Greetings from USA


Feb 4, 2025
Hello to one and all,

I go by CarpeNoctem, and I live in the USA. May I start off by saying thank you for this website and these forums. I am hoping to gain resolution to an issue I've been having with a casino which I shall not name here. Now with that being said.....
Holy Moses, there is a lot of what seems to be really really good information here at casinomeister! I truly am happy that I stumbled across this in my search for help, I look forward to perusing more at my leisure.

I chose the screen name because I am preferential to the night time, seems like that's when I'm most productive.

So a little more about me.... I enjoy cooking and literally can make the best meatloaf, and the most delicious omelettes. Recently in the last year or so I stumbled across the Blackstone flat tops..... Man oh man I've come up with some really good stuff with that.

Well I hope to visit with some of you in the future and we'll see what kind of resolution I can get with my issue and will report on that, hopefully with a positive outcome as I truly despise negativity and I do my best not to be that way.

Now, y'all take care, good luck, and remember to check out the casino you're considering depositing in, here at casinomeister..... Sure wish I had, kind of, but on the other hand if I didn't have my issue I would have never found you, and that my fellows would be my real loss!
Hello to one and all,

I go by CarpeNoctem, and I live in the USA. May I start off by saying thank you for this website and these forums. I am hoping to gain resolution to an issue I've been having with a casino which I shall not name here. Now with that being said.....
Holy Moses, there is a lot of what seems to be really really good information here at casinomeister! I truly am happy that I stumbled across this in my search for help, I look forward to perusing more at my leisure.

I chose the screen name because I am preferential to the night time, seems like that's when I'm most productive.

So a little more about me.... I enjoy cooking and literally can make the best meatloaf, and the most delicious omelettes. Recently in the last year or so I stumbled across the Blackstone flat tops..... Man oh man I've come up with some really good stuff with that.

Well I hope to visit with some of you in the future and we'll see what kind of resolution I can get with my issue and will report on that, hopefully with a positive outcome as I truly despise negativity and I do my best not to be that way.

Now, y'all take care, good luck, and remember to check out the casino you're considering depositing in, here at casinomeister..... Sure wish I had, kind of, but on the other hand if I didn't have my issue I would have never found you, and that my fellows would be my real loss!
Welcome to the forum, and hope the outcome will be of your liking
Thank you for the welcome..... Ahhhh, so far so good, I do not wish to jinx anything.
I will say this, thank you to this platform and all that are involved. 🤔 I do not believe in coincidence. Update to come soon.

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