Happy Belated Birthday Mousey!!!


Forum Cheermeister
Staff member
Jun 30, 1998
Here's to a great gal who shares her birthday on the same day as mine: Happy Belated Birthday Mousey!!


:cheers: Hope it was a great one!! :yahoo:
Another valuable member who i feel i need to at least address, all be it rather belated:
Mousey, as a real old timer, that is in house furniture, with a - proven to be - genuine helpful soul, and mostly informative postings, with the occasional blog-style rant about refrigerators and/or slice of life stories, you probably know your own value to this forum very well...

In case you didn't: i just wanted to say that i really have always appreciated your presence here, and why not come out and share this on your (belated) B-Day? So here i am! :lolup:

Hope you had a great day, and have many more years to come.. i wish you good health and lots of luck in 2017, which is already close around the corner.

A virtual toast to you, with real alcohol::cheers: Cheers!

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