

Dormant account
Jul 8, 2006
right here
Bingoland consists of the following sites networked into a common game.....rubybingo, kiwibingo, tikibingo, missbingo, onlybingo, bingo777, mapaubingo, youbingo, barakabingo, prestige-bingo, festivebingo, bingoday, bingobroadway and bingofantasy.

There is a CM there that has given friends free unearned bbs, giving certain players an advantage. The CM has been recently allowed a name change, which was confirmed by an email from the owner of the operation.

I was one of those friends that was given free unearned bbs, so I know for a fact it did occur. Bingoland has all the proof they need of it happening, but has thus far refused to look into the matter, because the cm involved is the manager's daughter. All they need to do is look at the dates, times and players involved to see the bbs were given out by the CM to 2 different players that did not match enough numbers on the chat game involved. Not just once, but several times over several different days it happened.
I have been playing at Bingoland for quite some time and find it to be a great place to play. CMs are very nice and helpful as are all the players. Everyone who comes in chat is made to feel welcome. I have won quite a few games and lost a lot more but that is why they call it gambling lol. They have a lot of special games and a lot of ways to win bbs which help my budget. The person who posted earler has some personal issues with a few people who work there so I hope anyone reading this will give Bingoland a try and form their own opinion. :)
Good Luck wherever you play
The person who posted earler has some personal issues with a few people who work there

Sorry, but that doesn't negate the fact that free bbs were given out to friends and one cm there accepts HUGE "gifts" from certain players.

The bingoland network has also kept at least 2 jps for themselves, one was 1100 the other was over 11,000...which is the players' money and they have no right to keep.
As far as the JPs are concerned I have seen no proof of this happening.

As for the "gifts" the player who is supposed to have given them doesn't seem to win very often so where is the advantage?

And as for the bbs that were supposed to be given out I haven't seen the person you accused of taking them win any more games than other players so it didn't do them much good if she did indeed receive them. You claim to have gotten them at same time and you were playing for several weeks after it allegedly happened so didn't you have an unfair advantage over the rest of the players? Why didn't you say something at the time? Why did you remain silent until you were involved in a personal argument with the manager and CM?

I am not going to get into an argument with you over this Gots, your personal issues are of no concern to me! I just don't like to see you posting this kind of stuff and trying to give bingoland a reputation that it doesn't deserve.

I still believe in Bingoland, it's manager and all the CMs who, as far as I can see, treat everyone with respect and kindness. They have no house players, the games are run fairly and everyone has a chance to win!
I am not going to get into an argument with you over this Gots

Terrific, since you have no argument.

CM Roxy aka CM Venus, by proof of an email from matt c the owner of bingoland, did give bbs to 2 people and they are jcn4redsox and myself. Whether you choose to believe this or not is not my concern, since there is proof of it in bingolands records. It is my concern to let paying customers know there is a crooked cm at bingoland and that crooked cms mother is the manager, so nothing gets done. If CM Roxy was willing to give bbs to her friends for nothing, I can just imagine how many she gave to JBar for half a jp in the amount of $3500 and I have the conversation that proves she indeed did give that much and more to CM Roxy.

You didn't see where one jp was taken back from a player, because you chose not to look at the photo of it.
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It was never even mentioned as being won in the newsletter and it was never put back in the jp amount. You don't know about the $11k jp that was never paid out, because you weren't privvy to the information. Did you actually think Carol would announce that in chat? CM Cody's boyfriend is the one that won the 11k jp, masremind, and he was never paid, but hey that's your money, if you don't wish to inquire about it, that's up to you, but once again, the paying players out there have a right to know.

Spend your money where you want, it is a known fact you live near CM Roxy and speak to her frequently and that's fine, but don't you dare diminish the crap her and her mother have done to the paying players of that network. By all means, keep your blinders on, but eventually I can guarantee you'll see the light. Just don't get too close to either of them.
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Well since you seem to have all the answers I would like to know something else. Where is it a known fact that I live near Roxy and speak to her frequently??? Last time I checked Chicago was a long way from Texas. I have never spoken to anyone from Bingoland outside of chat. Guess your info not as good as you thought lmaooooooo. And since there are soooo many players in bingoland I wonder how come you seem to be the only one who has all the inside scoop? I would think that more players would be posting stuff on forums but so far you seem to be the only one. Wonder why that is???
gots' may have issues within the site, but she did work there once and became close friends with Roxy. In turn, a fall out. Who cares, the giving out of free BBS for not being earned is simply wrong period ! It shouldn't matter how many since it does only take 1 card to win. The bottom line is. I know nobody personally and I had complained for years about the CMM Carol. She is rude and unprofessional with most. She has had numerous complaints in chat and in forums about her personality. Considering we pay real money and thus her salary as well, it should not matter who you are, she should treat all players equally. Now then something that everyone should be aware of is :
16th May 2006, 05:26 AM
Double Sixes Join Date: Jun 2005
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I work with all the Bingoland sites and have had good experiences with most of them, both as an affiliate and as a player.

Mapau, Ruby, You, Tiki, Kiwi, Only and Miss are good sites. Bingoland has good withdrawal rules (no wagering requirement on BBs) and strict network rules.

The others are smaller and I have heard some horror stories about withdrawals from other forum owners

This is Management people. come on.. He posted that right here and we all know the rules state no employees or immediate family can play at Bingoland, but I suppose Management is alright. I don't think so.
Not only are the players playing against free BBS not deserved, but they are playing family and friends of CM's they are playing the Management, while at the same time being treated like garbage from Carol the head CM, who knowingly covered up for her daughter's very bad mistakes and this was confirmed by Matt himself.

Keep playing the house, not me !

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I would think that more players would be posting stuff on forums but so far you seem to be the only one. Wonder why that is???

I am by far not the only one that can see the problems with bingoland. You on the other hand, instead of looking at what's going on with the site choose to want to get in an argument as to whether you know roxy/venus or not and that's your choice to take that direction, but we both know the truth on that issue, so it's done as far as I'm concerned.

The players that are there now are "hooked" on the game itself and so they close their eyes to what's actually wrong and there's nothing that can be done about that until they see the light...a few already have seen it and have left there.

My goal is to warn potential bingo players about the wrong doings of bingoland and the people that work there, not to get in a dispute with you. In time you will wake up to it I'm sure, just hope you don't lose too much between now and then.
closed doors

I have been playing at bingo land for a long time.I love that bingo.but recently with the law change alot of the sites have just up and closed the doors.This pisses me off.there is no pre warning of this.1 of there sites mapua bingo recently did this.I just hope that they honor there payouts.not looking good though.totaling 3,800.00.So as for bingo land i can no longer trust them if they can not control the sites to pay out.It's not fair and you all should be warned about could happen to you.
Thank you,
Gots said:
There is a CM there that has given friends free unearned bbs, giving certain players an advantage. The CM has been recently allowed a name change, which was confirmed by an email from the owner of the operation.

I was one of those friends that was given free unearned bbs, so I know for a fact it did occur.

rules state no employees or immediate family can play at Bingoland

gots' may have issues within the site, but she did work there once and became close friends with Roxy

Gots said:
Are there house players? Who knows, but just like kaufman, I've not seen one shred of proof or evidence that house players exist, just whiners that need to blame someone.

:lolup: ummmm yes.....that would make you living proof that house players do exist.
LOL, um no. That would give me and jcn4redsox an advantage over other players. We were not playing for the house. Any money won could be withdrawn at any time.
did you work there and play there?
even though employees are not allowed to play there if they work there?
did you have to follow all of the rules, terms, and conditions in which all funding players are required to follow to cash out?

In my Opinion:

A house player would be any person or thing that does not have to abide by the same rules and conditions as every other funding player.

A house player is anyone or anything that doesnt fund by the methods given to all players. ie. neteller, cc, ect.

A house player is any employee paid or given credits, bonus dollars, or any other means and plays at the site they are associated with.

A house player is any person or thing which is created by any site employee, chat host, or volunteer to keep funds, money, and/or prizes from going to anyone who has funded their own money to play in games.

A house player is anyone or anything which gives the house or employee or volunteer an advantage over any person who has placed thier own monies into a site and which abided by all terms and conditions that players are all required to follow.

In other words....a house player is someone unlike the average real funding player.
Real players fund with real money from their own pocket and follow the T&C that all players are expected to follow.

A house player can be a real person or a created name which plays for the house.

The only exception to the things i have listed would be the free money that every player claims when they this is fairly given to all one time.

This is only my opinion of what I consider to be a house player.
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Nice breakdown WWDK, that pretty well somes it up on how many feel to I am sure.

Gots said >
LOL, um no. That would give me and jcn4redsox an advantage over other players. We were not playing for the house. Any money won could be withdrawn at any time.

Admits openly she had advantage over other players on UNEARNED BBS. Either way playing for the house or yourself as you put it, you were capable of winning REAL depositors fair & square money & EARNED BBS against your freebies from a CM for nothing you earned nor deserved. I am sure many of us do NOT want to play against ANY site that allows this. I thanked you for making me aware of this behavior as well as ELI FELDBUM for admitting he plays there and is the HEAD Manager of Mapau... My opinion ~> that is most definitely playing the house as well as their family & friends ~!

Any money won could be withdrawn at any time

We were not playing for the house. Any money won could be withdrawn at any time.
It's sounds to me she's not a house player
If she put her own money in the pot.
If you have the right card you Win
I'm glad to see the gang is here. The B.C.B
Hey whatwedontknow thanks for them inbox letters I hope you the same.
But I know where i'm going "Heaven"
Merry Christmas
hey T...catch up . It wasnt her own money she played with

Gots said:

There is a CM there that has given friends free unearned bbs, giving certain players an advantage. The CM has been recently allowed a name change, which was confirmed by an email from the owner of the operation.

I was one of those friends that was given free unearned bbs, so I know for a fact it did occur.

Glad to see ya made it to this topic also....wanna cloth for the brown on your nose?
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It's sounds to me she's not a house player
If she put her own money in the pot.
If you have the right card you Win

I was never a house player. I only read the first sentence of the bpu person this time, don't care to read the rest and I totally skipped over the one after her, another bpu person.

Her first sentence is incorrect, so that's all I needed to see. Bingoland didn't allow it's employees to play if they were employed there. Where that came about it beyond me.

House player, one who plays for the house in order to give the house an edge. The house gets it's cut no matter who buys cards. The only way I can see a player being a so called house player is for that player to have an agreement with the house that they will never cash out any winnings, thereby making sure the house never pays out anything on those pots that the player wins. Any situation in which the player can cash out winnings makes that player a joe shmo off the street.

jcn4redsox and I got bbs for free from a crooked cm. That made us have a slight edge on other players that were playing in the same pots and that was only after all cash in both accounts were gone. We could cash out anytime we felt like it, thereby making the house pay money. Hm, not sure where anyone can try and twist that to say we were house players, but then again, we are talking about posters from bpu that like to try and twist things to their liking and say oh look at us, we said something....great.

Merry Christmas BingoT and don't worry about the bpu'ers, they seem to understand very little and twist things to please themselves, so they can pat each other on the back and say wtg!
Bingo Cry Babies

I'm glad to see the gang is here. The B.C.B
Oh I forgot to say what this means B.C.B
Bingo Cry Babies
I know Gots you get to like them more with the funny @#$% they come out with and you don't even have to pay for it.
You have to Love them
jcn4redsox and I got bbs for free from a crooked cm. That made us have a slight edge on other players that were playing in the same pots and that was only after all cash in both accounts were gone. We could cash out anytime we felt like it, thereby making the house pay money. Hm, not sure where anyone can try and twist that to say we were house players, but then again, we are talking about posters from bpu that like to try and twist things to their liking and say oh look at us, we said something....great.

The only thing I can truly say here is you admit to having an advantage and TAKING those freebies to play AGAINST HONEST DEPOSITORS without that same edge' therefore you played ON UNEARNED HOUSE MONEY ~!
If there is ANY player that wants to play against such behavior and odds than all I can say is you are dumber than most and deserve every loss when people admit to them playing FREE against your hard earned money. This was posted at Casino Meister in case you had forgotten where you were yet (again) , not BPU ~!!! You can say whatever you like against BPU. They have a great reputation of helping people regardless of what you feel personally. You both dug your own hole there and now you are simply hateful and vindictive. I certainly hope readers can see the post for what they are posted for which is Bingoland & House Players and you proving just that.

Originally Posted by BingoT
I'm glad to see the gang is here. The B.C.B

Oh I forgot to say what this means B.C.B
Bingo Cry Babies
I know Gots you get to like them more with the funny @#$% they come out with and you don't even have to pay for it.
You have to Love them

By all means Brian, allow this inappropriate behavior which goes against your own rules. They set such a great example of professionals. They dangle the carrot & when it gets bit.. only the biter gets nailed ~!

did you work there and play there?
even though employees are not allowed to play there if they work there?
did you have to follow all of the rules, terms, and conditions in which all funding players are required to follow to cash out?

In my Opinion:

A house player would be any person or thing that does not have to abide by the same rules and conditions as every other funding player.

A house player is anyone or anything that doesnt fund by the methods given to all players. ie. neteller, cc, ect.

A house player is any employee paid or given credits, bonus dollars, or any other means and plays at the site they are associated with.

A house player is any person or thing which is created by any site employee, chat host, or volunteer to keep funds, money, and/or prizes from going to anyone who has funded their own money to play in games.

A house player is anyone or anything which gives the house or employee or volunteer an advantage over any person who has placed thier own monies into a site and which abided by all terms and conditions that players are all required to follow.

In other words....a house player is someone unlike the average real funding player.
Real players fund with real money from their own pocket and follow the T&C that all players are expected to follow.

A house player can be a real person or a created name which plays for the house.

The only exception to the things i have listed would be the free money that every player claims when they this is fairly given to all one time.

This is only my opinion of what I consider to be a house player.

In the industry, a house player is a person hired by a Bingo, Poker room or backgammon etc where multiple players compete for a jackpot.

This person is paid by the hour to sit there and play and chat and make people feel welcome.

The house provides the pot and any winnings by the houseplayer go back into that pot until there are enough natural players to make the house player and the provided pots unnecessary.

That's a house player. It's a job with hourly wages and has nothing whatsoever to do with winning or losing.

In the early days the poker rooms used to advertise for house players frequently.

However you choose to describe a houseplayer is your business, but it has nothing to do with the industry definition. I don't see why you have to give the people who do this type of work a bad name. They are simply lucky enough to be paid to sit there and play a game they like.
T said >
I think Bryan locked threads your gang has started in here What's that tell ya
And WOL put your thread in the trash in the @#$% pile.What's that tell ya.

Honestly, If he allows this it tells me he has his little favorites that can do whatever, whenever & to whomever they want regardless of whether they abide by the same rules as others or not ~! Guess we shall all see together now huh..


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