Your Input Please Do you think The Bandit is a fake streamer now?


Ueber Meister
Jan 17, 2014
Northern Ireland
Steve Davies, aka The Bandit, was one of my favourite streamers for a long time, but lately I am feeling a bit suspicious about it all.
Since joining BC.Game and that other one I can't remember ("the one with the numbers" he calls it), he has had I'm sure 10, probably more, Max Wins on various games, in fact I'm probably being conservative with that number. He had 2 max wins on Mental within half an hour a while back for fuck sake (on the same game at the same casino lol), but of course - like almost all of them - they happened off-screen when he was "lying in bed" on his phone.

Several other max wins have been attained while "sitting at the golf course bar" where he claims to play much higher stakes than those he plays in his videos. When he showed the replay of those Mental max wins, the screen was mysteriously - and rather crudely - cropped off so you couldn't see his balance, bet, or anything else, only the reels. He also did this for a max win replay of Sugar Rush 1000 I believe, I think it was that slot anyway but the same applied; showed the replay but the screen was badly cropped to hide the important information.

Anyway, he's been playing Crypto casinos for less than a year and has had more max wins than any other person could ever hope to hit in their lifetime, he almost always breaks even on his videos if he doesn't win (The Swarm 2 notwithstanding :laugh:) and I just find it hard to believe. I'm not alone in this - virtually all comments on his videos now are people pissed off at him for lying, for being fake, for having astronomically good luck all of a sudden and being a shill for these unregulated casinos and attempting to hoodwink his 90-odd thousand subscribers into joining and believing this kind of luck is actually possible.

What do you think?
Nah he's just made that much money of the idiots that use his links that he can afford to gamble like that now. His videos are shit now and i stopped watching round a year ago. Every video is the same 10 games now and it feels like there is no jeopardy whether he wins or not as he's obvs a millionaire now.

His videos used to be so unpredictable and funny that's why he blew up. But now its the total opposite.

He also seems very depressed for someone who is rich and does fuck all but gamble and drink all day every day.

Sad to see really. Considering he's a father and lives by himself.

I used to love watching him whenever he uploaded. Now ive missed like a 100 videos ever since he started playing at crypto casinos and I'm not going back to watch them because i already know what games are gonna be played and its just really boring now.

I don't think any wins are faked. I'm guessing the RNG feels he loses enough to justify giving him the max wins. And even if he hits a max win. Big wow 20 k he will lose that over the next few days/weeks doing sports bets and making these silly videos with 4k starting balance's. So goes right back to the casino regardless.
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I too have watched bandit for a long time and to be honest I’m on the fence, some bits don’t seem to add up and he does seem to get very lucky, but then so does my mate, sometimes. But we are not seeing a lot his losses, again allegedly.

Quite a while back I started to think that he is cherry picking videos we see and I’m still thinking that to a degree as that fits. However as for things like max wins on a video we see about 1hr of his play but some days he openly admits that he plays for hours at the bar etc some with that much play it’s no surprise that he’s going to hit big or max wins more often than “us” or a typical player.

Also love them or hate them but bonus buys do provide a quick way to bust town or to a significant win if your luck is in, and can be compared to playing an old school slot from netent etc but on like 300 a spin, so loads of losses, many 1-4x wins a few 10-20x wins and some very rare 50x sort of thing so similar result to his winning max win 15,000 from 300 on that panda game, eg actually only 50x

Soon after he started the crypto casinos I started to notice it felt he rarely lost so started tracking his videos on a spreadsheet as a watched just to see what his RTP really was running at, but only recording the actual bonus buy results.

I currently have his last 148 videos, which is actually 4,515 bonus buys and to be honest while he has indeed been lucky on many games I do have to say they are currently not massively far away from the standard deviation of expected but he’s done better than I would have expected. So you can make your own mind wether is all smoke and mirrors or genuine, I still like seeing him playing the games and giving me a heads up of ones I’m never gonna give a penny too LOL

I will post any of the stats off the sheet if anyone wants to see anything in particular but was personally going to wait till I have 5,000 buys worth of data.
I may be being hugely naive in this one but I do feel his stuff is genuine.

Few things, he seems genuinely mad on a crap bonus, despite being a weeks wages to most of us, he does keep the BB costs reasonable, not like these 2.5K+ buys I see on the thumbnails (don't watch them) from some other idiots I could mention.

He's also busted out completely quite a bit from BC Game and "the one with the numbers"

This being said, I have noticed the shilly and nasty comments have really grown on his videos, maybe these guys are more cynical than me or know something that I don't.

I do find most of them semi entertaining and decent boredom busters but do have to agree these same games are seen time and time again.

I too will never sign up using his links but have tried 2 or 3 of the games he promotes (obviously at min bet :o) but never seem to get anywhere near the luck he does. :rolleyes:

Not sure 100% either way whether I am being hood winked but arm up my back, I'd say he is 99% genuine. The VS / Mr V deal he was given was better IMO as we saw true play no BB's and got a more accurate showing of how games play in the base where UK cannot buy. However he seems to have steered well away from that giving the excuse of a ridiculously low loss limit (for him) which I feel is a bit BS given he could surpass any KYC or SoW checks quite comfortably.
Definitely used to be more entertaining when he made less videos but then again: slots used to be more entertaining back then too...

If you buy as many bonuses as he does you're bound to get max wins. Landing them naturally is going to take ages. What I don't like are his stories about those huge wins "at the bar" which he could easily record and put up as a short or add to his videos. No need to mention them if you don't show them imo. But well...

I don't blame him taking lucrative deals with those casinos. It must mean financial safety for the rest of his life and then some...
I actually couldn't imagine having to play slots all day when I'm at home week in week out month after month. And on my phone when I'm out the house.
I would be bored to tears,

My eyes would be fucked from staring at the screen that long.
And because i wear a headset i would also imagine a massive head ache all the time.

With the amount of money he clearly has, surely there's better things you can be doing with your money and your life then being at home alone, doing bonus buys on fluffy dog megaways or what ever.

Surely you would be traveling the world or doing amazing activities.
Dunno maybe that's just me.
Of course he’s legit.

He openly admits he signs deals with these casinos to provide x amount of videos of which I’ve no doubt he’s comfortably paid for.

Now you can argue that therefore he is using ‘casino’ money to fund his gambling activities but technically this is his wages rather than having the casinos fund the account/crypto wallet directly.

If you sit there doing super buy bonuses most of the day you will inevitably hit numerous max wins. The X amount win really isn’t that massive compared to the cost of the buy.

At least he was a gambler before hand as was Rolla and not like these other wankers who wouldn’t know what a gamble is. He was very active on AWP’s for many years both as a new punter and subsequently as somebody who was making a living from them.

Like him or hate him you can’t argue that he’s been a very shrewd and successful bloke.

The new style videos are not really my cup of tea personally, I still watch them but skim thru them to any games that are of interest to me.

I much prefer the old school grind style videos where he’s trying to land bonuses and u can see how much they’re costing rather than the doing the same style bonus buys on his usual selection of games.

At the moment I have about a months worth of his videos to catch up on. I’ll skim thru at some point.

At the beginning his 40p - £1 stake vids were far more realistic to me. But even those were starting to cost him to much money so he looked at the affiliate route. The rest is history and he’s made a fortune. Can’t knock the bloke for that even if he’s somebody that annoys the shit out of you.

Problem for me is that somebody who clearly is worth a few bob is sitting there doing £400 - £1k buys and spunking £4-5k a video sometimes but you know is getting paid by the casinos per video. Well that’s something that I can’t relate to on a personal level.

When I go a bag on bonanza without a feature on 80p I’m ready to smash the place up and I’m furious and I hate Dazza even more. For him that’s just 2 mins of a video sometimes……… Followed by ‘oh well…… movin on’ it means fuck all to him.
@PMKFRUITPRO - that's what I find myself doing these days as well - still watch his videos but as soon as 'Le Bandit' appears I skip past it, as well as those bloody awful 'Royal Potato' efforts and plenty of others.

I prefer when he does bonus hunt videos, playing with that super bet turned on and "5x more likely to land a bonus" or whatever it is. Most videos feature the same games though and it is a bit tedious, I do wonder if he's being paid by the providers as well as the casinos to promote a particular bunch of games. There are thousands of slots to choose from but he sticks to a select few, and whilst I am the same at home, I'm not playing for an audience.
I like his channel personally, it's the only one I ever look at apart from the odd Slotwinexcitement post. It's not fake at all, he displays all the innate pessimism of genuine slotters and uses his own money.

You need to make the distinction here of a relatively high-rolling streamer that self-funds through having their own significant means with or without the fillip of affiliate earnings to fund part or most of the inevitable losses, and those 'fake' ones who get pre-loaded accounts at the casino they play at. I can 100% confirm that that is the case as I was on two occasions in the past offered deals to live stream and that is exactly how it works - you don't risk you own money and get paid (considerably!) for an agreed monthly amount of videos produced/sessions live streamed.

He also gravitates towards the same 10-15 games consistently which is what almost all experienced genuine slot players do, which hints at personal enjoyment rather than being scripted. He's also a miserable fucker like me most of the time, which is always an indicator of someone beaten down over the years by the hopelessness of playing games with 4% house edges.

I guess the suspicion here arises from the fact he's had to go ex-jurisdiction to satiate his need for high-risk high stakes slotting, as the type of player he is has no real home in UKGC sites any longer plus he can make what YT subscribers generally demand nowadays which is all-action videos, therefore bonus buys are a necessity for him.

If what you guys mentioned above is true and he's playing a hell of a lot more than just what we see on the YT sessions, I hope he escapes any harm now and in the future. I do get a slight sense he doesn't always enjoy playing and it's a form of escapism for him. Anyway, good luck to him, the only one worth watching IMO.
He is not sitting in the twat with the hat and his ilk category.

I too find myself skipping his videos because it is the same content with slots that don't interest me. At least when he does the single slot series you know when to press the play button or not, similar to @dunover where you know what you get.

I rather watch stop and step these days.

In terms of live streaming, the only channel that I watch is Shirox, a German streamer, simply because of his dry sense of humour and the way he reacts when slots don't play the way he wants them to play which is most of the time.
@interlog I must look up that channel, sounds interesting. Does he speak German in the videos? I’m currently learning so it wouldn’t be unwelcome.

Regarding Bandit - I’m glad to read the comments here. Virtually all comments on his videos are as I said in the OP - negative, naysayers, all that - and since he’s the only one I genuinely watch, it was sullying my enjoyment somewhat because I was starting to doubt the legitimacy to be honest.
@interlog I must look up that channel, sounds interesting. Does he speak German in the videos? I’m currently learning so it wouldn’t be unwelcome.

Regarding Bandit - I’m glad to read the comments here. Virtually all comments on his videos are as I said in the OP - negative, naysayers, all that - and since he’s the only one I genuinely watch, it was sullying my enjoyment somewhat because I was starting to doubt the legitimacy to be honest.
He speaks mainly German but will also respond to English comments and questions in his chat
He's probably the best of a bad bunch, but at the end of the day anyone who lets his marriage go down the shitter because he'd rather play slots online is a complete degenerate. He strikes me as being depressed, on his way to being an alcoholic and he's in denial about it all. Streaming his videos and earning revenue allows him to continue the cycle without coming to financial harm but the physical and psychological effects will continue.

On the surface streaming slots at nosebleed stakes might look great but strip all that away and it's a pretty sad really. I've encountered some truly sick gambling addicts over the years and on the face of it he's seems to be right up there with the worst.
He's probably the best of a bad bunch, but at the end of the day anyone who lets his marriage go down the shitter because he'd rather play slots online is a complete degenerate. He strikes me as being depressed, on his way to being an alcoholic and he's in denial about it all. Streaming his videos and earning revenue allows him to continue the cycle without coming to financial harm but the physical and psychological effects will continue.

On the surface streaming slots at nosebleed stakes might look great but strip all that away and it's a pretty sad really. I've encountered some truly sick gambling addicts over the years and on the face of it he's seems to be right up there with the worst.
How do you know his marriage failed due to slot playing?
Lot of assumptions in play here, do you play Golf with the chap?
I don't think he plays with fake money
I used to watch his vids all the time but I got bored with them but I don't think it is his fault, more that the UK regulations came in which f**ked everything up for all of us
As to his personal life/problems haha please... why not just watch the vids or don't? why have to get so involved with speculating on that stuff? too many people online always up in everyone's else's business, it's sad
I guess the suspicion here arises from the fact he's had to go ex-jurisdiction to satiate his need for high-risk high stakes slotting, as the type of player he is has no real home in UKGC sites any longer plus he can make what YT subscribers generally demand nowadays which is all-action videos, therefore bonus buys are a necessity for him.
I think the warning signs for me were 3-4 years ago (start of the pandemic) when his tone started to change - saying things that didn't seem to add up, doing underhanded "do me a favour" affiliation that he couldn't mention the name of (which given he subsequently went rogue, might have been a crypto outfit anyway).

As others have mentioned, I don't think he's entered twat with a hat territory - but given he plays crypto sites and focuses on bonus buys from the very same providers as the fake crowd, he's clearly not the streamer he once was either.

I stopped watching a couple of years ago, tough to make paint drying slots look interesting at the best of times - even more-so when doing multiple videos a week.

However he seems to have steered well away from that giving the excuse of a ridiculously low loss limit (for him) which I feel is a bit BS given he could surpass any KYC or SoW checks quite comfortably.
One of the running themes of the channel before I stopped watching was the ongoing battle with SoW checks - in the sense of how long they took to complete, and how frequently they occurred.

I remember at the time being stunned that VS would be caught on camera breaching their license (and he would happily broadcast that without realising the implications, perhaps assuming they had separate UKGC licenses as almost every other conglomerate did at the time) - and naturally the UKGC did nothing about it anyway.
What u mean breaching their licence? And him broadcasting it??
One of his videos, he got hit with a SOW check shortly after starting the video and was blocked from playing. Obviously wasn't going to get that sorted immediately so he logged out and played on another site. The problem was, he switched from VS to MrV - which was the same UKGC license.

The usual cop-out of multi-operator exclusions and restrictions (e.g. Entain, WHG etc) historically was different licenses, different systems etc - but this was the same license. So he gets SOW checked, and minutes later is depositing thousands of pounds to the same license and playing unrestricted while under a SOW restriction next door.

I think the warning signs for me were 3-4 years ago (start of the pandemic) when his tone started to change - saying things that didn't seem to add up
It reminded me, this was the same era when he "didn't care about RTP" but was more than willing to shill the new VS "weekend booster" - the one that was vaulting your own money, rather than actual rakeback.
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One of his videos, he got hit with a SOW check shortly after starting the video and was blocked from playing. Obviously wasn't going to get that sorted immediately so he logged out and played on another site. The problem was, he switched from VS to MrV - which was the same UKGC license.

The usual cop-out of multi-operator exclusions and restrictions (e.g. Entain, WHG etc) historically was different licenses, different systems etc - but this was the same license. So he gets SOW checked, and minutes later is depositing thousands of pounds to the same license and playing unrestricted while under a SOW restriction next door.

It reminded me, this was the same era when he "didn't care about RTP" but was more than willing to shill the new VS "weekend booster" - the one that was vaulting your own money, rather than actual rakeback.
Ahh ok I get you. Yes that’s rather alarming.

Mind u didn’t that happen to Dazza at some point during his 3 years (and still counting) winning run on bonanza.

Didn’t he just tell the casino he’d been winning on bonanza so was able to continue running thru tens of K??? Which apparently was enough to satisfy their regulatory needs.

I mean it would be wouldn’t it??

Can you confirm Dazza as I remember u saying u weren’t gonna send them fuck all??
Ahh ok I get you. Yes that’s rather alarming.

Mind u didn’t that happen to Dazza at some point during his 3 years (and still counting) winning run on bonanza.

Didn’t he just tell the casino he’d been winning on bonanza so was able to continue running thru tens of K??? Which apparently was enough to satisfy their regulatory needs.

I mean it would be wouldn’t it??

Can you confirm Dazza as I remember u saying u weren’t gonna send them fuck all??
Yes, at Casumo I quit as it happened just after my best-ever 3 weeks on the game when I was 12.5k euros ahead in a mad run and it was ridiculously difficult.
The second time was more recent when one of my two remaining possible sites to play at was binned off as I could see the same thing occurring again when they got shirty when I was down too much at one point.

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