Ah the Sinclair spectrum, that's given me a big dose of nostalgia. Gaming wise what they achieved with it should make current game developers blush.
Reading the wiki they were manufactured by the timex factory in Dundee, which to me is another cool aspect.
In today's money the 48k model would be around £800! Makes you realise what Apple must be raking in worldwide, given their following. But to me feels all a bit bland and predictable compared to yesteryear, though if Sinclair had followed their strategy we'd be on the zx spectrum 580000 by now!
I wish I could remember all the names of the games, the variety and creativity of which was staggering really.
Arcade conversions was probably a weaker area, though remember loving 'renegade' (which I kicked some serious arse on) word soon got around re my acquisition of said game, had friends queuing up to borrow that off me!