Hello, I'm finally looking to get my experience with online casinos out for people to consider before playing online. I have a few years with significant deposits with one and average with several other online casinos.
Currently I'm a everyday player and have been for over a year straight. The previous year and half was consistent play maybe 4-6 times a week with my average deposit being $200-$1500 each time I play. My total deposits I'm not exactly sure but it's in the neighborhood of 100k just in the last year.
Happy new years BTW it's now
12:32am 1-1-25.
I'll type and make this as direct as possible although there's alot that I've noticed and have had to deal with within this last year or 16 months that is very upsetting and very dishonest by either the site itself and or hosts as I'm a hosted player and recently reached the highest level on Bovada you can reach which is the "hall of fame" aka the "Red Room"..
When i set up my account with Bovada I mostly stuck to blackjack as that's what I've played in my local casinos for years. Also a hosted player for over 15 years with Ameristar casinos. So I'm very experienced with gambling, comps and what to expect and how to treat dealers ect. It's not uncommon for me to tip 4k in one night if I've had a good run although that is something I had to get ahold of as there's no need to tip that much but it's important to tip dealers and show the casino you appreciate the opportunity to play. And it's just a good practice especially if you do win more than a few hundred bucks once in a while. I got to the point of winning 7 out of 10 trips between 6-15k and even over 20k sometimes all with 100 or less bets usually, sometimes would play 300 hands with 3 hands going if I'd done well before.
I started playing slots online and in short order I was reaching 5k almost every day I played then 10-15k+ all on slots, on Bovada.
I made my first few withdrawals then a few more each one was over $2500 and a few were over $6k and then two days in a row i withdrew $15k each day so it was awesome but that quickly turned into nit being g able to win anything no matter the bet or slot I played it was like a restrictions was placed on my account or a secondary program was attached to the slots, I wasn't sure of how but it was very obvious that I was being restricted on winning. Countless calls and emails about slot function being different or seeing the reels change when I'd hit a winning spin. This went on for several months and I couldn't figure out what was happening as they said they don't put restrictions on players. After several months I did catch something happening and it was only part of what was happening to me. Once I received an email saying I was hosted and what a great accomplishment that was, I really didn't win anything for sometime. It was only after depositing $6k that i was able to reach $500 and that went on for a while not being able to get over 5 and it was tough even getting that. One night I had a argument with my host, which had become a normal thing as I would told or promised bonuses or larger bonuses if I continued to play like I had been, which ment depositing money. Finally I reached $2700 and I withdrew like $1600 and once again I couldn't win crap. It took almost $10k before I started having wins again so by then I knew i was being watched or interfered with when I played. Eventually all the agents and my host had the impression that I was a complete mental case or something cause I'd played back some larg wins, several times over the period of a year or more so this is what led to a phone call to my "host" threatening to not play at Bovada anymore. So a few hours later I logged in to play and the slots worked like they used to, reels spinning alot slower and i was winning! All of a sudden I received an email from my host with an emoji
winking or maybe it was wink wink but he was online watching my play and his other statement basically admitted that he was allowing or letting the wins happen that I was getting right then. So yeah the host get a notification of when a player logs in and they must have some after market or extra software or something that allows wins, how many , how much ect. But I was in shock that this person made such an error to say what he did and the wink wink asking how I was enjoying my wins. I'll leave this here but there's alot that these places will do and they do it. My phone would also get extremely hot every time I logged in to play, sometimes if I hit something an error message would appear and make me reload then I would not get wins. This went on and on many many times. I have hours of screen record showing this and more. I was told that there was technical issues that affected slots the week before, but I'd called in that week after over 10k was spun with no wins and they said nothing about technical issues. I don't belive there was it was just a convenient excuse to cover what they were doing. But they'd give me a bonus of 300 or something and that's would be spun to zero every time. Anyway I've been taken or played when I had no chance and have given up 100k and everything I'd withdrawn. My host had even promised larger bonuses if I continued to play the level I was then over a month later I asked him about that and he denied saying that then he admitted it bit said he couldn't do it .. Just complete dirt bag crap that I've never experienced with a casino host before. Then he offered me a 35% bonuses on my deposits twice a week, if i hadn't made withdrawals of course and then I was constantly shorted 300 400 or more every time and that kept me from playing with the amount I'd been promised. They made a few of them right but the damage was done, I didn't have that money to keep playing the days before and that's just another tatic I belive and they never did anything for me just more excuses saying they don't restrict blaw blaw but I have some great evidence now from multiple people there saying things they shouldn't have and the email wink wink that's a bombshell of a mistake he made. Like I said I have hours of screen record, chat logs, phone calls, emails all from and to them that in any normal sisuation would sink them in court. Now out of country poses a delicate and tricky process if someone wanted to sue a online casino but i hear its possible.
What i have is a gift from God, I'd think anyway if legal action was looked at. I'm sure there's a law firm that'd love to see all this. And yes I'm supper pissed off. Over 100k I belive and alotbof that was played when I had ZERO chance to win. So think about taking the money and running if and when ya win cause it won't last.
Currently I'm a everyday player and have been for over a year straight. The previous year and half was consistent play maybe 4-6 times a week with my average deposit being $200-$1500 each time I play. My total deposits I'm not exactly sure but it's in the neighborhood of 100k just in the last year.
Happy new years BTW it's now
12:32am 1-1-25.
I'll type and make this as direct as possible although there's alot that I've noticed and have had to deal with within this last year or 16 months that is very upsetting and very dishonest by either the site itself and or hosts as I'm a hosted player and recently reached the highest level on Bovada you can reach which is the "hall of fame" aka the "Red Room"..
When i set up my account with Bovada I mostly stuck to blackjack as that's what I've played in my local casinos for years. Also a hosted player for over 15 years with Ameristar casinos. So I'm very experienced with gambling, comps and what to expect and how to treat dealers ect. It's not uncommon for me to tip 4k in one night if I've had a good run although that is something I had to get ahold of as there's no need to tip that much but it's important to tip dealers and show the casino you appreciate the opportunity to play. And it's just a good practice especially if you do win more than a few hundred bucks once in a while. I got to the point of winning 7 out of 10 trips between 6-15k and even over 20k sometimes all with 100 or less bets usually, sometimes would play 300 hands with 3 hands going if I'd done well before.
I started playing slots online and in short order I was reaching 5k almost every day I played then 10-15k+ all on slots, on Bovada.
I made my first few withdrawals then a few more each one was over $2500 and a few were over $6k and then two days in a row i withdrew $15k each day so it was awesome but that quickly turned into nit being g able to win anything no matter the bet or slot I played it was like a restrictions was placed on my account or a secondary program was attached to the slots, I wasn't sure of how but it was very obvious that I was being restricted on winning. Countless calls and emails about slot function being different or seeing the reels change when I'd hit a winning spin. This went on for several months and I couldn't figure out what was happening as they said they don't put restrictions on players. After several months I did catch something happening and it was only part of what was happening to me. Once I received an email saying I was hosted and what a great accomplishment that was, I really didn't win anything for sometime. It was only after depositing $6k that i was able to reach $500 and that went on for a while not being able to get over 5 and it was tough even getting that. One night I had a argument with my host, which had become a normal thing as I would told or promised bonuses or larger bonuses if I continued to play like I had been, which ment depositing money. Finally I reached $2700 and I withdrew like $1600 and once again I couldn't win crap. It took almost $10k before I started having wins again so by then I knew i was being watched or interfered with when I played. Eventually all the agents and my host had the impression that I was a complete mental case or something cause I'd played back some larg wins, several times over the period of a year or more so this is what led to a phone call to my "host" threatening to not play at Bovada anymore. So a few hours later I logged in to play and the slots worked like they used to, reels spinning alot slower and i was winning! All of a sudden I received an email from my host with an emoji

What i have is a gift from God, I'd think anyway if legal action was looked at. I'm sure there's a law firm that'd love to see all this. And yes I'm supper pissed off. Over 100k I belive and alotbof that was played when I had ZERO chance to win. So think about taking the money and running if and when ya win cause it won't last.