Everymatrix have made contact with me and are making the right noises about paying the court order. I've therefore put enforcement action on hold, although I have an idea of when and where I will try to arrange the action for, if needed.
I will update again when I have further news.
Slotter999 - If you are interested in making a claim, I would be happy to send you my witness statement which may be of some help. Just PM me an email address. If you are UK based, you can kick the process off by using
www.moneyclaim.gov.uk. You just need to provide the key facts to begin with, and they will decide which legal track, if any, is most appropriate. There are fees involved, but you can go through the whole process for around £140 if you do everything yourself, and depending on the size of the claim being made.
Meanwhile, I noticed this article on the BBC website yesterday, which is also widely reported in today's UK printed press. See the last few paragraphs which explains how Maria Casino apparently withheld £35,000 from a customer under the same circumstances I had with Jetbull/Everymatrix. In his case, they paid up when the BBC started sniffing around.
I wonder if the floodgates are about to open;