On November 7, several media outlets and Telegram channels broke news of a massive personal data leak from international betting platform 1win. According to sources, over 450 million rows of data – including clients‘ names, surnames, phone numbers, and email addresses – have been exposed. A Russian-language Telegram channel reports that a user named ’fe0dor posted the leaked database on the forum exploit.in.
Later that evening, the Owner 1win Telegram channel, reportedly run by the platform‘s founder and CEO, confirmed the 1win data breach. The channel’s author acknowledged that a portion of the companys database had indeed been breached, compromising data of 100 million users. They also revealed that the attackers attempted to blackmail the 1win team.
There are rumors that hackers spammed the 1Win support team with fraudulent links. How do you feel about this, in light of the events in which Russia has been involved in recent years?
Later that evening, the Owner 1win Telegram channel, reportedly run by the platform‘s founder and CEO, confirmed the 1win data breach. The channel’s author acknowledged that a portion of the companys database had indeed been breached, compromising data of 100 million users. They also revealed that the attackers attempted to blackmail the 1win team.
There are rumors that hackers spammed the 1Win support team with fraudulent links. How do you feel about this, in light of the events in which Russia has been involved in recent years?