Here is another one I just received!!
same setup, again one of the affiliate ID's used in the mailings over the last month: vegas22
Hi-Roller is one of todays leading online casinos.
As one of the oldest and most established online casino, Hi-Roller caters not only to the serious seasoned gambler, but also to players new to the online gaming experience.
Complete with over 85 games featuring state-of-the-art graphics (powered by PlayTech software,) a knowledgeable and helpful 24/7 phone and live chat support team, fast payouts, and a payout rate of over 97%, Hi-Roller is THE PLACE to be!
Come grab your $888 Welcome Bonus today!
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Created: 2006-07-16 ! again the old sheme, just a few days before the spamming starts the domain was registered....
Laurent, you told us Casino Partners cut ties with this "agency"...
Close this and all the other affiliate accounts for sending spam!!!
If you can't find all the accociated affiliate accounts I just post them here again:
vegas1, vegas2, vegas3, vegas4, vegas5, vegas6, vegas7, vegas8, vegas9 vegas10, vegas11, vegas12, vegas13, vegas14, vegas15, vegas16, vegas17, vegas18, vegas19, vegas20, vegas21, vegas22, vegas23, vegas24, vegas25, vegas30, vegas31, vegas32, vegas33, vegas34, vegas35, vegas36, vegas37, vegas38, vegas39 vegas40, vegas43, vegas45, vegas46, vegas47, vegas48, vegas49, vegas50, vegas51, vegas52, vegas53, vegas54, vegas55, vegas56, vegas57, vegas58, vegas59, vegas60, vegas61, vegas62, vegas63, vegas64, vegas65, vegas66, vegas67, vegas68, vegas69, vegas70, vegas71
momo1, momo2, momo3, momo4, momo5
check out my last post here to discover who really is behind this so called "advertising agency":
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are you trying to tell that you guys working over years with an marketing agency what is using absolutly illegally methods?
-like hiding their true identity,
-modifying header informations and stuff,
-sending e-mails using hijacked computers and
-hosting sites on hijacked servers?
-Registering hundreds of domains within days, using fake registration informations for those domains like:
-Central Intelligence Agency
-United States Agency for International Development
-Environmental Protection Agency
-Food Standards Agency
-Radiocommunications Agency
-Air Fresh Technologies
-Slando Investment
-Soronte Vine Shop
-African Souvenir Store
-African and Asian Accessories
-Saltero Pizza
just to name a few out of a few hundred...
OK, you said CP cut ties with this company, do you mind revealing the name and information on this so called "advertising agency"? Maybe some guys are interested to get them known, allone the modified e-mail headers are a serios crime.... just not to think about using open relays to send their spam e-mails and hosting their sites on hijacked servers....
This "advertising agency" is not really an real agency... isn't it?
I just post a part of my post here, you can read the full story here:
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......Now, this guys there are no rookys when it comes to spam, they ping the servers, trace the IP's and doing all kinds of stuff to discover things... Then they monitor the servers and providers.... First they go the usual way, contacting the providers and registrars and stuff, but in cases like this it not really works...
Pretty fast was clear that this Hi Roller Spam had his point of orgin probably at the top 3 of the worlds worst spammers: Alex Blood, Michael Lindsay and Leo Kuvayev.... Thats basicly the creme dela creme of the internationally spam business... read more about this guys at
Here is how those guys shut down the Hi-Roller Casino Domains within hours....
They use a tool called .......
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What about all the other spam e-mails what are using another template of yours, (Casino Tropez) This e-mails are also still comming in!!! Did you guys just cut ties with the "advertising agency" for the english speaking contrys?
I mean It shure looks this way if I now get the same e-mails, same messages, same advertisements only to my .de e-mail adresses all in german??? Is this some kind of tactic to use .com domains for the english laguage market and .info domains for the german market?
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Spielen Sie Roulette gegen Live-Dealer in Green Table!
Erfahren Sie den Nervenkitzel eines wirklichen Kasinos auf Ihrem PC.
Gleiche Spiele, gleicher Nervenkitzel, BESSERE CHANCEN!
Spielen Sie jetzt!
Affiliate ID: omega
If you download the software you download it from a seperate domain:
Both domains are registered at the same time like all the hundred other ones, 19-Jun-2006 19-Jun-2006
both are registered to:
Registrant Name: Private Person Private Person
Registrant Organization: Private Person
Registrant Street1
ost Office Box 301763
The following domains I discovered doing a reverse IP check, all are setup the same using the "green table" template (Casino Tropez)
3,804 Domains for (
Most of this 3.800 domains are setup for selling fake luxury watches, another spam business I myself and a few million other internet users receive advertising e-mails for almost daily.... but on this server are also setup a few domains for green table casino (Casino Tropez): Created On:26-Apr-2006 Affiliate ID: hm44bu Created On:23-Jun-2006 Affiliate ID: hm44bu Created On:02-Jul-2006 Affiliate ID: hm44bu Created On:10-Jul-2006 Affiliate ID: omega Created On:13-Jul-2006 Affiliate ID: hm44bu Created On:13-Jul-2006 Affiliate ID: hm44bu
all of the domains download the software from
some of this domains were also used already back in may for spamming, mostly in the german market.... I don't think I need to post all the info when and how they were spammed here too, it should be enough to get the picture....
The spamming for Vegas Red stopped about three days ago, now it seems to start again....
Actually in my opinion it didn't really stop, there were just different e-mail lists used and the amount of emails sent was decresed....
Laurent, it would be nice to get an honest explanation here!