Happy 8th March - International Women's Day

Yeah, not many folks look after women like the women themselves. :D

From a guy who was raised by a true women's libber in the 60s and 70s, and have been surrounded by very intelligent and independent women pretty much though my entire life - yep, I will raise a glass tonight for the international rights for women's equality - and in appreciation for all of the ladies in my life. :thumbsup:

Yeah, not many folks look after women like the women themselves. :D

From a guy who was raised by a true women's libber in the 60s and 70s, and have been surrounded by very intelligent and independent women pretty much though my entire life - yep, I will raise a glass tonight for the international rights for women's equality - and in appreciation for all of the ladies in my life. :thumbsup:


Wow beautiful!

Indeed all women around you that I met or heard about from you @Casinomeister are so amazing!
(now waiting for someone to make a comment interpretation joke :laugh: )
Happy International Women's Day to all the incredible, smart, talented, and simply amazing women here! Wishing you all a fantastic day, ladies! :cheers:
P.S: All our VIP members are invited to play the $200 VIP Happy International Women's Day tournament!
I take it this is about 'real' women, born with vaginas?

If so, I salute you!

Remember, every one of the 8 billion people on the planet came from a real woman. No exceptions.

So we are all grateful. :cheers:
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Thank you OP
A bit late to the party but usually, in my book it's better late then not at all! :p
I had a similar upbringing as Bryan, i have flashbacks of me sitting under a large round table playing with my toycars, happy i was 'hidden' as i heard various men-unfriendly terms being flung across the room with great gusto, to put it mildly...about certain precious things (to me) being ripped off and made into mincemeat, you can imagine i'm sure :p

This was of course in the local clubhouse of the 'very new and liberal feminist movement' that popped up somewhere in the early 80's, my young teen mom hung out there with like-minded friends, while they were smoking pot and drinking wine ?

Of course some of these lovely gatherings wouldn't really fly these days, but i was happy to have lived them! (or survived to tell, lol)

Jokes aside, i have a very healthy dose or respect for women in general, absolutely see them as mental equals, and albeit slightly oldfashioned as in opening doors, paying the bill etc., i'd like to see myself as progressive in every other regard :D

I do hope the coming generations of women will take example from their mothers and grandmothers though! Because a lot of the newer rolemodels don't really fit into my mind's allocation of that particular 'title'...

Anyway: here's to alla you's fine ladies! :cheers: :cheerleader:?
Very happy player here; relatively new to this forum but been making casino rounds for decades and on a hot streak recently which makes it more fun.

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