@mcgameboy, I echo your pain. Take what you will from this, I am just saying it as I see it. I couldn’t give a stuff what the rose tinted glasses keep telling us, I know what I am witnessing.
My gameplay for the past 18 months has been horrific, without exaggeration. I lost count of the times that I could play through £300 without seeing one single bonus and on occasions when I did trigger one, it paid less than x10.
Online slotting has become a complete piss take. I accept that you’re going to lose eventually but the manner in which I lost a lot of those deposits was totally unbelievable. Just completely rinsed again and again.
What I have realised, is that there is nobody overseeing FairPlay worth a shit. To be honest the complete lack of regulators has lead to where we are at.
Early days:
Lots of players, not so many providers, games and Casinos, lots of great bonuses = Everybody happy. Pie big enough for everyone.
Mid point:
More providers, games, Casinos = not so many great bonuses, not everybody happy, lots of players self excluding. Something has to suffer, pie not big enough for everyone to have a decent slice.
The end:
As with everything, nothing lasts forever especially when there is an optimum ceiling. Well from the provider and Casino point of view, the resources are the people who are prepared to gamble. Although a huge amount, the number is still exhaustible.
There will be an optimum point that is reached before it starts to decline. A point where more people are self-excluding or running out of money, than there are, new player’s joining.
What happens when that point is reached? Imo the market has itself to blame. Too many providers, too many Casinos and far too many games than was sustainable. The only solution is to payout less so reduce rtp, which we have seen. In this case, the only one losing out is the player.
The only other thing they can do is run games at a much lower rtp than advertised. Against the rules? What rules? Who and where are these organisations that make these rules and exactly which organisations oversee that these rules are implemented and being adhered to?
Back in the day, we had compensated games that openly stated that they paid out 84% and I tell you something, they played better than this so called random shite. that allegedly pays out 94%.
Even if Casinos are monitored and audited, what is the standard requirement? Let’s not forget here, the Casinos on face value will be totally exempt, even if something untoward was found. Their get out of jail free card is, that we just host the games, we don’t create or regulate them.
The providers get out of jail free card is, well it passed testing at blind Pew’s school of excellence and the games are (yes that word beginning with r) so I am SURE it will have levelled up by your next visit, wink wink.
It’s a smart castle that has been built. Impenetrable by its very nature. You’ll never get answers because the people who live in the castle would quickly extradite any of their own who dare to leave unwanted items on the doorstep.
When you get very experienced players, (and I am not referring to myself only) who have been playing online without a hint of discontent for years, suddenly questioning the legitimacy of what they are witnessing, you can’t just ignore it or put it down to coincidence. Something is dreadfully amiss.