Sven-Goran Eriksson

Aug 29, 2012
Veteran ex-football manager Sven-Goran Eriksson has passed at the age of 76 after a long battle with cancer.

He of the mild demeanour and more mistresses than I've had hot dinners, he'd forged a stellar reputation in Italian football, notably Lazio, which led to his eventual appointment as England Manager, becoming the first foreign manager to take the helm.

Leading the Golden Generation into three tournaments followed, and whilst he couldn't break the cycle of failure, no one will forget that 5-1 trouncing of Germany, and he'll always be remembered as being a true gentleman, unlike today's blowhards. R.I.P 🙏

Sad to hear Sven has left this world, he did provide some memories as his time as England manager.

The golden generation flattered to deceive, but I don’t believe many other managers would have got much more out of that team. The WAGS, the Tabloids, it was all a bit too much really.

RIP Sven
Decent manager tbf and decent bloke by all accounts.

Liked a punt as well apparently.

Rumour has it, he wanted one last feature on bonanza before he went, but the 5 days before he passed weren’t enough, despite being on auto play 24/7.

I will play for one feature for him later. When I get in from my all day bender. Whatever it pays will be sent to a cancer charity.

Yes, a noble chap, his playing career ended at 27 but he never stopped scoring throughout his life and in between managed several clubs and countries. Yes, Owen's hattrick in Munich was the highlight despite reaching 3 quarter finals, England's traditional tournament barrier. And Beckham saving his arse with that incredible last-minute free kick against Greece, and Roo-mania in Portugal 2004. RIP Sven.
Great kiss and tell story of him making sure the dishes got put away before he made love with one of his conquests on the kitchen island.
How did the multi millionaire Sven get to pull Faria Alam and that blond Swedish lass?
You've been watching that Mrs Merton clip with Debbie McGee again, haven't you?

PS If David Mellor (the Tory MP who was, at his "peak" (PAH!), LESS sexually attractive than an ACTUAL FUCKING ORANGUTAN) :eek::eek2: can occasionally get his fucking end away :eek::eek2:, then Sven was never going to have any trouble landing some totty, was he?

Taken from the post I wrote on my own personal Facebook Page yesterday morning after hearing this sad news:

Very sad news. Saw him when he brought Man City to Ashton Gate back in 2007 for a League Cup Fixture, during our Play Off Final Season.

They beat us 2-1. Throughout the match the whole crowd was singing ‘Sven Goran Eriksson’.

RIP Sven

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