subject to change will actually mean in the long run.

Flouride is another item that has been given to the public saying it will benefit your teeth. Just how does toxic waste benefit ones teeth? Industry was given the option to cut cost of disposing of toxic waste by dumping it in the municipal water supplies. Studies have never been done as to the effect on wildlife, birds, insects consuming flouride. We water our lawns and trees with it, our gardens with it, it is inundating everything as well, it is a toxic waste! Yet the population are treated like toxic waste dumps, where toxic waste can be out of site out of mind. This has been done for many years and is still be done. This has been approved as beneficial to our health?

This is how studies are conducted;
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Newburgh, New York was the first experimental city to dose its citizens with fluoride, in 1945, to conduct safety studies. Planned to last ten years, the study was curtailed after five years, and declared a success. Children sick two weeks before examination were excluded - eliminating the very children who might be exhibiting fluoride's adverse effects and no adults were studied. There are many more sites to read up on this, you just have to do your homework.

So if one thinks that I and many others are being scared by the meemee's, you couldn't be more wrong and your ridicule shakes me not. You have to be willing and able to look at the big picture, not just little parts of the half truth ones. But yes, I know some feel the governing factors are the most upright, honest, caring, loving thy fellow human being on the planet, are not swayed by big money and they would never lie to us. Well that's okay, as we all have our own ways of seeing things.


i have 5 fruit trees and a garden which shy loves so much.
she just goes out there and picks the little tomatos and eats them.

but her fav r the strawbarrys.

we had so much come in this year we gave alot of it away needless to say i,am very much loved in my town. lol
My hubby and I have planted two apple trees, one has produced the other hasn't, two plum trees, one purple plum the other white plum and we have a fig tree.
In the backyard he made a little fenced area for vegetables where he plants corn, tomato's, jalapenos, green chiles, zuchinni and eggplant.
We always end up with so much that we share it with family and neighbors every year.
He bought the seeds from an organic seed site so as not to get the GMO seeds. The only thing we have had problems with is the corn, we keep picking them to early or to late.
But then there are other things we like that we buy at the grocery store, we have no farmers market here, like potato's and onions. I also buy the canned organics, milk, sugar and other things.
I will just be really heartbroken to see one day that these things are no longer available if things go in that direction.
Because as human beings, we should at least have a choice in something and food and water is our most basic choice and I would just hate to see that taken away.

As for being right wing propagandists, I don't believe in such things, I believe people have a voice and concerns and a need to express them without being labeled as anything other than caring about the world and every living thing in it.
If the studies I follow regarding the direction of things are incorrect then fine I can except that, I would rather be wrong. But when one has to read and discard nearly everything on the grocery store shelves, you have to ask why is this and where is it going from here.
When I fill my pets water dish, I wonder what the flouride is doing to them, just as the birds and insects drinking the water from the bird bath. When we water our garden and trees, I know I have no control over what's in that water that is feeding my plants. But I worry.
If enough people would have gotten together years ago and fought against these additives in our food and water, maybe things would be very much different. Maybe you wouldn't have the cancer or the diabetes or any other diseases we have now that is rampant in our society. Maybe our children would be the perfect brand new beings with none of these problems, you now see so many with.
I have a brand new little dog that has a weird reverse snorting cough, this is not normal. Her system is brand new, there should not be any type of problem.
But there is, for us, our children, our pets and our gardens and I worry.
So I do not make issue to take a side, I don't care about sides, I only care about what we are affected by in the short or long term.
Obviously the post above is a good example of one of the effects of flouride and other poisons in our food.
I am probably gonna get in hot water with some of you guys, but WTH.

If everything in this world is so bad, fluoride in the water, additives to keep food stable so it lasts longer, genetically "enhanced" food, and all these things people complain about being unhealthy, then why is the average human life span exceeding those of our fathers' lifetime?

I am not saying I think chemicals to kill things (weeds, bugs, etc) are not dangerous if handled improperly, but I tend to think that in the long run, humans have benefited from many of the things that people rant about.

And I won't even get started on the folks that think vaccines to protect from killing diseases are bad.

She said as she ducked and ran!!! :D
I am probably gonna get in hot water with some of you guys, but WTH.

If everything in this world is so bad, fluoride in the water, additives to keep food stable so it lasts longer, genetically "enhanced" food, and all these things people complain about being unhealthy, then why is the average human life span exceeding those of our fathers' lifetime?

I am not saying I think chemicals to kill things (weeds, bugs, etc) are not dangerous if handled improperly, but I tend to think that in the long run, humans have benefited from many of the things that people rant about.

And I won't even get started on the folks that think vaccines to protect from killing diseases are bad.

She said as she ducked and ran!!! :D

Obviously the post above is a good example of one of the effects of flouride and other poisons in our food.

Just ignore this post, the person that posted an obnoxious casino shill, has obviously been removed making my post look like I am talking about my own post.
Okay, it's taking me some time to get my response out, between nursing and Chaplain visits for mom, getting the hubby ready for his camping trip and such. But......

For you Jod.

Firstly the people back in the 1900's or previous to our generations had to deal with things like Influenza epidemics, Tuberculosis and a miriad of other things. They did not have the same type of hygeine or knowledge of how not to spread diseases such as those.
Then most places probably only had one doctor for whole counties, maybe a hospital in a major city, that people couldn't get to.
Plus they didn't have 911.
But they were not poisoned or diseased by their food unless they were totally ignorant. Most people handled their food in a very different way than we do, they dried, salted, preserved and did things that we don't do anymore. In actuality, people may have had shorter life spans, but they're life span was healthier than ours is today. We may live longer, but the quality of our lives are lessor for it, due to the lifetime intake of items that were not meant to continually assimilate.

Medicine as it progressed became a very good thing for many, there is no denying that. So I do not put this avenue down, unless it is totally relied on and better choices for keeping one healthy is ignored.

Regarding GMO's, do you actually study both sides of the issue? This is the most important question, because if a person only studies the pr put out by the companies that create this stuff, then you will only here the pro's to the subject.
You have to read and study both sides of the issue to make a real evaluation of the claims for why it is good and the evidence of what is actually happening in the real world out of the labratory and controled condtions.

This is an excellent area for looking at the con's, but you can pick whatever site you want.

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Flouride, you think it's good or see nothing wrong with it? Okay obviously you have to read again both sides of the issue. Flouride is derived from Toxic waste and has been proven not to have any benefit to teeth, in fact if you do your homework you will find it does the exact opposite.

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"The ‘dental caries prevention myth’ associated with fluoride, originated in the United States in 1939, when a scientist named Gerald J. Cox, employed by ALCOA, the largest producer of toxic fluoride waste and at the time being threatened by fluoride damage claims, fluoridated some lab rats, concluded that fluoride reduced cavities and claimed that it should be added to the nation’s water supplies. In 1947, "

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What Are Excitoxins

Excitotoxins are amino acids that also serve as neurotransmitters in the brain. The nervous system needs amino acid neurotransmitters to operate. But when the dose is too high or builds from excessive daily intake, these amino acids cross the blood brain barrier and excite the neurons of brain cells to a point of absolute exhaustion. Then those brain neurons eventually die.

As one consumes MSG or aspartame over time, there is a formaldehyde byproduct from metabolizing these toxic ingredients. The formaldehyde binds with cellular DNA and causes DNA damage. It tends to stick to the DNA and over time the formaldehyde accumulation causes massive cell damage, which breeds diseases of all sorts, even cancer.

Within the brain and throughout the nervous system, heart, and intestinal tract there are glutamate receptors or channels. So it is not only the brain that is affected by excitotoxins over time. If one is lacking in glutamate or other excitoxin protection naturally, drinking or eating a large quantity of MSG or aspartame laced liquid at one time can result in an immediate negative physical reaction.

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Excitotoxins have been found to dramatically promote cancer growth and metastasis. In fact, one aspartame researcher noticed that, when cancer cells were exposed to aspartame, they became more mobile, and you see the same effect with MSG. It also causes a cancer cell to become more mobile, and that enhances metastasis, or spread. These MSG-exposed cancer cells developed all of these pseudopodians and started moving through tissues, which is one of the earlier observations from cancer.

As I have said though, we are free to think what we want, but study on your own doesn't hurt you one bit, not studying could be detrimental to your health and your childrens health.

The reason my husband and I got into studying things is because of his cancer diagnosis 7 years ago. To date we have only treated it naturally and have eliminated as much of the items that promote cancer in the body and cell damage as possible.

This again is not a right or left wing propaganda thing, maybe I just care about others to much, so if it bothers anyone, I appologize, but I hope that maybe this information wil benefit a few at least.
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i have always said that denist and the toothpaste companys were in cohoots with each other.

it seems the more my kids brushed their teeth the more they had prombles with them.

makes one wonder.
Yes, and illnesses are caused by doctors. The poeple in African countries with 1/10 the number of physicians per head of population are much healthier and live longer than the Americans.
I failed in my attempt to find the reason for why this bill was released... :confused:
i have always said that denist and the toothpaste companys were in cohoots with each other.

it seems the more my kids brushed their teeth the more they had prombles with them.

makes one wonder.

I don't really trust dentists. but I can say that if your kids stopped brushing altogether their teeth would be much worse. I will say modern dentistry has come a long way.

Not sure about the Fluoride thing, but it looks like Mavin1 has done her homework. I do remember watching the history channel and they showed this tribe that had natural fluoride in their water and their teeth were utterly magnificent.


As for being right wing propagandists
I'm pretty sure the right wing makes things deliberately sound like the "its the end of the world", foxnews is notorious for it. The liberals on the other hand are in fantasy land. Like I said, bannish both groups to the island.

I failed in my attempt to find the reason for why this bill was released.
I was under the assumption that the bill had more to do with panic of an outbreak and the lack of resources to handle it.

Pretty big egg recall btw, 500 million, don't think that is some conspiracy to gain market share.
i have always said that denist and the toothpaste companys were in cohoots with each other.

it seems the more my kids brushed their teeth the more they had prombles with them.

makes one wonder.

We use Tom's non flouride toothpaste, stopped using the name brands a long time ago.
It is near impossible in this country to totally eliminate your flouride intake, but we can cut it back in areas we have some control of decision on.
Yes, and illnesses are caused by doctors. The poeple in African countries with 1/10 the number of physicians per head of population are much healthier and live longer than the Americans.

That is true and it is very prevelent here in the US. I see to many doctors rely solely on medications as a answer to all problems more than common sense of what they have learned. They push pharmaceuticals way to much and totally discredit natural remedies.

When I had tv and would listen to the med commercials that came on, they promoted the med with beautiful music, healthy, althletic looking people and then at the end would ramble off in high speed the side effects of the med.

The US has been a chemical dependant country for some time now and the overall health of most Americans is very disturbing, to say the least.

Our bodies can assimilate and dispose of a certain of amount of things naturally, but when you are bombarding your system daily for a lifetime, of chemicals in our food, water, air, other products, after awhile the body can't take any more as it has been over taxed and overworked and things begin to break down and diseases find a foothold in any number of ways.

The fact is, illness and disease is a major money making industry and we in the US are making Pharmaceutical companies monsterously rich.

I was also talking to my mother in laws nurse yesterday about insurances and the cost of medical treatment. She said she had to have surgery on her colon that ended up costing over Hundred Thousand dollars. She was released from the hospital two days to soon, so her insurance has refused to pay the bill. She has managed to pay $5k but still owes $98k.

She had told me the medical industry, i.e. charges 3x the actual cost. But if you pay what the true cost is they will still demand the remainder even though it's not truly owed.

This comes back to the insurance I told her my husband was on, they ended up having to pull out of Az because they were going bankrupt here. No doubt due to excessive overcharging.

Anyways, our chemical dependance has been nurtured and cultivated for decades and it is heartbreaking to say the least when you do examine other countries that aren't so governed by big industry and big Pharma and see how much different things are for them.

As for the new law, I believe it will be open for interpratation, but it is going to be a wait and see.
For those who feel that GMO's, "Enhanced" foods are safe, you really need to watch the video on this link and then see if you feel the same way. It is a 2 hour discussion, so get comfy.

This will help to understand the Government, FDA, USDA, Monsanto are in bed together.

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here is some stuff that was sent to me

Pests . . .

I don't like 'em and I'm sure you don't either.

You don't want to sink your teeth into a juicy apple or an ear of corn — and find yourself biting into an unsavory worm.

You don't want to take a sunset stroll around your neighborhood just to find yourself mercilessly attacked by hungry, disease-causing mosquitoes.

And I'm sure you don't want to live in a home overrun by ants, termites, or even microscopic germs.

That's why our human ingenuity led us to develop pesticides.

Surprisingly, these pest-mitigating chemicals aren't modern. In fact, the ancient Mesopotamians used sulfur to dust their crops for protection against pests 4,500 years ago.

And we've developed a lot of specialized pesticides since then.

These days, almost 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used just on fields and orchards in the United States — each year. These chemicals not only coat edible products, but also drift into nearby communities.

Crop dusters and other pest control machines spray a variety of chemical products onto what we are destined to put in our mouth.

And these pesticides are not limited to spraying the food we eat.

Many communities use insecticides dispersed by truck-mounted fogging units to control the mosquito population.

We use insecticides to fight bugs in the home. Poisons to combat weeds in our yard. Even disinfectants to combat bacteria in our kitchen and bathroom.

Pesticides are here to stay.

Yet for all the good they do, there is an obvious downside to their use.

Research indicates that pesticides can increase your risk for Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia by about 40%.

Plus, pesticides increase your risk for developing:

Attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders
Parkinson's disease
Even suicidal thoughts and other mental and neurological disorders
Since pesticides incapacitate the nervous system of the bugs they are designed to kill, it's not surprising that they also affect our human brain and nervous system.

And Pesticides Are Only Part of the Problem

In addition to pesticides, these four metals are chief sources of brain-damaging toxic exposure:

These four "danger" metals are commonly found in polluted air, tap water, cigarette smoke, and cosmetics.

Additionally, cadmium or lead may leach from pipes or paint. Mercury is found in fish, dental fillings, even vaccines. Aluminum leaches from cookware, antacids, and antiperspirants.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

We're exposed daily to these noxious metals and chemical compounds from a wide variety of sources.

Toxicity from these metals can lead to:

Depression and anxiety
Memory problems
Difficulty concentrating
Nervousness and irritability
Tremors or numbness
Lack of coordination
Dizziness and confusion
Lowered intelligence
Since these symptoms could be related to many causes, it's hard to know what could be the effect of chronic brain toxins.
I find this highly interesting regarding the ownership of the company Searle that produces Aspartame. At the 3:15 minute mark 60 Minutes reveals that Mansanto is the owner of Searle. No wonder the FDA let Asaprtame slide into the market after the former FDA official was replaced that had blocked it, the new head of the FDA apporoved this sweet poison. Had it not been Mansanto, I really wonder if it would have been approved.

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Back on track with the food safety bill

Organic Farms and Gardens Destroyed by HR 875: The Food Safety Modernization Act. Glenn Beck

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I love Beck, he's a funny guy. Watch him on Fridays when he has the history.

I wonder if they'll shut down the public gardens. For about $15 bucks a year you can get a patch of land and have a small garden.

When I log in to read my yahoo emails, it displays some interesting articles from time to time, every once in awhile I email the link to family and friends.

this topic reminded me of one I came across last April
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Thanks for the link to the dirty dozen fruits and veggies to stay away from, Lauriejim, I hope you buy only organic peaches. This also takes me back to the fat American thread. Just play gave a great link that exposed most of these pesticides as fat producers, just like, MSG.

I've been reading up more on some of the Monsanto topics and his organization will and have sued people, who are found to have GMO crops mixed in a non GMO field. Doesn't matter how they got there.

Here's another link regarding Roundup, Monsanto's creation;

Genetically Manipulated Crops: GMO Catastrophe in US a Lesson for the World

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I found this information through G. Edward Griffin site.
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Thanks for the link to the dirty dozen fruits and veggies to stay away from Slotplayer and Lauriejim, I hope you buy only organic peaches, as they are on the dirty list. This also takes me back to the fat American thread. Just play gave a great link that exposed most of these pesticides as fat producers, just like, MSG.

I've been reading up more on some of the Monsanto topics and his organization will and have sued people, who are found to have GMO crops mixed in a non GMO field. Doesn't matter how they got there.

Here's another link regarding Roundup, Monsanto's creation;

Genetically Manipulated Crops: GMO Catastrophe in US a Lesson for the World

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I found this information through G. Edward Griffin site.
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Here is another video that will help to understand why "vaccines", can be dangerous. Ask if the vaccines you or your children get contain Thimerosal, also known as Mercury. Thimerosal may preserve the vaccine, but is preservation worth a damaged brain?
Autism used to be 1/10,000, today it is 1/150, but this condition is most likely not autism, but as the doctor in the previous video states, it is brain damage from the Mercury. Anyways, watch what happens to these brain neurons when exposed to a small sample of mercury.

I should add this interview on MSNBC where it is revealed that "Autism" was virtually unknown until "Thimerosal" was introduced to vaccines in the 1930's. All of what I am presenting here goes back to what is approved in the country.

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I've been very busy the last week, I haven't read this whole thread, but will, I just read the last page.

I remember when my 20 year old daughter was in grade school, they introduced the chicken pox vaccine, I was so worried/scared, because it was new. I wasn't going to let her have it, I mean what's the big deal about chicken pox, we all got them....well....your child wouldn't be able to go to school unless they had that vaccine.

The family behind us has an autistic daughter, and they believe it was caused by vaccines. The terrible things about vaccines is, if you want your children to go to school you have to get them.

Doesn't anyone find it strange how many people get cancer and are just up and dying? It wasn't like this even 10 years ago. Something is causing this, we received a letter from our water department saying there was an unusully high (something, I can't remember what it was). It's bad enough about pesticides in our food, it gets in our water as well.
Also there is a big difference in the amount of vaccines we had as children compared to what they are getting now, as stated in the previous video.
All I can remember is getting 3? Although Thimerosal was in vaccines then, we weren't getting what children are being required to take now.

And where is informed consent when it comes to a childs future health? They are not being allowed to even develop enough to be able to fight off some of the effects of these poisonous substances. We weren't getting vaccinated until we started school.

Anyways, I am looking into any research being done to reverse the mercury induced "autism", one is, adult stem cell therapy, but this is expensive and is not done in the US. But hopefully there are others treatments, like detoxification, this may at least remove some of the harmful toxins.

I get infuriated when I think of just how chemically polluted this country is and that all of these things have been approved.

In the meantime, the site Vaccination Liberation, does have exemption forms, but I haven't looked at them for a long while.

Here is the link;

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What I have found most for detoxing heavy metals is Chelation. My husband has done his own home chelation for his cancer, so it was not a contraption or anything like that, just natural substances in liquid form. I would ask him about it, but he is still on his camping trip.

Here is an interesting article with a Chelation pesto recipe that certainly couldn't hurt. Don't know the effectiveness, but the recipe sounds yummy.

We use Bragg's Liquid Amino's in place of soy sauce, taste is the same in my opinion, but the amino's are better than the soy, since much of it is GMO soy now.


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Removing Heavy Metals

Detoxification Recipe

Compiled by Dr. Thomas Stearns Lee, NMD

Heavy-metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of hormonal imbalances, cancer, thyroid problems, neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression food allergies, and parasites.

Cilantro -- also known as coriander or Chinese parsley -- has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. (The word chelate comes from the Greek word for claw, and describes a process which acts to engulf and then enable the removal of a highly reactive toxic mineral.)

Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, the following recipe for Cilantro Chelation Pesto is a powerful tissue cleanser. It is not only easy to make, but also really tasty. It's delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.

Two teaspoons of this cilantro pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. Consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year.

Cilantro Chelation Pesto
4 cloves garlic

1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium source)

1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine source)

1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium sources)

2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (Vitamin A source)

2/3 cup flaxseed oil

4 tablespoons lemon juice (Vitamin C source)

2 tsp. Dulse powder - edible red algae

Bragg's Liquid Aminos™

Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the cilantro is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts, and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a squirt of Bragg's Liquid Aminos to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

One person suffering from high blood pressure due to mercury poisoning had her blood pressure return to normal after eating 2 teaspoons of this pesto daily for only a week. So whether you need to detoxify heavy metals from your body or just wish to use it as a preventative measure, 2 teaspoons a day is all you need to take.

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